Dirty Old David Letterman: 'Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady'


['Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady': David Letterman stuns his audience into silence with sexist joke by Hannah Parry] "For Mailonline David Letterman stunned his Late Show audience into silence with a joke which has been branded as 'disrespectful to women'.

The veteran host was attempting to warm up the studio audience ahead of his show on Monday when he made the off-colour gag.

Letterman had just opened up questions to the floor, and fielded the first query of the night from a college employee, reported the New York Post.

They asked what advice the scandal-hit comic would give to this year's graduates..." Full text: Treat a lady like a wh**e, and a wh**e like a lady': David Letterman stuns his audience into silence with sexist joke Ac 13:10, Is 47:10

"Jas 3:15 from above...Self-centered wisdom that is consumed with personal ambition is not from God. earthly, sensual, demonic. A description of man’s wisdom as: 1) limited to earth; 2) characterized by humanness, frailty, an unsanctified heart, and an unredeemed spirit; and 3) generated by Satan’s forces (cf. 1 Cor. 2:14; 2 Cor. 11:14, 15)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1931). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

"Satan has no happy old men...I don't think there's anything uglier than an ungodly old man. His eyes are like burned out sockets of lust. His mouth is an open sewer. His mind is like a city dump and all he is looking forward to is getting sicker and sicker until he dies and then being stuck in a hole in the ground." ~ Adrian Rogers more

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New member
The veteran host was attempting to warm up the studio audience

But apparently he only warmed up the aging male Jewish media-manipulating cartel.

JEWS ARE PEDDLING sex around the globe. The hub for the trafficking of Jewish-sponsored prostitution is the Zionist State of Israel which the Evangelicals say is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy!
“Israel has become a routine destination for the global trafficking of women and girls as young as 12 years old,” noted Leonard Fein in Jewish News Weekly @ Israel’s Prostitution Hub And See: JEWISH TRIBUNE’S Report On Jewish Sex Slavery
Amnesty International, in its 2005 Report on Discrimination Against Women in Israel says:
——- “In the wake of large scale immigration to Israel, links between prostitution traffickers in Israel and former Soviet republics. Some 3,000 to 5,000 women are brought annually into Israel and forced to work as sex workers.” ——-
WORLD-WIDE JEWISH SEX PEDDLING FOR THE LAST 125 years Jews have also controlled organized prostitution in Europe, the United States, and South America.
Jewish historian Edward Bristow, in his book Prostitution and Prejudice: the Jewish Fight against White Slavery, says:
——- “In Eastern and Central Europe, Jews dominated the international prostitution traffic that networked to North and South America, to India, Greece, and Europe. Jewish pimps preyed mostly on non-Jewish women. Many of the Jewish underworld figures saw no gap between their prostitution trafficking and their religious lives. A Warsaw thug, Shlomo Letzsky, organized a synagogue for Jewish madams, and pimps. This criminal community even had a rabbinical court to settle disputes between pimps.” ——-
In America, the Jew Reuben Sturman was a multi-million dollar pornographer operating out of a dark and dingy warehouse in Cleveland Ohio. Sturman was making around $300 million per year when he died (and went to hell) in 1997.
The Jew-writer Eric Schlosser praised pornographer Sturman in a US News & World Report (owned by Jew Mortimer Zuckerman), eulogy upon Sturman’s death: “Sturman was a marketing genius whose intelligence and boundless self-confidence were responsible for his successes.”...

HOLLYWOOD JEWS OWN the foremost movie production companies that spew out sex and Anti Christian filth:
1. Universal Studios/MCA: Edgar Bronfman Jr., Owner of Seagram Liquor Co; President of the World Jewish Congress.
2. Paramount Pictures: Sherry Lansing, Chairman.
3.Warner Bros: Warren Lieberford, President.
4. Miramax Films: Harvey Weinstein, CEO
5. Columbia Pictures: Amy Pascal (Changed Her Jewish Last Name); Produced Bad Boys & Da Vinci Code
6. Turner Entertainment: Brad Siegal, President.
7. Dream Works: Steven Spielberg, Jerry Katzenberg, David Geffen.
8. New World Entertainment: Ronald Perlman; Owner of Revlon.
THE HOLLYWOOD JEW as listed above, spews out an endless series of perverted films to debase and degenerate the youth of America & Europe.
The message of the Hollywood Jew is the “heroism” of the isolated individual, stateless and rootless, outside of society and family, whose life is the pursuit of erotic pleasure. It is not the normal and healthy love of man and wife bound together by many children that the Hollywood Jew preaches, but a diseased erotic-for-its-own-sake, the sexual love of two grains of human sand, superficial and impermanent.
The Hollywood Jew cares nothing for the highest of Christian values, namely, marriage, honour, duty, patriotism, discipline, dedication of self to a higher aim. The Hollywood Jew distorts the God-created sexual life. The Hollywood Jew has created instead, “eroto-mania” which obsesses its millions of youthful victims throughout America and Europe.'


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Slow news day for you? :plain:

I left Letterman behind a long time ago. He was too willing to take disparaging, off-handed and pointless shots at rank and file Christianity. I could take George Carlin. At least when he did had something to say he managed to be thoughtful and funny. But Dave, faults and all, has been off the air for a while. Why go out of your way to drag up dirt and comment on it now?


Well-known member
Slow news day for you? :plain:

I left Letterman behind a long time ago. He was too willing to take disparaging, off-handed and pointless shots at rank and file Christianity. I could take George Carlin. At least when he did had something to say he managed to be thoughtful and funny. But Dave, faults and all, has been off the air for a while. Why go out of your way to drag up dirt and comment on it now?

... said the resident grammarian. :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
... said the resident grammarian. :chuckle:
Well, in the land of the blind... :eek:

I'm not really particularly interested in chasing people down with a red pen though, so like you I have no idea why you're on that point. I mostly comment on grammar when someone literally writes something like, "Your two stupid to bother with." Then I have a habit of noting that if you're in the midst of a high-handed dismissal you might want to run a check on how you're doing it.

That sort of thing.

But the mistake was in not erasing "did", the tense being addressed else. :p

Now if grammar is a point of interest for you...

It has long been posited (1) that Sci Fi was readying/urging us to embrace the future. Some felt that future to be the wishes of some men more so than any sort of (2) natural progression and I think they were right to a certain extent. You can start with H. G. Wells and work forward.

1. Avoid using a passive voice whenever possible. Passive verbs make your writing less direct.
2. You could remove this without impacting the other choices. It would actually make the writing clearer.

Or were you only making chit-chat? :poly:
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