godrulz said:
You are talking about the physical universe. God is distinct from creation. His eternal spirit is not affected by physical phenomenon. God is not 'in' time frames unless you wrongly assume time is space and space is time. They are not identical.
Physics is the physical universe. Thats what physics means in Greek - Nature. This has already been stated. I have accepted God as being the creator and outside nature as well you know, I'm agnostic not an atheist. You are just trying to cover your tracks to protect Open Theism even though you have started to accept that it does not hold true.
Does God know the future? Yes. He correctly knows it as unsettled, open, possible, or probable. The aspects He knows as settled are things He purposes to bring to pass (Is. 46; 48). i.e. two motifs in Scripture.
Pinnock: "Aspects of the future, being unsettled, are not yet wholly known even to God. It does not mean that God is ignorant of something He ought to know, but that many things in the future are only possible and not yet actual. Therefore, He knows them correctly as possible and not actual."
Semantics. 'Does God know the future' as in does He know what is going to happen in the future. You answer "Yes....Correctly as possible but not actual" which is a conditional 'No'. This is contradictory to an omnipresent God for reasons already stated. Sorry but there it is. This is you covering your tracks.
God sees things as they are and correctly differentiates past, present, and future.
Past, present and future to whom. If you accept an omnipresent God and time dilation then you accept different time frames and what is past, present and future to you may be different to me. To God everything is past, everything is present, everything is future because He can be in anyone time frame which fits these things. He can do it by being outside physics.
On the contrary it is you who is trying to contain God by saying He experiences time as we do.
You did not realise when you stated your claims of Open Theism that different bodies in different states witness time dilation relative to our own.
Two main theories on time:
A (process)* common sense view (like we live by) the past is gone, the future is not yet, only the present now exists.
B (static/Augustinian) all of time exists simultaneously
Exhaustive foreknowledge of future free will contingencies is illogical/absurd:
Metaphysics against a physical argument....sorry it doesn't apply, you've been confusing the two for a long time now. I am not going to be drawn into such a metaphysical argument because I don't need to in order to refute open theism.
If an act be free, it must be contingent (equal possibility of being or not being). If contingent, it may or may not happen, or it may be one of many possibles. And if it may be one of many possibles, it must be uncertain; and if uncertain, it must be unknowable.
Cause and effect argument....again not going to get drawn into it as its not relevant. Keep on topic. If God is omnipresent and time dilation exists then God knows our future if for no other reason than it can be seen as past to Him.
If you dispute time dilation then the practical application of the science can be shown to you just like if you didn't believe in flight I could show you a plane flying.
If you dispute the omnipresence of God then that is your call. I'll throw the argument over to the regular Christians.
If you accept both omnipresence and time dilation then Open-Theism crumbles.
I would put your physical theories through the screen of self-evident principles, not vice versa.
We have, thats why we observe the theory. We observed the theory and made practical uses for it. SatNav for one. On the contrary if you apply open theism to logic and the scientific nature of the universe that we have observed then open theism if found to be lacking.
Your view leads to determinism in the end.
No it doesn't. This is the start of another cause and effect argument and I'm not biting because I don't need to go near cause and effect to refute open theism.
How can it dishonor Him to know things as they really are?
Exactly, time dilation works, it can be observed so why are you opposed to it. Why does it dishonor Him to understand 'how the world works' a.k.a. science.
If you are an open theist you either dispute that God is omnipresent or the theory behind time dilation.
I can show you time dilation as surely as I can show you flight by taking you to the airport.
Isn't it easier to not be an open thiest than it is to believe that God isn't everywhere