Do you abide in the teaching of Christ? Do you have God? Do you have Father and Son?


New member
What was Jesus' teaching? The answer is not the Law of Moses.

1 John 3
23 And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. 24 And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

WHO is the "his" of that Scripture? "His" Son; "his" commandments ? It's not Jesus. It is, apparently, the Father of Jesus. Why not speak of Him as much as you do His Son, Jesus?


Your concentration is with Jesus Christ, and the Father is left out, which everyone here routinely does as well. The Scripture says to honor BOTH the Father and the Son. Do people here honor the Father? I don't see anyone "hallowing" or "sanctifying" God's name, as Jesus instructed us to do (Matthew 6:9). You don't even use the Father's name. People get MAD when someone uses it! Watch the irate responses to my post.
Are you objecting to what I said? I disagree with what you are saying. Do you read Hebrew? Hebrew is read from right to left. God's name is יהוה


That is correct. Will you answer my questions?
To answer your question from the post I was responding to, I cannot speak on behalf of others here at Theology Online, so no I cannot answer that question. I presume you wanted a yes or a no or some other answer. Do you mean will I answer your questions if you ask me questions?


New member

Jesus explained the Law, and removed people's misunderstandings of the Law.No. You are not accepting my no.

There was no misunderstanding. Israel had the Law for 1500 years and promised to keep as given. They were punished for not keeping it the way it was given. God did not say ... opps, I forgot a few things so after I have cursed and dispersed the nation I called, so now I guess I had better give you more details ...

According to Jesus - He quoted what was commanded in the Mosaic Law and said clearly, DO NOT DO THAT >>> DO THIS INSTEAD. How are you not getting that?


There was no misunderstanding. Israel had the Law for 1500 years and promised to keep as given. They were punished for not keeping it the way it was given. God did not say ... opps, I forgot a few things so after I have cursed and dispersed the nation I called, so now I guess I had better give you more details ...

According to Jesus - He quoted what was commanded in the Mosaic Law and said clearly, DO NOT DO THAT >>> DO THIS INSTEAD. How are you not getting that?

No. That is not how I understand what you are quoting.