Do U agree w/ Jindal RE Trump: narcissist, egomaniac?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
(Rom 13:1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

God is in control, and God determines who is elected, not Satan.

Satan is bound and cannot deceive the nations.

(Rom 13:4) For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Some government is better than no government at all, I will say.


this is naïve and ridiculous

(Rom 13:1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

The verse explicitly says that those in authority exist because they have been established by God.

Do you disagree?

Do you agree with STP that those in authority have been established by Satan?


New member
(Rom 13:1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

The verse explicitly says that those in authority exist because they have been established by God.

Do you disagree?

Do you agree with STP that those in authority have been established by Satan?

some established by Satan, some not... but again, people have free will. And as we can see... by perusing the Dem files... MANY choose to do evil...

Surely you do not believe that Dems who support unrestricted abortion are placed in office by GOD?????



Surely you do not believe that Dems who support unrestricted abortion are placed in office by GOD?????

Do you believe that Republicans who support war are placed in office by God?

Do you believe that Republicans who support Christ rejecting Jews in Israel are placed in office by God?


New member
Do you believe that Republicans who support war are placed in office by God?

Do you believe that Republicans who support Christ rejecting Jews in Israel are placed in office by God?

not all wars are unjust

if someone came to your home and had a gun and declared he was going to kill your family, you would likely kill him, if given the chance.. b4 he kills your loved ones

Christ-rejecting Jews?

for one thing, I doubt Jews in Israel reject Christians... seeing as how Christians are virtually the only ones in their corner right now...

4 another thing, our religion originated w/ theirs




not all wars are unjust

Says who?

if someone came to your home and had a gun and declared he was going to kill your family, you would likely kill him, if given the chance.. b4 he kills your loved ones

Do you think that's what Jesus would have done?

Do you think that's what the Apostle Paul would have done?

Christ-rejecting Jews?

Yes. The Jews who live in Israel reject Christ Jesus.

for one thing, I doubt Jews in Israel reject Christians...

They reject Christ Jesus, which means they are going to hell just like Christ rejecting Muslims.

But somehow you think Christ rejecting Jews are better than Christ rejecting Muslims.

seeing as how Christians are virtually the only ones in their corner right now...

Only dumb Christians

4 another thing, our religion originated w/ theirs're right about one thing, Catholicism is a religion.


New member
Says who?
uh... says common sense, 4 one..
Do you think that's what Jesus would have done?
I have no idea what Jesus would have done in every possible, conceivable situation a person could find himself in.. neither do you or anyone else
The Jews who live in Israel reject Christ Jesus.
so we should kill them? or allow others to kill them? Yeh, I like your brand of Chrstianity... so called
They reject Christ Jesus, which means they are going to hell just like Christ rejecting Muslims.
Yeh, they will if you and/or others don't convert them. And you may end up there for not doing so..
But somehow you think Christ rejecting Jews are better than Christ rejecting Muslims.
thanks for telling me how I think... always wondered...
Only dumb Christians

yeh, anyone who doesn't agree w/ you is dumb... sounds kinda dumb...'re right about one thing, Catholicism is a religion.

yes, it is the religion Christ founded.. You protestant sects came along after the 16th century, all man made

But that is your choice



Well-known member
There is a difference between people who are narcissistic and those who manifest the particular cluster of symptoms that are labelled Narcissistic Personality Disorder. From Obama's behavior and from what his college colleagues have said about his past behavior I believe Obama has this syndrome. A lot of politicians are merely vain and prideful but they are capable of empathy, understanding the mindset of others and particularly of holding something higher than themselves whether it be values or the country. Like a person with NPD, Obama worships his own image.

Even though I like a lot of what Trump says, I think he is on the continuum somewhere and worry that, if he came to power, he would do whatever he pleases without any sense of loyalty to those that elected him, to the limitations of the office of the President or to the constitution. I think he would trust his own judgment in all matters and I do not know if he has a thoroughly conservative value system. He might economically or even about foreign policy but what about his moral values? I do not think Trump has evidenced a belief in the moral values that I hold as a Christian. In the past, he was pro-abortion but now he claims to have changed his mind. Rather convenient. Also, what is his stance on the role of the Supreme Court. Has he ever expressed a coherent view on their role or the constitution? Why do we have to Google his views on this? Should this not be part of his passion?

Trump is a very, very rich man who is self-made. People like him are used to doing whatever they want. Just like Obama, they are not inclined to take counsel from anyone but their own appointees, not their own political allies or the public at large that elected them. When Obama is about to make a decision shuts his ears and eyes to everyone and everything and does whatever he wants. From what I have observed so far, Trump would do exactly the same thing.


New member
There is a difference between people who are narcissistic and those who manifest the particular cluster of symptoms that are labelled Narcissistic Personality Disorder. From Obama's behavior and from what his college colleagues have said about his past behavior I believe Obama has this syndrome. A lot of politicians are merely vain and prideful but they are capable of empathy, understanding the mindset of others and particularly of holding something higher than themselves whether it be values or the country. Like a person with NPD, Obama worships his own image.

Even though I like a lot of what Trump says, I think he is on the continuum somewhere and worry that, if he came to power, he would do whatever he pleases without any sense of loyalty to those that elected him, to the limitations of the office of the President or to the constitution. I think he would trust his own judgment in all matters and I do not know if he has a thoroughly conservative value system. He might economically or even about foreign policy but what about his moral values? I do not think Trump has evidenced a belief in the moral values that I hold as a Christian. In the past, he was pro-abortion but now he claims to have changed his mind. Rather convenient. Also, what is his stance on the role of the Supreme Court. Has he ever expressed a coherent view on their role or the constitution? Why do we have to Google his views on this? Should this not be part of his passion?

Trump is a very, very rich man who is self-made. People like him are used to doing whatever they want. Just like Obama, they are not inclined to take counsel from anyone but their own appointees, not their own political allies or the public at large that elected them. When Obama is about to make a decision shuts his ears and eyes to everyone and everything and does whatever he wants. From what I have observed so far, Trump would do exactly the same thing.

my thoughts exactly

we do not need more of the same old same old...

as many are saying and I have been thinking..

if we miss this opportunity, it will probably be the last we get...



New member
(Matt 26:52) "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

u so called Bible only folks... You can't see the absolutel ABSURDITY of believing ONLY what is clearly spelled out in the Bible..

But even Bible-only (sola scriptura) is NOT in the Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


find it in the Bible that Jesus said

You can only believe [trust] what is in the Bible

find that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you Can't, you WONT

The Bible as we know it

did NOT exist back then

Only the Old Testament existed @ the time of Jesus... ARe we to adhere to only the OLD T????


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
u so called Bible only folks... You can't see the absolutel ABSURDITY of believing ONLY what is clearly spelled out in the Bible..

But even Bible-only (sola scriptura) is NOT in the Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


find it in the Bible that Jesus said

You can only believe [trust] what is in the Bible

find that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you Can't, you WONT


So angry, and bitter.


Well-known member
Can you give me an example of a war that was not unjust?

If the Byzantines had not fought the Muslims Europe would have been turned into an Islamic State long ago. The same thing can be said of the Franks. Had Charles Martel and Charlemagne not fought the Muslims would have entered Europe from Spain and France. Sometimes war is God's will just as He revealed to the prophets.

See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:10)

Jesus Himself said,

…7"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. 8 "For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...(Mark 13:8)

We will not have peace on earth until the Son of Man comes in the clouds of the sky to set up His kingdom. That being said we are called to be obedient citizens as long as the State is not compelling us to disobey the commands of God. This passive attitude that we are to submit and not ever protest or resist is what Luther taught the German Lutherans to do and it played a large role in allowing the Nazis to rise to power.


Well-known member
u so called Bible only folks... You can't see the absolutel ABSURDITY of believing ONLY what is clearly spelled out in the Bible..

But even Bible-only (sola scriptura) is NOT in the Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


find it in the Bible that Jesus said

You can only believe [trust] what is in the Bible

find that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you Can't, you WONT

The Bible as we know it

did NOT exist back then

Only the Old Testament existed @ the time of Jesus... ARe we to adhere to only the OLD T????


So were the teachings of Jesus which were first learned orally and written later and the teachings of the Apostles which were written down not "scriptures?" I think the evidence shows that even the earliest Christians considered them to be. The teachings of the New Covenant were a lens through which to view and understand the teachings of the OC. If you read what the succeeding generations of Christians wrote you will see that they all believed in the inspiration of OT and NT teachings so this is nothing new.


See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:10)

That was the Old Covenant.

We now live in the New Covenant.

(Matt 5:43-44) “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Jesus Himself said,

…7"When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. 8 "For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...(Mark 13:8)

Jesus was telling them what would happen.

Jesus also said in the same chapter there would be earthquakes and famines.

That doesn't mean that earthquakes and famines are just.

This passive attitude that we are to submit and not ever protest or resist is what Luther taught the German Lutherans to do and it played a large role in allowing the Nazis to rise to power.

You call it "passive attitude", I call it trusting in God.

patrick jane

u so called Bible only folks... You can't see the absolutel ABSURDITY of believing ONLY what is clearly spelled out in the Bible..

But even Bible-only (sola scriptura) is NOT in the Bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


find it in the Bible that Jesus said

You can only believe [trust] what is in the Bible

find that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you Can't, you WONT

The Bible as we know it

did NOT exist back then

Only the Old Testament existed @ the time of Jesus... ARe we to adhere to only the OLD T????


do you hang out with Letsargue ?