Did LBJ Murder JFK?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
As for Nixon; he was even worse....

There was no one more responsible for the long national nightmare of the Vietnam war than LBJ. It appeared that JFK was planning on pulling the American advisors out of Vietnam not long before his death. Eisenhower had said upon leaving office, "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex," and there were many people from that group who hated Kennedy, including the top dogs at the CIA (Alan Dulles and the Bay of Pigs Disaster). They wanted an expanded war there. So those people were natural allies of Johnson because both wanted Kennedy dead.

It was no coincidence that Dulles ended up on the Warren Commision. For more on Dulles' role in the assassination see this link:


After a short time as President Johnson realized that Vietnam was a lost cause but he could not pull out because his cohorts were making too much money. His hands were tied and in the end the war destroyed him. And it almost destroyed the whole country and he did irreparable harm to my generation, buddies of mine who died for no good reason.

This is the saddest story in my life so I cannot imagine that anyone has been a worse President than LBJ! The biggest slime ball of them all!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The back of the head was cratered where the bullet entered. The right front was blown out where it exited.



Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Fake evidence.

I don't refute man made global warming either. It doesn't exist.

Earlier I gave a link where many of those who saw the head wound at Parkland Hospital in Dallas described the head wound as being a large one in the back of the head. They even drew sketches depicting the location of that wound and that wound could only be an exit wound, meaning that the shot came from the front. Here are their testimonies and sketches again so perhaps you can tell us what is fake about their testimony:


And while you are at it perhaps you can tell us what was fake about what Clint Hill said about the location of the head wound. He was the Secret service Agent who was in the backseat with the body on the way to Parkland. Here is his written statement:

"As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portion of the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he was bleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying on the seat” [18H742]. (30 November 1963, Warren Commission Exhibit CE 1024).​

He testified this before the Warren Commission:

"The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the middle of the car. His brain was exposed"
[2H141] (March 9,1964).​

How do you explain that?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The back of the head was cratered where the bullet entered. The right front was blown out where it exited.



Let us look at a slow motion view of the head shot:


If what we see there reflects the truth then how do you explain the fact that after the assassination the right part of the face shows no damage? Click on this link and scroll down to the bottom of the page:


Keep in mind that the Zapruder film was not released to the public until many years after the assassination, giving the conspirators ample time to doctor it.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Folks, the things which happen in regard to the JFK assassination represent the biggest assault on the democratic process in the history of the USA. And the creeps who were responsible for these things got away with it. While the majority of Americans still believe there was a conspiracy the percentage is falling every year due to the so-called "Offical" Warren Report.

We need to keep the truth alive because if we do not learn from this it will happen again.

"Ignorance and its denial will, sad to say, lead us down the same road as it did in all past history"
--Jordan Maxwell​

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The truly objective right divider would easily see the glaring holes in Salerno's assertions.

Yes, Ruby knew that LBJ was behind the assassanation so he also knew that if he decided to squeal his life was over. There was no place for him to run and hide where he was.