No one person has ever been in control of nuclear weapons anywhere.Thank God, because the last thing we want is Trump or Clinton in control of the Nuke Button.
Now, back to TRUMP WINNING !!!
No one person has ever been in control of nuclear weapons anywhere.Thank God, because the last thing we want is Trump or Clinton in control of the Nuke Button.
Clinton may well be prosecuted in time. Who knows? Prosecution alone can be evidence of little more than political will where politics is itself at the heart of the matter, but until and unless she is and until and unless the thing is fully examined and that examination meets the threshold for conviction, it's simply irresponsible to make declarations of guilt.
What profession?
Well done, TH.
Doser's last profession was as a substitute recess monitor for an elementary school, but it appears that he has lost that job too. My OPINION is that the school board found about about his tendency towards sadism. you want to insult me now
In your opinion, do you feel that Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder...
You go ahead and wave your banner of resposibility then, you are an officer of the court, I am not, and with that I as a citizen dont feel the need to tread lightly where enough facts have been presented to establish guilt. My precedents are the people that have been convicted of much less for the same crime. It really doesn't matter what Hillary's intent was, the statute she is guilty of breaking does not require intent just negligence to which she was willfully negligent given she signed documents to handle, store, & secure government records in keeping with this staute ie. on a proper government servor. So I will stand with the legal experts & former judges that have assigned guilt to this woman the same as I, that may irk you, it may violate your sensibilities TH but, I am old school, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & quacks like a duck it is safe to assert it is a duck, same goes for this case, Hillary willfully broke the law having a private servor to handle, store, and transmit government information this fact is undisputable as well as the fact that she attempted to destroy these same records when caught. Whether we are talking about classified information or not has yet to be clear but, the fact that she admittedly broke the law for the former makes her a felon so, you hold your opinion but, I will call it as it is...a felony. I will not attempt to lecture you on your chosen profession nor do I even claim to be an expert but, I do however reserve the right to call it as it is outside of a conviction for such because enough facts have been presented to establish guilt, Hillary is just a felon that has yet to be convicted.
i hate to say it, but town is right on this one - the definition of felon is a person who has been convicted of a felony - hillary is certainly a criminal, but not a felon
not yet
OK, you can stand with TH then, I will continue to call the criminal what she is...a felon.
how about "she deserves to be a felon"?
or, "she has committed felonies (or felonious acts)"
If a person commits a felony or felonious act what should said person be called?
rocketdude said::think: I would call said person a felon...simple as that.
felon 1 Pronunciation: /ˈfelən/ noun A person who has been convicted of a felony. |
a criminal
from the OED:
felon 1
Pronunciation: /ˈfelən/
A person who has been convicted of a felony.
No, I only met an assertion that you might need to teach me the law ...
I think Newt would be a wise choice for VPOn another note...I remember when Chrys had Newt Gingrich as his avatar, do you all think Chrys' head will explode if Trump picks Newt for Veep? or another cabinet position? Just polling the community here. :chuckle:
Yeah, maybe not Newt but who ? Do you have a short list ?isn't he like ninety years old?
for trump's veep pick?
Bernie! :banana:
for trump's veep pick?
Bernie! :banana:
Yeah, maybe not Newt but who ? Do you have a short list ?
That's exactly the sort of thing he would do. Merge with a competitor to access more market and shut another competitor out.
That's pure business.