Do you protest having intercourse with women on their period?

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So many gays!

According to Leviticus, it's just as evil and wicked as sodomy. Funny that you don't see protests against this kind of behavior seeing as it's punishable by death in the Bible. Why is that?

So many gays!

It is a private matter and extremely unseemly as a thread topic!

I agree it's private. But it's in the Bible alongside homosexual behavior, which is also private.

Is the topic any more taboo than what Lot did with his daughters? I think not


New member
According to Leviticus, it's just as evil and wicked as sodomy. Funny that you don't see protests against this kind of behavior seeing as it's punishable by death in the Bible. Why is that?

A fascinating comparison with homosexuality, given that most of the small number of people I've discussed the topic with have all said some form of "It's the individual couple's personal preference".

Some treat it as medically unhygienic, some treat it as a way to save money on contraceptives.

That no one tries to regulate THIS sexual behavior between consenting adults while trying to regulate OTHER sexual behavior between consenting adults demonstrates the hypocritical cherry-picking practices of too many church people in America.

So many gays!

Where does the Bible require the death penalty for sex with a woman on her period?

18 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people."

"Cut off" is said to be translated as "executed," though you could certainly draw "exiled" from that. Either way, Christians aren't protesting it at all


New member
how would you regulate it?

That is the question I keep asking people who want to recriminalize homosexuality.
Given that it wasn't REALLY regulated when it WAS a crime (police mostly just arrested anyone who was seen in the company of their same gender, and unless they could provide witnesses to the person having heterosexual sex, assumed them guilty).

I and most rational people prefer to stay out of the bedrooms of consenting adults, and ask that the government do the same.


Well-known member
18 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people."

"Cut off" is said to be translated as "executed," though you could certainly draw "exiled" from that. Either way, Christians aren't protesting it at all
Cut off doesn't mean executed. So your OP is foolish nonsense. Are you smart enough to know why Christians aren't protesting it?


Well-known member
You infer that what happened between Lot and his daughters was approved of by God. That would be a mistake. It is also a mistake to focus on the literal nature of the Levitical ordinances and miss the more important spiritual/prophetic nature of them.

That said, most Christians do the same thing so you can and should be forgiven for your myopia ... unless of course your sole intent is that of a provocateur.


New member
18 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people."

"Cut off" is said to be translated as "executed," though you could certainly draw "exiled" from that. Either way, Christians aren't protesting it at all

"Cut off" is said to be translated as excommunicated, not as executed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That is the question I keep asking people who want to recriminalize homosexuality.
Given that it wasn't REALLY regulated when it WAS a crime (police mostly just arrested anyone who was seen in the company of their same gender, and unless they could provide witnesses to the person having heterosexual sex, assumed them guilty).

I and most rational people prefer to stay out of the bedrooms of consenting adults, and ask that the government do the same.

we criminalize theft, but don't follow people 24/7 watching to see if they are stealing things :idunno:

So many gays!

Cut off doesn't mean executed. So your OP is foolish nonsense. Are you smart enough to know why Christians aren't protesting it?

"Does "cut off" mean "kill" -- making this a particularly harsh penalty?

In some cases, it does seem to, and some scholars agree. Driver's commentary, for example, argues that "cut off" is used for both a death penalty and for exclusion from the covenant people; he supposes it was an "archaic judicial formula" which originally meant a death sentence, but came to mean "a strong affirmation of divine disapproval." But we'll look at this more closely below."

Boom. Lawyered

So many gays!

You infer that what happened between Lot and his daughters was approved of by God. That would be a mistake. It is also a mistake to focus on the literal nature of the Levitical ordinances and miss the more important spiritual/prophetic nature of them.

That said, most Christians do the same thing so you can and should be forgiven for your myopia ... unless of course your sole intent is that of a provocateur.

The Lot thing was more to justify talking about a sensitive subject and less about comparing it to godless acts


New member

"Does "cut off" mean "kill" -- making this a particularly harsh penalty?

In some cases, it does seem to, and some scholars agree. Driver's commentary, for example, argues that "cut off" is used for both a death penalty and for exclusion from the covenant people; he supposes it was an "archaic judicial formula" which originally meant a death sentence, but came to mean "a strong affirmation of divine disapproval." But we'll look at this more closely below."
Also from the site you reference:
"It is therefore clear that Skeptics cannot simply and arbitrarily claim that the persons referenced in Gen. 17:14 are to be executed."​

Boom. Lawyered
Most Christians know what happens when scripture is Lawyered.

Luke 11:52
52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.​


So many gays!

Most Christians know what happens when scripture is Lawyered.

Luke 11:52
52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.​

Do they know what happens when you properly interpret an archaic saying like "cut off"? It seems no


New member
Do they know what happens when you properly interpret an archaic saying like "cut off"? It seems no

Christians know how to properly interpret "cut off".

1 Corinthians 5:11
11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.​

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