Discounting CA and NY, Clinton lost the popular vote


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So says the principle of one person, one vote. It makes no sense, in a single election, to structure it such that different votes have different weights because of falling on one side of an imaginary line or another.

And you got one person one vote in the state where you live, and the electors voted for your state districts, no? This is a republic not a pure democracy, if you lived in 1787 you could have complained for that then but, that ship sailed & the system we have now is not going to change anytime in the near future so, you have to sell your regressive liberal wares to the majority of people in the majority of states or at a minimum to the majority of the electors in those states to reach the 270 mark...that is the system.

Without the independent discretion of the electoral, the only sensible rationale for the system is abolished. The notion that more dispersed people were ever meant by the Founders to serve as a check on city dwellers is ludicrous.

OK, but, the system is set up so a majority that does live in cities of certain states cannot necessarily dominate the vote in their state or nationally. I have conceded that the electors have discretion to go outside the fray , and have also conceded that the constitution takes that action into account with a Contingent Vote in the House of representatives.

But one thing I am certain of is that if the EC had given us Barack Obama instead of Trump, you wouldn't be such a connoisseur of our Founders' obscure and quirky political innovations. Motivated reasoning is your specialty, and since you want Trump, I know you'd find a way to justify it.

Yes, the EC gave us Obama, he was able to sell it to 26 states plus DC in 2012 and you didn't see me contesting the system, nor have I ever contested the best governmental system on the planet...ever. I never wanted Trump, but I surely did not want more of the same with Hillary, I could not give a rip about social justice or any of the nonsense marxist ideology the democrats are walking in these days, and it is obvious that the country is done with it as well, except in very small regional areas where all the liberals live, they certainly could not sell it nationwide, and judging from the political landscape democrats can hardly sell it at the state level with only 18 democrat governorships nationwide, minority in the House of representatives, & senate. Democrats are completely out of touch with average Americans.

Well, I'll tell you this. I disapprove of the EC on principle of the fact that it's undemocratic, and I support democratic rule, and want the American system to be more democratic.

Then move to a democracy, this country isn't, and never has been, it is a Representative Republic since it's inception. This country is the rule of law (the constitution) not the rule of the populous (popular vote i.e. mob rule).

But even if he had won the popular vote by a mile, I would oppose Donald Trump, despite all that, on the larger principle that he is dangerous, to some more than others, but to each and every person on Earth. I will resist him however I can find the way.

Same could be said of Obama or Clinton, they are just as dangerous to some more than others, they are dangerous to anyone that is an achiever, with the intention of punishing that achiever, intending to redistribute his private property to those that do no achieve under the guise of fairness now, that is a dangerous concept... What is mine, is mine, & what is yours, is mine? If I want to share the fruits of my labor it that is my concern and none of the governments, I don't owe anything to another unless I give it to them out of charity. You go ahead and resist Trump, just like we resisted Obama but, for now you resist from a minority position in every government branch until you can sell your marxist social justice ideology nationally.


New member
And you got one person one vote in the state where you live, and the electors voted for your state districts, no?

Sure. But the Presidency isn't a state-level office. We've built a semi-democracy with inequality at its core.

This is a republic not a pure democracy,

A fact that I'm not trying to change, BTW.

... if you lived in 1787 you could have complained for that then but, that ship sailed & the system we have now is not going to change anytime in the near future so, you have to sell your regressive liberal wares to the majority of people in the majority of states or at a minimum to the majority of the electors in those states to reach the 270 mark...that is the system.

Ah, so we are stuck with the old tyrannies of our ancestors. I think the Founders might have had something to say about that, too. They recognized the right of the People to abolish a government that didn't suit their purposes.

Meanwhile, I don't disagree that changing it will be hard. I'm only telling you that there is a limit to how long the genuine will of the People can be frustrated, and if Trump starts to implement some of the policies that he's at least flirted with in the campaign, it could push the breaking point a lot sooner.

There are many hard things in American political life that have been accomplished. Abolishing slavery was hard. Civil rights is hard. Women's rights are hard. And yet, significant progress has been made on all of these fronts.

OK, but, the system is set up so a majority that does live in cities of certain states cannot necessarily dominate the vote in their state or nationally. I have conceded that the electors have discretion to go outside the fray , and have also conceded that the constitution takes that action into account with a Contingent Vote in the House of representatives.

But that wasn't the reason the system was set up the way it was. It couldn't have been. When the Constitution was conceived, America was agrarian, the industrial revolution that would drive people into the cities was mostly in the unforeseen future, and there was a much darker need. The slave states had demanded that their slaves be given some representation in the determination of population for purposes of apportioning representation in federal elections. This impacted House elections, and gave the Slave Power influence there additional weight depending on the number of slaves that they had, but also necessitated an level of indirection in Presidential elections, because direct popular vote would never have reproduced that added margin. When the three-fifths compromise was abolished, this logic ceased to function.

But Hamilton gave us a fig-leaf that the electors could exercise independent discretion. And on the strength of that (yet unproven) purpose, and a sort of political inertia, it has endured.

Yes, the EC gave us Obama, he was able to sell it to 26 states plus DC in 2012 and you didn't see me contesting the system,

You know what I mean, I think. He won the popular vote and the EC both.

Then move to a democracy, this country isn't, and never has been, it is a Representative Republic since it's inception. This country is the rule of law (the constitution) not the rule of the populous (popular vote i.e. mob rule).

I'm as American as you are, and I have as much right to determine our future political course as you do. And I'm not trying to make it anything but a democratic republic under the rule of law. It's a false distinction you make between populous and law. The first word of the Constitution are "We the People" for no small reason. The Constitution was meant as a declaration of the People, with the voices of their representatives. It cannot indefinitely contradict the will of that People without undoing itself.

Same could be said of Obama or Clinton, they are just as dangerous to some more than others, they are dangerous to anyone that is an achiever, with the intention of punishing that achiever, intending to redistribute his private property to those that do no achieve under the guise of fairness now, that is a dangerous concept... What is mine, is mine, & what is yours, is mine? If I want to share the fruits of my labor it that is my concern and none of the governments, I don't owe anything to another unless I give it to them out of charity.

There are dangers in Clinton, certainly. Her disproportionate support of Israel (a trait which Obama does not share to the same degree), her warmongering, her seeming blindness to some of the struggles of ordinary Americans. But all of those dangers and more that are scarcely imagined can be found in the president-elect, and far greater in magnitude.

You go ahead and resist Trump, just like we resisted Obama but, for now you resist from a minority position in every government branch until you can sell your marxist social justice ideology nationally.

It is the People who will be the main body of the resistance. I stand with the better, the younger, the more diverse and all-embracing part of America, you stand with a shrinking minority, terrified for its future, but temporarily empowered by an anachronistic bias build into the existing power structure, like a polar bear balancing on a shrinking iceberg. I like my chances, in the long run.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You can't discount New York and California. But we can discard the millions and millions of illegal aliens voting. The LA Times/USC poll was correct. They didn't sample illegal votes.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sure. But the Presidency isn't a state-level office. We've built a semi-democracy with inequality at its core.

And the presidency is not just for 1 select state or another, you got equal representation as the constitution allows. You liberals need to spread out if you want roll over all of it's citizens.

A fact that I'm not trying to change, BTW.

A fact you and the rest of the sour grapes crowd cannot seem to get a grasp of...Democracy & Republic that is.

Ah, so we are stuck with the old tyrannies of our ancestors. I think the Founders might have had something to say about that, too. They recognized the right of the People to abolish a government that didn't suit their purposes.

Tyrannies? the very right you have to display your animus toward the government that you live under is because of this constitution. The founders spoke of inalienable rights, rights given to men by their creator that were not bestowed by mere men, the right to life, liberals love to end it they call it abortion, the right to liberty, liberals believe in liberty as long as you live as they live, or think as they think, no tolerance for descent, and finally the right pursue Happiness, liberals believe that it is a right to be happy, to pursue their happiness through the allocation of one mans personal property & distributing it to another...which is not liberty, nor is it happiness for the man being robbed of his personal property for the so called the common good...What liberals espouse is Tyranny! Yes, the only thing the founders would have said about the regressive liberals in this country was that they were enemies of liberty, enemies of the constitution, and a clear & present danger to the body politic. You don't know the first damn thing about what the founders espoused or why, you couldn't and still be spewing your anti-American, anti-constitutional drivel.

Meanwhile, I don't disagree that changing it will be hard. I'm only telling you that there is a limit to how long the genuine will of the People can be frustrated, and if Trump starts to implement some of the policies that he's at least flirted with in the campaign, it could push the breaking point a lot sooner.

The will of the people have spoken, and the United State of California will be taking a back seat for awhile. The fact that you all have lost over 1030 democrat seats nationwide since 2009 when Obama and the regressive left had control tells a much different story about the way people are voting nationally, and short of complete reinvention of the party they are toast, imploded, finished as a party. democrats are completely disconnected with average Americans. Trump aint no prize, but if he delivers on the promises he has made in a meaningful way and people realize they are better than they were when he took office, democrats will never be able to sell their marxist nonsense for another 80 years, which was just about the last time America flirted with marxism under FDR.

There are many hard things in American political life that have been accomplished. Abolishing slavery was hard. Civil rights is hard. Women's rights are hard. And yet, significant progress has been made on all of these fronts.

And the same document that you hate, The U.S. Constitution, was the same document used to abolish all the above. You won't get that under mob rule unless the mob agrees, or unless you intend to overthrow the mob . In this country we are a nation of laws, not bent to the whims of the popular vote on anything, all actions are subject to the scrutiny of the laws that are bestowed by this constitution and sometimes they cut both ways, you cannot have everything you want and remain free. You cannot have your freedom while trampling another's no matter how much you disagree with their worldview, that is the nature of freedom.

But that wasn't the reason the system was set up the way it was. It couldn't have been. When the Constitution was conceived, America was agrarian, the industrial revolution that would drive people into the cities was mostly in the unforeseen future, and there was a much darker need. The slave states had demanded that their slaves be given some representation in the determination of population for purposes of apportioning representation in federal elections. This impacted House elections, and gave the Slave Power influence there additional weight depending on the number of slaves that they had, but also necessitated an level of indirection in Presidential elections, because direct popular vote would never have reproduced that added margin. When the three-fifths compromise was abolished, this logic ceased to function.

I whole heartedly disagree with you, the writings on the subject speak exactly to factions residing in regions gaining control over the nation. Interpret that as you wish....I have and disagree with your assessment.

But Hamilton gave us a fig-leaf that the electors could exercise independent discretion. And on the strength of that (yet unproven) purpose, and a sort of political inertia, it has endured.

Actually it is proven, and has happened twice, both times it went to the House of representatives for a Contingent Election. It should be mentioned that there were more than two parties to choose from then as well.

You know what I mean, I think. He won the popular vote and the EC both.

The only one that matters is the EC, republicans would have never pressed to change the constitution over a popular vote loss either...we kind of understand the election rules going in, and respect the constitution though.

I'm as American as you are, and I have as much right to determine our future political course as you do.

I am not contesting your rights as a citizen, or how you vote but, please extend me and the rest that disagree with your political ideology/worldview the same courtesy.

And I'm not trying to make it anything but a democratic republic under the rule of law. It's a false distinction you make between populous and law.

Not true, there are vast differences in a pure democracy:

"Rule by the omnipotent majority. In a democracy, an individual, and any group of individuals composing any minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man."

and a representative republic:

A republic is similar to a representative democracy except it has a written constitution of basic rights that protect the minority from being completely unrepresented or overridden by the majority.

What you want is majority rule, which is just not what the constitution or the extraneous documents of the framers designed. You may hate it but, it is the one thing that keeps tyranny from occurring, be that tyranny from a leader or tyranny of the mob.

The first word of the Constitution are "We the People" for no small reason. The Constitution was meant as a declaration of the People, with the voices of their representatives. It cannot indefinitely contradict the will of that People without undoing itself.

It hasn't contradicted the will of the people nationally, the will of the people is not the majority that reside in a minority of states, it is the plurality of collective citizens across an entire nation of states. California & New York do not speak for the entire nation as much as you might like it to.

There are dangers in Clinton, certainly. Her disproportionate support of Israel (a trait which Obama does not share to the same degree), her warmongering, her seeming blindness to some of the struggles of ordinary Americans. But all of those dangers and more that are scarcely imagined can be found in the president-elect, and far greater in magnitude.

Her disproportionate support of Israel is a direct reflection of the international relations failure that Obama is...recent events prove that. You haven't even experienced this new president, nor have I, so what you have is a broad assumption at this point. I wasn't fond of Obama either and he turned out even worse than my expectations...the man is shameful his current action against our ally for yet another band of islamic terrorists just proves that point. The man chooses to ally with those that seek genocide against the state of Israel...Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran,et al. :down:

It is the People who will be the main body of the resistance. I stand with the better, the younger, the more diverse and all-embracing part of America, you stand with a shrinking minority, terrified for its future, but temporarily empowered by an anachronistic bias build into the existing power structure, like a polar bear balancing on a shrinking iceberg. I like my chances, in the long run.

You mean you stand with the weaker, the younger generation that expects safe zones & comfort dogs when things don't go their way or they didn't get a trophy? The world doesn't work that way and it is high time that someone kicks them in the butt, and tells them that life is tough, a struggle, and anything worth having means very hard work & resolve to accomplish. There are no safe spaces in the big bad world, it just hits you head on. Really I think the younger generation is ill equipped to deal with the reality which is life. If all you have is bunch of whiners with their hands out expecting a government check from those that did achieve, than the future won't be that bright for them I can assure you. You have spouted some pretty platitudes above, and I wish you luck in your endeavor.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And the presidency is not just for 1 select state or another, you got equal representation as the constitution allows. You liberals need to spread out if you want roll over all of it's citizens.

They will have to move in next to me. :reals:


Israel is just a piece of dirt that has had no significance to us since Jesus.

Can you attribute anything in your life, or the entire history that led up to it from your ancestors, that was made better by Israel?

The answer is no.
Because being Judaic means you are nonetheless a heretic, it is not some middle ground- everything accorded to you has been from Spiritual Israel, where the Spirit is- not a chunk of arid land out in the middle of Jew-Muslim territory.

Stop using physical Israel to make yourself seem more holy than you actually are- even during the Crusades, people only wanted the Holy Lands out of sheer sentiment and to make the other side feel like the heretics they wanted them to feel. Why is that changing a thousand years later :AMR:

The fact is, anyone who thought more of Israel than that were deemed extremists at the end of the wars.
Marinate on that for a bit.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Israel is just a piece of dirt that has had no significance to us since Jesus.

But Israel will have significance again.

Jeremiah 33

14 ‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah:

Hebrews 8

8 Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—


But Israel will have significance again.

Jeremiah 33

14 ‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah:

Hebrews 8

8 Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—

God has never waited 2000 years to deliver on anything, with the exception of Armageddon. In fact, the longest stretch is the captivity in Egypt which was 400 years.
The Jews got their promised land, the Messiah has come, and God works through us- because we are Isreal.

Rapturists have done really funny things to history- you have perceived the Jews returning to Israel as fitting into your theology. Even the '6 million' dying by the Nazis is something no scholar actually takes seriously because it's origins are in Jewish apocrypha.

That's a conundrum in and of itself, really- atheists call anyone who denies that number 'Holocaust-deniers', and yet the number is straight out of heretical prophesy :rolleyes:

I'll just leave you all to your invented ideas there.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I'll just leave you all to your invented ideas there.

This is an invented idea?

Jeremiah 33

14 ‘Behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah:

Hebrews 8

8 Because finding fault with them, He says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—