Did LBJ Murder JFK?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I grew up in west Texas and a friend of LBJ's, Billie Sol Estes, lived nearby in Pecos. There were several businessmen in my hometown who knew that that Estes was a crook and when he attempted to get loans from banks there he was turned down.

"Among Estes’ legacies: the allegation that Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

While the charge is unproven, oft-repeated (most recently by Republican political consultant Roger Stone), and oft-rejected, there is no doubt that Estes was friends with LBJ and knew his way around a criminal conspiracy. Even the obituary writers at the New York Times saw fit to report his claims about LBJ and JFK.

As his multi-million dollar empire began to fall apart in 1962, the well-connected Estes became a political liability to the Kennedy administration. President Kennedy himself had to publicly say that the Justice Dept. would get to the bottom of the Estes shenanigans.

Yet, as investigators dug into his labyrinthine schemes, they ended up dead — seven of them in fact; the majority dubiously ruled to be suicide. One victim’s “suicide” included five shots from a bolt action rifle.

In the early 1980s, after serving four years for tax fraud, Estes told Justice Dept. officials that not only did some his ill-gotten proceeds go to LBJ, but that LBJ ordered the investigator murders to avoid being connected to the kickbacks. Estes also said that he knew that LBJ orchestrated the JFK assassination, pointing to LBJ henchman Malcolm Wallace as a triggerman in both the investigator and the JFK killings.

In 1951, Wallace narrowly avoided execution — getting instead a suspended sentence — for a murder he committed in Texas. In 1998 assassination investigator Walt Brown claimed that a mystery fingerprint taken from a box in the 6th Floor “sniper’s den” matched Wallace’s."

There is much more to this story. It is clear that the shots which killed JFK came from the front. It is also clear that there was a conspiracy after the fact to cover up the evidence by someone high up in the government.

It is also true that LBJ had the most to gain from the assassination because he was going to get dumped as the VP on the ticket in the next Presidental election. It was no coincidence that the assassination happened in Dallas as LBJ was previously one of the Senators from Texas.

Even Jackie Kennedy was convinced that LBJ was behind the assassination.

patrick jane

What? No one wants to defend LBJ, the great icon of the left?
Many years ago I read the book: Contract On America, it was a great book, filled with evidence of Dallas Police involvement, the mafia, and many other facts from different theories, I definitely think the mob was involved but I'm not sure about LBJ
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Many years ago I read the book: Contract On America, it was a great book, filled with evidence of Dallas Police involvement, the mafia, and many other facts from different theories, I definately think the mob was involved but I'm not sure about LBJ

If you look at this link you will see that the first people who saw JFK's head wounds were the people at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. They described a large wound in the back of his head, which indicate an exit wound:


However, by the time the autopsy was completed at Bethesda Hospital near Washington DC the wound had mysteriously been changed from the back of the head to near the front. I do not think that anyone in the Mafia had anyway to effect those changes. Only someone high up in the US governement had that power.

Here is a link to an eyewitness account of a person who was at Dallas' Parkland Hospital and saw the body of JFK shortly after he was shot:


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Only a verified idiot like granite would say the shots came from the front when the evidence is examined and accepted. I'm on my phone so I can't post the picture of the right front exit wound in his temple.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Only a verified idiot like granite would say the shots came from the front when the evidence is examined and accepted. I'm on my phone so I can't post the picture of the right front exit wound in his temple.

The Secret Service agent, Clint Hill, who was in the back seat on the way Parkland Hospital testified this in his written statement:

"As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portion of the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he was bleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying on the seat”
[18H742]. (30 November 1963, Warren Commission Exhibit CE 1024).​

He testified this before the Warren Commission:

"The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the middle of the car. His brain was exposed" [2H141] (March 9,1964).​

That wound could only result from a shot fired from the front.

Not only that, but he said that Jackie Kennedy climbed onto the back hood of the car in an attempt to retrieve part of the skull and hair so the force of the bullet caused that matter backward, which would not happen if the shot was from the back.


New member
Only a verified idiot like granite would say the shots came from the front when the evidence is examined and accepted. I'm on my phone so I can't post the picture of the right front exit wound in his temple.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
All the fake evidence (like what Jerry posted) is on the conspiracy side. I'll sit in front of my computer another time. Go make your case that we never went up the moon. Idiots.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
All the fake evidence (like what Jerry posted) is on the conspiracy side. I'll sit in front of my computer another time. Go make your case that we never went up the moon. Idiots.

i never went up to the moon :idunno:

did you ever go up to the moon?


New member
Some thoughts...

A relative of Oswald's worked in a nightclub in New Orleans owned by the New Orleans Crime Boss of that time: Carlos Marcello.

Marcello hated Bobby with a passion, for a huge humiliation brought on him in the face of the various, nationwide Crime Bosses, as a result of a major sting operation resulting from Bobby's investigations.

Oswald used to visit that relative at said relative's place of employment.

Jack Ruby: the man who murdered Oswald shortly after the first Kennedy killing; worked in a nightclub in Texas, owned by Marcello's Underboss (second in command after Marcello).

I wouldn't discount Johnson's involvement, though; as he was well known to have been as vain, and as vicious and cunning in his quest for power as Nixon had been.


New member
i never went up to the moon :idunno:

did you ever go up to the moon?

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars

In other words, yours is sand.
In other words, okee, ain't life grand.



Well-known member
i never went up to the moon :idunno:

did you ever go up to the moon?


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
All the fake evidence (like what Jerry posted) is on the conspiracy side. I'll sit in front of my computer another time. Go make your case that we never went up the moon. Idiots.

Fake evidence?

Just because you have no answer to the evidence which I provided means nothing.

I guess you must believe that Clint Hill is a fake Secret Service Agent and his testimony is fake?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I wouldn't discount Johnson's involvement, though; as he was well known to have been as vain, and as vicious and cunning in his quest for power as Nixon had been.

Speaking of those two Presidents we read the following in the book "The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ" by Roger Stone:

Richard Nixon thought Lyndon Johnson killed John F. Kennedy, according to legendary political operative Roger Stone.

“Richard Nixon told me in 1982 that he immediately knew who Jack Ruby was when he saw him shoot Oswald,” Stone told The Daily Caller in an extensive interview.

Stone’s new book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ is currently tearing up the Amazon bestseller list and even earned praise from Ron Paul.

Among other revelations, Stone told The DC that Nixon hired Jack Ruby as a House committee informant at Johnson’s request years prior to the Kennedy assassination, which occurred 50 years ago today.

“Nixon said, ‘The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray [Chotiner] brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of “Johnson’s boys” and that LBJ wanted us to hire him as an informant to the Committee. We did,'” according to Stone.

“I think Nixon immediately recognized that LBJ was using one his operatives to do ‘clean up’ work on the murder of John Kennedy. Nixon would also say to me ‘Both Johnson and I wanted to be president, but the only difference was I wouldn’t kill for it.’ At other times when I pressed the old man hard on who really killed JFK, Nixon would just shiver and say ‘Texas!’,” Stone said.

“Richard Nixon, Henry Cabot Lodge and Barry Goldwater were convinced that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. I mean absolutely convinced.”

But why would Johnson take such a massive risk? Johnson had been Senate Majority Leader and was Vice President of the United States at the time of Kennedy’s execution.

“Lyndon Johnson was on the verge of political execution at the hands of the Kennedys who despised Johnson for using blackmail and intimidation with a hostile takeover of the vice presidency at the 1960 Democratic convention…All the insiders in DC knew that the Kennedys and LBJ were enemies. Robert Kennedy was within days of destroying LBJ with a two-track program. One was a RFK-fed LIFE magazine expose into LBJ’s epic corruption and ties to his protégé’s Bobby Baker’s scandals. The other was a Senate Rules Committee investigation, also fed by Robert Kennedy, into LBJ’s corruption and kickbacks,” Stone said. “Desperate” does not even begin to describe LBJ’s situation. LBJ was on the verge of not just national humiliation and being dropped from the 1964 Demo ticket, he was looking at the slammer.”


Did somebody say "motive"?


New member
Good post, Jer - I'd forgotten Johnson had personally known Ruby.

In fact, I had a neighbor years ago; a woman up in years who was from Texas and had personally known Johson. She had pictures of him with her family.

I asked her about the pictures and we got to talking.

She went on about different stories of his times with her family.

At one point she said "of course, you know he was an old scoundrel..."

When I asked her what she'd meant, she told me he'd been "seen around town with the Jack Ruby fella - you know; he's the one who killed Lee Harvey Oswald..."

I miss that old woman. She had lived one heck of an interesting life and was one heck of a "take no prisoners" type, lol

As for Nixon; he was even worse....

New evidence indicates Nixon himself tried to sabotage Vietnam War peace talks

For further details see the link below....
