Do Atheist Really Exists?

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Well-known member
Hi Coteaz,

You said:
Trust me, I am very entertained by fundies' raging replies to some of my harsher posts.

See, I was right anyway... not much change after all.
Well, I've enjoyed these moderate remarks between myself and your buddies, but I will go on to write about what interests me. I hope you and the rest of the atheists coming here learn a lot on TOL - or move on to other sites, which you find more entertaining.


New member
Answer me this Troublemaker. I am without a doubt an atheist. A person who doesn't not believe there is an all powerful god watching everything we do. Now, if what you say is correct that I'm really just angry at god and hate him please tell me why I consider Ave Maria one of the most beautiful songs ever composed and am actually listening to it while I type this out. If I'm angry and spiteful shouldn't I scorn this song?


Hall of Fame
Nope, I still don't believe in atheist. How can you convince me??? Just because you say doesn't make it so.

Ah, and there is the irony. Unlike you, Atheists and other nonbelievers are secure enough in our beliefs that we don't need to convince you.

If you believe, good for you. If you don't, good for you. I really think what you are having trouble with is convincing yourself that you are actually right.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Nope, I still don't believe in atheist. How can you convince me???
Just because you say doesn't make it so.

You've been given some thoughtful responses in this tread and then you come back with this?
I don't think you're genuinly interested in discussing this.
Perhaps you should change your name to "wasteoftime"


New member
Answer me this Troublemaker. I am without a doubt an atheist. A person who doesn't not believe there is an all powerful god watching everything we do. Now, if what you say is correct that I'm really just angry at god and hate him please tell me why I consider Ave Maria one of the most beautiful songs ever composed and am actually listening to it while I type this out. If I'm angry and spiteful shouldn't I scorn this song?

I still have a hard time believing you DON'T believe in a creator.
I don't think I will ever come to grips with that. How empty. Yes, I have to say it again you have a void.

Anyway about your taste in music, I think that just shows you appreciate good music.
There are a couple of songs of Elton John's I like to hear but that does not make me like him.
I think his lifestyle is sinful and I really dislike the man.
Can I ask what do you think of the Bible?


New member
You've been given some thoughtful responses in this tread and then you come back with this?
I don't think you're genuinly interested in discussing this.
Perhaps you should change your name to "wasteoftime"

Sorry you think that way. But I think some of the responses are a waste of time.

icilian fenner

New member
I still have a hard time believing you DON'T believe in a creator.
I don't think I will ever come to grips with that. How empty. Yes, I have to say it again you have a void.

Why do you find it hard to believe? I think you forget that what makes you feel incomplete may well not be the case for someone else. Just because you feel incomplete without something, doesn't mean I will.

Think about this. A man is happy because his wife amazes him with tenderness and loving companionship everyday. Another man is happy because he gets to stay in his dusty room, surrounded by the paintings he's slaved over for years, and with each one his love for art increases.

The first man is bewildered by the pleasures of the first, and cannot fathom that he could possibly be happy without such a wonderful spouse. The second man wonders in disbelief how, without art, can his neighbour be so content.

Does it mean either of the men are unhappy?


New member
I don't think we are talking about the same thing. This is a worldly issue. I am talking about the difference between heaven and hell and I ask you where would you rather be?

Your question had to do with earthly pressures.
How we feel and conduct our lives in this world has nothing to do with atheism.

Are we concerned with a fraction of a second in time living a life of sin and damnation, or an eternal never ending life of happiness with God our Savior.

An atheist is like a person setting on a barbed wire fence. Who must sooner or later decide which side to get off on. Now if you get off on the correct side you will happily live forever with God our Saviour. If you get off on the wrong side you will still live forever, BUT do you really want to shovel coal for eternity.

icilian fenner

New member
I don't think we are talking about the same thing. This is a worldly issue. I am talking about the difference between heaven and hell and I ask you where would you rather be?

Actually, you weren't adressing that at all. What you were saying is that those people who don't believe in a creator have a void in their lives. What I was telling you is that just because if you didn't believe in a creator you would have a void, doesn't mean other people will.

If that's the sum total of your logic, then you're projecting your feelings onto other people who may not share your emotional needs.

Your question had to do with earthly pressures.
How we feel and conduct our lives in this world has nothing to do with atheism.

My question has to do with different people being satisfied with different things - just because you would not get pleasure, satisfaction or happiness from the things that I do, does not mean I don't. Equally, those things that would trouble you may not nessercarily trouble others.

So like I said, while you may feel you'd be missing something not believing in a creator, doesn't mean that other people do.

Are we concerned with a fraction of a second in time living a life of sin and damnation, or an eternal never ending life of happiness with God our Savior.

An atheist is like a person setting on a barbed wire fence. Who must sooner or later decide which side to get off on. Now if you get off on the correct side you will happily live forever with God our Saviour. If you get off on the wrong side you will still live forever, BUT do you really want to shovel coal for eternity.

Now you've really jumped a gun. You have two situations:

A) Your God exists

B) Your God doesn't

IF: A is true, then there is a choice to be made between those two realities - heaven or hell

BUT IF: B is true - then there isn't.

If I have no belief in your God, why would I think that there's a choice to be made?


New member
On my original post I was speaking to a heavenly issue.
You came back answering me on a worldly issue.
You and I were not talking apples to apples.

I am not going to debate this with you here on earth. But when I get to heaven I will call you loooong distance.

Those of you that do not believe have no idea the pleasure of a saviour.
How sad for you..
It really does hurt my heart.


icilian fenner

New member
On my original post I was speaking to a heavenly issue.
You came back answering me on a worldly issue.
You and I were not talking apples to apples.

We were both talking about the beliefs of people.

I am not going to debate this with you here on earth. But when I get to heaven I will call you loooong distance.

Then don't ask the questions. ;)

Those of you that do not believe have no idea the pleasure of a saviour.
How sad for you..
It really does hurt my heart.


so you do believe in atheists? ;)

You're just here to gloat, aren't you? No real desire to debate at all..


New member
Those of you that do not believe have no idea the pleasure of a saviour.
How sad for you..
False hopes are worthless. I may be a pathetic, weak speck of dirt, but I don't need to grovel on my belly to some (unproven) high-and-mighty 'saviour' in order to feel better about myself.

I wouldn't trust it anyways.

It really does hurt my heart.
Whereas you hurt my brain.


Eclectic Theosophist
for the love of Reality, known and unknown.......

for the love of Reality, known and unknown.......


Greetings all,

Anything that is perceivable can be said or accepted to 'exist' no matter its contextual spectrum, invisible or visible. Existence itself is recognized as a subjective reality, reflected back to the sentient being...mirroring whatever that one is meditating upon or exposed to in the field of vision (however reflected in one's perception).

For those who don the label of 'atheist' of one brand or another, such is based on their own qualifications of such a 'position', with varied reasons to doubt so called 'proofs' for 'God', however conventionally or metaphysically defined by theists and spiritualists alike.

Existence itself IS, and many things exist by virtue of our perception of them (immaterial or material). Some recognize the Supreme ISness of BEING or LIFE as 'God', the Matrix from which all springs, it whatever you will. Others see no reason for 'God' as traditionally defined,...however no matter,...the One Supreme Reality of Life, that Which Actually IS, is ever radiant as BEING. (one may doubt this or quibble over definitions, but so it IS).

So,...enjoy all dimensions of Life, in its existential and experiential aspects....for this is All there IS, as the One Absolute, with all relativities and multiplicities arising within the One INFINITY :)

The Tao continues, never exhausted......



New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, people who reject fairy tales and bogus hick theology exist. Yes, people who question and who think for themselves really exist.

There. Simple!


I'd like to hear your explanations of there being no God. Some proof, please.
I do not need to prove anything to you.

I believe there is no God.

As I am not asking you to believe there is no God, I have no need to prove a thing.

If you wish me to believe in your God, then I require proof.


New member
Christians are right and have EVERYTHING, but if we are wrong we don't lose anything.
Atheist have everything to lose.


It's called Pascal's Wager. It is an old, OLD argument, and terribly terribly boring. And entirely irrelevant, a false dichotomy, and presents completely the wrong reasons for converting even if you were taken in by it.
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