DNC Email Leaks Show Racist Outreach to Latinos Called "Taco Bowl Engagement"

Nick M

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Catholic Crusader

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Immigration activists delivered taco bowls to congressional Republicans on Thursday.


The unrequested food deliveries were meant to highlight the visit to Capitol Hill by Donald Trump, who last week Tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco bowl as his celebration of Cinco de Mayo.

America's Voice, Latino Victory Project, United We Dream and United Farm Workers sent the bowls to GOP Sens. Richard Burr (N.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Pat Toomey (Penn.), John McCain (Ariz.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Ron Johnson (Wis.) and Mark Kirk (Ill.), all of whom face reelection races in the fall.They were also sent to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Majority Whip John Cornyn (Texas) and Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas), Cory Gardner (Colo.) and Roger Wicker (Miss).

On the House side, the taco bowls went to Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Reps. Joe Heck (Nev.), David Valadao (Calif.), Jeff Denham (Calif.), and Mike Coffman (Colo.).
A spokeswoman for the liberal Hispanic groups called the stunt "a fitting reminder of Trump’s recent (and egregious) hispandering."

Trump's Cinco de Mayo post set off a huge social media debate over everything from the Mexican authenticity of the bowl to Trump's caption, which included the phrase "I love Hispanics!"

Trump actually loves Hispanics and sees nothing degrading about eating a taco salad to demonstrate his kinship. The DNC email however shows contempt for Hispanics and views them as mere pawns to be used for political gain. Trump was sincere. DNC was cynical and racist.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Julian Assange shoots down claim that DNC servers were hacked by Russian intelligence


There’s no evidence that Russian intelligence hacked into the DNC servers to steal 20,000 emails and pass them to WikiLeaks, founder Julian Assange said Tuesday.

In a Skype interview with NBC Nightly News, Assange said it wasn’t really important who broke into the Democratic National Committee email system — what matters is getting the information to the public.

But “there is no proof whatsoever” that WikiLeaks even published some of the purloined emails that let to the ouster of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, he said.

The DNC servers have been rife for hacking for years, Assange insisted to NBC News.