Dirty Old David Letterman: 'Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady'

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Really, what is the big deal anyway? So old men say silly things. Who cares?
He used a very old quote in an off-handed quip that fell flat. It wasn't an attempt to be or say a serious thing. Was it in poor taste? Sure. Would he like the moment back? I'm betting he would. Have most of us said something we wish we could unsay? Of course we have.

Is much being made of little? Yes. A lot of people were upset when they learned about his affair in 2009. Strangely, most of them weren't morally outraged by his not being married to the woman he stepped out on...life, people. Go figure. That was 2015. What's happening this year and with people who are actually in a position to impact the popular culture? Letterman is already an afterthought. That's how it works.


Well-known member
Well, in the land of the blind... :eek:

I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though, so like you I have no idea why you're on that point. I mostly comment on grammar when someone literally writes something like, "Your two stupid to bother with." Then I have a habit of noting that if you're in the midst of a high-handed dismissal you might want to run a check on how you're doing it.

That sort of thing.

But the mistake was in not erasing "did", the tense being addressed else. :p

Now if grammar is a point of interest for you...

1. Avoid using a passive voice whenever possible. Passive verbs make your writing less direct.
2. You could remove this without impacting the other choices. It would actually make the writing clearer.

Or were you only making chit-chat? :poly:

Oh, come on now big boy ... if you can dish it out you can take it.


Well-known member
Well, in the land of the blind... :eek:

I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though, so like you I have no idea why you're on that point. I mostly comment on grammar when someone literally writes something like, "Your two stupid to bother with." Then I have a habit of noting that if you're in the midst of a high-handed dismissal you might want to run a check on how you're doing it.

That sort of thing.

But the mistake was in not erasing "did", the tense being addressed else. :p

Now if grammar is a point of interest for you...

1. Avoid using a passive voice whenever possible. Passive verbs make your writing less direct.
2. You could remove this without impacting the other choices. It would actually make the writing clearer.

Or were you only making chit-chat? :poly:

It has long (1) that Sci Fi was readying/urging us to embrace the future. Some felt that future to be the wishes of some men more so than any (2) natural progression and I think they were right to a certain extent. You can start with H. G. Wells and work forward.

Okay, happy now?
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Well-known member
every time i see this thread title, i wonder how he treated his mother

I wouldn't read too much into it. Those that make a living pretending to be witty on a nightly basis must often reach from time to time. I hear the money is good if you're not too concerned what you are paid to say.


Well-known member
Well, in the land of the blind... :eek:

I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though

Ah ... but you so often do when stripped of a defensible rhetorical position ... and I guess that would be my point. ;)

This thread being a case in point?
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh, come on now big boy ... if you can dish it out you can take it.
Wait...if you do it...but if I pick back...one of us is confused. :plain:

More seriously, try the parsing approach. I've never understood it as complaints go, but it has some traction. :think: I'm not really a grammarian around here unless someone tries the high hand and blows it during the approach...and that's just funny. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So I wrote: I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though...
Ah ... but you so often do when stripped of a defensible rhetorical position

So now you're saying it never happens? :eek:

... and I guess that would be my point. ;) This thread being a case in point?
A good place to start. Try a few quotes. See where it goes.


Well-known member
Wait...if you do it...but if I pick back...one of us is confused. :plain:

More seriously, try the parsing approach. I've never understood it as complaints go, but it has some traction. :think: I'm not really a grammarian around here unless someone tries the high hand and blows it during the approach...and that's just funny. :)

No, actually you routinely gripe about grammar ... usually when you've run out of rhetorical ammo. That is okay. We each have our quirks and I'm not suggesting that is inherently bad. Actually, I enjoy the things that make us different. I would hate to be in a world populated by nothing but me. That said, one of the few opportunities that we have to get to really see ourselves is through the eyes of others.

Do with this one what you will.


Well-known member
So I wrote: I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though...

So now you're saying it never happens? :eek:

A good place to start. Try a few quotes. See where it goes.

Another aspect of your online participation that I have noted is that you seem to suffer from amnesia when confronted with past offerings and want others to remind you of what you have said ... and I don't think you are old enough to offer that for a defense just yet in the court of public opinion or the Big One. I'm not your Court Reporter but you do have one. Something you might want to consider ... or not. Up to you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No, actually you routinely gripe about grammar ...
I really don't. If you search for it you'll reconfigure the opinion. I suspect you saw something and took it more seriously than offered and after I pushed back on the grammar bit (as much to illustrate how I would be if that was the case as anything else) you kept going in the wrong direction with it.

At any rate, when I got this, instead of what I'd hoped for...
Oh, come on now big boy ... if you can dish it out you can take it.
I left it. Until you responded to that post three times while I left it.

Another aspect of your online participation that I have noted is that you seem to suffer from amnesia when confronted with past offerings and want others to remind you of what you have said
When someone declares I do this or that, especially when they infer the habitual, I look for the quotes they offer to sustain it. That's a reasonable request. And I can't have amnesia about a declaration that has no particular attached.

I'm not your Court Reporter
Well, if you're comfortable playing judge and jury. :plain: Asking for some of the evidence seems reasonable.
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Well-known member
I really don't. If you search for it you'll reconfigure the opinion. I suspect you saw something and took it more seriously than offered and after I pushed back on the grammar bit (as much to illustrate how I would be if that was the case as anything else) you kept going in the wrong direction with it.

At any rate, when I got this, instead of what I'd hoped for...

I left it. Until you responded to that post three times while I left it.

When someone declares I do this or that, especially when they infer the habitual, I look for the quotes they offer to sustain it. That's a reasonable request. And I can't have amnesia about a declaration that has no particular attached.

Well, if you're comfortable playing judge and jury. :plain: Asking for some of the evidence seems reasonable.

I call you out for your grammatical niggling when confronted with an indefensible point and then you grouse about my grammar in another thread ... I think the point sufficiently made. The defense rests.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I call you out for your grammatical niggling
So it was a call out post. The chuckle at the end was a mask? Or one of those self-satisfied bits a few people seem to enjoy....too bad. But, again, it's just not something I rush about the place doing, which is the reason examples aren't leaping to your fingertips. When I note grammar it's usually after someone has ridden the "smarter than you" high horse into the sunset while making the mistake.

And that just has to be done. :)

when confronted with an indefensible point
I agree that your point was indefensible, which was why I asked you to stop declaring things and give examples, which I knew you couldn't.

and then you grouse about my grammar in another thread
No, that was me showing you an easy example of me not doing what you suggested was my meat around here, while returning the repartee...well, I though that's what it was...ah, well. It wasn't grousing. If I was LH and that was my interest I'd have corrected it and you there.

... I think the point sufficiently made. The defense rests.
Anyone who rests a case without providing evidence is presenting a case, but not the one he means to. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"It is not intelligence but intellectual pride that shuts people out of the kingdom." ~ John MacArthur
:think: When I see someone write, "Your to stupid to bother with," I suppose you could say my noting the difficulty is one way to lance that pride.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:
:yawn: Those things really are catchy.

Anway, proof of what? It's funny when someone proudly declares their superiority while making an error in how they manage it.

I assumed that was your point, given that otherwise you'd just be throwing out an ad hom and we know you hate those, right? :eek:


...[P]roof of what?

:yawn: Proof :peach: of someone stating this (Eph 4:14).

It's funny when someone proudly declares their superiority...
:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Proof :peach: of someone stating this (Eph 4:14).
:yawn: Seriously, stop that. :) Else (and bless your heart) sometimes when you advance a general illustration you use quotes as part of it to avoid confusion in construction. As in that's the sort of thing/in illustration that I'd approach in terms of grammatical error, because it essentially begs for it. I doubt anyone would make both of those errors in a sentence of that sort, though not everyone catches the your/you're bit so I put a to/too error in just in case. If I literally quote someone I literally quote/link to them and name them.

Hope that helps.

I see you added a part two. Well, it might not be funny to you. I can't prove it's funny, but a lot of satire has been aimed at emperors sans clothes and the like, so I think most people get it. If you don't, well, you don't and, again, bless you.