The emnity is the law. Where there is no law there is no emnity. are translating the scripture to suit your doctrine, not adjusting your doctrine to suit the scripture.
Sin is a principality, and principality is His enemy, and is enmity towards Him. He makes that plain. He has no flesh and blood enemies, and certainly the LAW which CAME FROM HIM, is not His enemy. If He has no flesh and blood enemies, this must be why He said that our enemies are the powers and PRINCIPALITIES of the air = spiritual.
The reason He nailed it to the cross was not to do away with it, but to point to the ANSWER to the problem, which was why a brass serpent was nailed to the pole in the OT, after the people had accepted the principality's thought into their hearts, and acted on it.
The sting of sin is death. So we have sin, which is described as having a stinger, and that stinger is death, correct? That's probably why the other scripture witness says, O death, where is thy sting?
Faith without works is dead (produces death) and works without faith is dead (produces death).
Now keeping this in mind, when the principality sin spoke to the hearts of the Israelites concerning flesh, would it have been faith in HaShem (who they can't see) if they had resisted and walked on? Yes, and faith with the work of walking on, would NOT have produced death, as we are told.
But they produced death via their disobedience, so the reversal had to be shown to them, which was another command from HaShem that they had to have faith AND works for, to reverse the curse wrought by listening to the principality and obeying it.
And it was: look on the serpent on the pole and you will live. Faith in what He said, plus works of doing what He said = NO death from the principality. It's a principality, or do you think they all just started dying off because they had quail in their teeth?
Now did the law regarding not lusting after the fleshly things when He has provided better change, or was it thrown away? NO.
Does it still work today in those that do such things? YES and it will as long as there is flesh that needs to die to self.
Is the purpose of that law to offer wholeness from sin? NO. It points out the brokenness that exists and NEEDS wholeness, which is only to be found with the COMBINATION of the two on the pole.
Is it bad to point out brokenness? NO.
Does HaShem use it? YES.
Does, once conviction start, He use it point to a way to wholeness? YES. Peace