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pro vax George Foreman :(


Roy Foreman, mentioned to The New York Times that the cause was not known at the time of the announcement.

See this post:

@Nick M The problem was that it wasn't embedded properly.

Currently on TOL, when you want to embed an X post, you have to remove everything from the question mark onwards (which is just the tracking identifier; any link, not just x.com ones, you can remove everything after and including the question mark and the link should still work), AND everything before the last slash before the string of numbers, then enclose just that string of numbers within the MEDIA tag. It should go from looking like this:


To this:



Well-known member
Mia Love just died of brain cancer at 49.

Quote from her on The View appearance:
“I’m fully vaccinated, I believe that people should get vaccinated,” Love began, clearly about to share a controversial opinion. “I do believe that federal mandates are a slippery slope. But if New York wants to do it—”