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The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here's How
LOL. So, gossip has been confirmed by more gossip. No where in that article is there any direct evidence. It's one person quoting another person who is quoting another person who has no direct knowledge of anything and then calling that confirmation of the original gossip.
Just how stupid do you think people are? Do you think it's some kind of mystery that Trump's approval rating keeps rising during this fraud? It's not. People are seeing through this manipulation and lying, and are turning away from you socialists in large numbers. You think it's unfathomable that Trump is now polling at 34% approval among likely black voters? That is at least 3 times higher than any previous Republican. It's guaranteed to continue as long as you fools keep on running out hoaxes in the media. It says nothing good about your side of the political aisle that you guys are keeping on keeping on with this nonsense.
I realize that you guys think it's a must to continue lying, but you'd gain more ground by admitting your previous lies rather than continually trying to reinforce them. That is a sure way to lose the trust of all but the most insane of your supporters. Any person who even begins to think about this stuff turns away from it with disgust and loathing because they realize if you jerks can do this to a President they have absolutely no expectations of justice if they are ever taken to court about anything. But, you guys are so isolated from reality that you do not understand what the common man thinks and how he views things. You socialists are destroying your own political party, and causing the majority of the population to distrust you. Even in highly socialist geographical areas the numbers of those who dislike your political games are as high as 8 out of 10 people. And you want to keep pushing this insanity.
All you're proving is how little respect you have for others, and how little you care if people absolutely despise you. And for some reason you think that is a winning political strategy. I guess it is if you're a totalitarian at heart and have a big time dictator to put into power, because that is the only way you will have any influence left among the general population. And that influence will only exist because people will realize how much they have to fear you. It won't be because they think you're honorable, honest, or care about them as individuals. It will be nothing other than abject fear of your ruthlessness and and your total rejection of our Constitution.