Does Everyone Agree with Bob?

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Does Everyone Agree with Bob?

This is the show from Tuesday July 28th, 2009.

If you tell [people] about Buddha they don't get upset. If you tell them about Jesus Christ they get angry. So that's a sign to us, that's a clue that Christianity is true and Buddhism is false.


* Or just Mike, Shawn, Phil, Richard, & Tony: the gates of hell professor from Harvard was in the wrong, and the officer should have simply left.

* Post-show Crowley Story: Did you know that if you get a crow angry, it will remember your face, and weeks later and even miles away, it will squawk at you, and then other crows will learn to view you as a threat. Soon enough, wherever you go in the region, crows will squawk at you. Did you know that? Hey, can we possibly use a human-like puppet with the face of an abortionist pasted on it to anger some crows? Hmmm...

Today’s Resource: SPECIAL: Order Bob Enyart’s Plot Bible seminars on five CDs for only $99.99 and save! Now, you can listen to all five of Bob Enyart’s The Plot Bible Study Albums on CD for a low price of $99.99! If you’ve never listened to Pastor Bob Enyart’s Bible study seminars on The Plot, The Tree, and the companion studies titled The Law of Moses,The Last Days, and Details Galore (on miracles and healings), you owe it to yourself to order The Plot Audio Set right now to enjoy Bob’s best-selling and extraordinary studies on understanding the Bible and living the Christian life! (Or, read the book!) And remember, BEL offers a 30-day money back guarantee on our resources!


TOL Subscriber
Does Everyone Agree with Bob?

This is the show from Tuesday July 28th, 2009.



* Or just Mike, Shawn, Phil, Richard, & Tony: the gates of hell professor from Harvard was in the wrong, and the officer should have simply left.

* Post-show Crowley Story: Did you know that if you get a crow angry, it will remember your face, and weeks later and even miles away, it will squawk at you, and then other crows will learn to view you as a threat. Soon enough, wherever you go in the region, crows will squawk at you. Did you know that? Hey, can we possibly use a human-like puppet with the face of an abortionist pasted on it to anger some crows? Hmmm...

Today’s Resource: SPECIAL: Order Bob Enyart’s Plot Bible seminars on five CDs for only $99.99 and save! Now, you can listen to all five of Bob Enyart’s The Plot Bible Study Albums on CD for a low price of $99.99! If you’ve never listened to Pastor Bob Enyart’s Bible study seminars on The Plot, The Tree, and the companion studies titled The Law of Moses,The Last Days, and Details Galore (on miracles and healings), you owe it to yourself to order The Plot Audio Set right now to enjoy Bob’s best-selling and extraordinary studies on understanding the Bible and living the Christian life! (Or, read the book!) And remember, BEL offers a 30-day money back guarantee on our resources!

Getting angry after hearing about Jesus? Never heard that before!


New member
Hall of Fame
That comment is pathetic, lame, ill-thought, ridiculous, asinine, and makes no sense at all.

So, no, Jeff, I guess I don't.:chuckle:


New member
No, I'm afraid it's a sign that Christians are generally far obnoxious than Buddhists in the way they proselytize. But they, as Christians go people tend to get far more annoyed with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses than Christian other groups, is that a sign that what they believe is more true than other Christian groups?


New member
Hall of Fame
But they, as Christians go people tend to get far more annoyed with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses than Christian other groups, is that a sign that what they believe is more true than other Christian groups?
It's a sign that they're more fervent about sharing their beliefs with others. What that's a sign of, I'll leave to you. :D
No, I'm afraid it's a sign that Christians are generally far obnoxious than Buddhists in the way they proselytize.
Any suggestions on how to share the Good News with others less obnoxiously? Bearing in mind what Christians believe, of course. That this Good News can bring one into a personal and eternal relationship with God Himself and save one from hell as well.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The chief problem with that line of argument is that the Atheist's claim also riles people and for much the same reason, it forces attention on the objectively insolvable nature of the problem. Most reasoned people prefer to think that their truths are either self evident or capable of being set out in a rationally undeniable fashion. That the foundational truth of our lives cannot be, that the thing upon which all of our values are informed cannot be is, I think, a source of angst and irritation for everyone who understands it and irksome even for those who don't.

The Atheist means to be seen holding a higher ground of rationalism but cannot establish it. The Christian desires to demonstrate the necessary and essential truth of his understanding but is similarly thwarted. Ultimately, the matter rests on choices made for and in the context of our existence and an exercise in faith. Thereafter the experiential will support or embitter us. :e4e:
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New member
Any suggestions on how to share the Good News with others less obnoxiously? Bearing in mind what Christians believe, of course. That this Good News can bring one into a personal and eternal relationship with God Himself and save one from hell as well.

Well, not playing the Way of the Master style game of retarded 20 questions is usually a good start. :D But in full seriousness, seeming like you actually care about the person you're speaking to rather than just trying to meet some sort of quota will go a long way. I've never felt the need to treat someone proselytizing for any religion with hostility unless they make it clear they absolutely will not leave me alone otherwise. The only time this has happened in years was with a group of Mormons the third time they showed up on my doorstep uninvited in the middle dinner. Apart from something like that, I'll listen to their pitch and politely decline, but don't become hostile because I understand their proselytization is to them a genuine show of kindness and concern. So when people speak of someone getting angry when you "tell them about Jesus Christ", I generally assume they must engaging in the some sort of actively obnoxious behavior.


I know Christians, people I'm friends with even, that can talk to me about Jesus Christ all day. We can even have discussions on him and on the Bible in a civil and friendly manner. This includes the parts I do not agree with.

There are other people I have encountered that will drive a certain level of negative emotion out of me. Many of them come of as being hateful, angry, judgemental and seem to be using their god to push their agenda.

It's not the message. The message itself is neutral. It's the messenger. When you are screaming at someone "God hates you!" there's a pretty good chance they they are going to become annoyed with you.

On the converse. I was visited by a group of people from a local church, one of them being the pastor. They were looking for my neighbor that moved away some months ago. They asked me while they were there which church I went to. When I told them that I'm an atheist and that I have never seen any proof of the existence of any god, they did get rather emotional. Does that make me right?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I'm definitely a freak, perverted is debatable. Either way it is irrelevant.

I don't think it's irrelevant. I think it's the most important thing about you.

You don't have to be a perverted freak, you know? :)

Knowing that is working for me. :up:


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, not playing the Way of the Master style game of retarded 20 questions is usually a good start. :D But in full seriousness, seeming like you actually care about the person you're speaking to rather than just trying to meet some sort of quota will go a long way. I've never felt the need to treat someone proselytizing for any religion with hostility unless they make it clear they absolutely will not leave me alone otherwise. The only time this has happened in years was with a group of Mormons the third time they showed up on my doorstep uninvited in the middle dinner. Apart from something like that, I'll listen to their pitch and politely decline, but don't become hostile because I understand their proselytization is to them a genuine show of kindness and concern. So when people speak of someone getting angry when you "tell them about Jesus Christ", I generally assume they must engaging in the some sort of actively obnoxious behavior.
(emphasis added)

Okay, hold on. You haven't been treated so obnoxiously by someone pitching their religion that it made you angry in years...and yet you're comfortable assuming that anyone speaking angrily about Christians proselytizing must have had a similar experience?

I would assume the person is probably angry for some other reason, as my (your) experience indicates to me (you) that it happens very rarely. So why this assumption that's so contrary to your own experience?


New member
Okay, hold on. You haven't been treated so obnoxiously by someone pitching their religion that it made you angry in years...and yet you're comfortable assuming that anyone speaking angrily about Christians proselytizing must have had a similar experience?

Anyone? Well, no. I have also known some angry, angry atheist types that simply become irrationally angry at any mention of religion. But I think some sort of negative experience with Christianity is the most likely reason why people become angry when proselytized to. Now, some of these people are less charitable than I am and after one or more negative experiences will then project that forward onto any future attempts to proselytize them, but aforementioned irrationally hostile atheists aside, I can't recall ever hearing anyone discuss irritation with it for any other reason.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Hahaha, that's the worst non sequitur I've heard in a while. It just means you guys are much, much more annoying.

You made Bob into a prophet again!!! :banana:

If you didn't care, you would have said nothing. But you hate God (Jesus), so you come out fighting.

I agree with almost everything on his show. Off the top of my head, he is wrong about the Ramseys.


New member
Hall of Fame
Anyone? Well, no. I have also known some angry, angry atheist types that simply become irrationally angry at any mention of religion. But I think some sort of negative experience with Christianity is the most likely reason why people become angry when proselytized to. Now, some of these people are less charitable than I am and after one or more negative experiences will then project that forward onto any future attempts to proselytize them, but aforementioned irrationally hostile atheists aside, I can't recall ever hearing anyone discuss irritation with it for any other reason.

Okay. I think I was fairly clear on the point I was trying to address with you but if you don't want to go there, there's no point pushing the matter.
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