Gen 1:3 God said, “I command light to shine! And light started shining. 4 God looked at the light and saw that it was good." CEV
If, God did make a distinction between light and shine it would be wise for men to do the same or at the very least consider it.
Making a distinction between light and shine could shine a new light on subjects like black holes, the double slit experiment, CMB and gravity, just for starters.
Considering God’s creation:
Is it a coincidence that electricity and light are believed to travel at basically the same rate? I think not. That fact alone leads one to think that the tool bag God used to make light possible was the same tool bag used to make electricity possible.
With AC electricity, the wave of electrons hardly move at all, they basically stand up and they set down. Why would it be any different with light… maybe in a wave of light, they stand up and they set down.
Perhaps the shine is like many other waves of energy and the light is the medium similar to a conductor of electricity and is largely stationary. Then light would be found almost everywhere; the shine is the wave of energy that activates/ignites/ ionizes the largely stationary conductor, light. On the surface it may seem just a semantical issue, but I don’t believe it is just semantics. It seems to me–that if true, things look much different in the quantum realm, as you begin to separate light from shine, as God may have given us the clue to do so.
The physical shape of light could be an ever-changing shape due to the loss of entropy from the ever-passing energy waves that organizes the light and or from the quantum pressure that contains it. Light could be what many have coined as their belief in a “quantum foam”. I like the idea of “quantum foam”, but what if we just call it light?
If true, it brings to light new waves of thought on many queries like, the aforementioned, CMB, the double slit experiment, black holes, gravities effect on light, and gravity itself.
Taking into consideration that light and shine may be different… you might come to see things anew…. your new vision will give way to new conclusions that fit, God’s revelations and God’s creation, titer.
Questions like the ones below can be seen in the new light:
In the double slit experiment:
A projectile is shot into the ever-present light... the projectile causes the stationary light to move/shine and then light comes to rest in a new pattern or if you will it takes on a new set. The new light set effects the next projectile path. It is important to note that the changing light sets are little affected by the displacement via the mass of the projectile, it is almost entirely shaped by the loss of entropy of the projectile that moves the light into a largely new set position. Only a loss of entropy, energy wave, would move light to a new set position, or if you will... energizes the light to shine.
The loss of entropy into the light effectively steers both the light and the projectile on both sides of the slit. The light's new set affects the path of the next projectile and so on. The light switching on and off uses the passing energy wave to do that work.
The new light set determines the pattern that is seen in the results. The steering or, if you will, the guiding light determines the place of impact of each projectile.
Turn on a detector to observe the projectiles. The detector affects each new light set. It is akin to grounding an electric motor, shielding a wire or computer chip, installing a capacitor on a collapsing field of a coil or tuning a wave guide to a radio wave of your liking. The detector in this case has tuned out much of the lights shine.
The detector has a grounding/capacitance effect on the light and shine, that tends to reset and or limit the amplitude of the light sets that it is observing and tending to ground it back to a more neutral set. With no ground/capacitor/camera/detector on the oscillation of the ever-present guiding light and the light becomes much more active which changes the impact area of the projectile to a wider pattern/wave.
If true, it is likely falsifiable: By changing the location of the detector. For the detector to have much less affect on the guiding light you could shoot the projectiles directly into the detector. The energy that moves the light is in a wave, that wave will have its greatest movement perpendicular to the energy path that moves the light/projectile, if the detector is directly in front of the projectile the light set will be less attenuated. The capacitance/grounding affect will be in line with the wave/energy flow and will affect the light sets far less.
Black Holes, CMB and Lighting Bolts:
I can think of at least two places where light may not be found; in a black hole and in the center of a lighting bolt. In those two places, the flow of energy is at such a high level, in only one direction and not in a wave, that the quantum pressure forces and sustains the light away from the flow of the one-way energy flow, the light medium is completely pushed out, so, it is pitch black.
Black holes could be a quantum pump that supply their respective galaxies a constant or on demand supply of quantum pressure/pure energy to contain light, and maintain the CMB. Then Black holes are not sucking in light they are pushing it away. It might be the same in the center of a lighting bolt. The one-way flow of energy is pushing light away from its center and it would be pitch black in its center, as there is no light. Is it a coincidence that lighting and black holes have things in common? Maybe the absence of light in the center of a bolt of lighting is falsifiable?
Gravity in anew light:
Does gravity affect quantum pressure? General relativity says yes, but just how?
Mass and dense mass might crowd out/displace some large quantities of light that wants to fill in any and all space absent of light, as light slithers into any and all empty spaces in the mass, and or light is forced out due to internal heat and compression. Both of those could in a general way cause denser light to form around the exterior of that dense mass. Meaning that quantum pressure/light builds around the outside of the densest masses? Could it be that light is influencing the passing energy waves and not gravity?
Perhaps a quantum vacuum or if you will, the absence of light is gravity? Is the density of light inversely proportional to gravity?
I don’t know, but I do know that thinking about God’s creation is edifying and fun
I can only imagine just how much fun Johann Kepler must have had, exploring the countless mystery’s that surround our God’s creation–as he, Kepler tried to
If, God did make a distinction between light and shine it would be wise for men to do the same or at the very least consider it.
Making a distinction between light and shine could shine a new light on subjects like black holes, the double slit experiment, CMB and gravity, just for starters.
Considering God’s creation:
Is it a coincidence that electricity and light are believed to travel at basically the same rate? I think not. That fact alone leads one to think that the tool bag God used to make light possible was the same tool bag used to make electricity possible.
With AC electricity, the wave of electrons hardly move at all, they basically stand up and they set down. Why would it be any different with light… maybe in a wave of light, they stand up and they set down.
Perhaps the shine is like many other waves of energy and the light is the medium similar to a conductor of electricity and is largely stationary. Then light would be found almost everywhere; the shine is the wave of energy that activates/ignites/ ionizes the largely stationary conductor, light. On the surface it may seem just a semantical issue, but I don’t believe it is just semantics. It seems to me–that if true, things look much different in the quantum realm, as you begin to separate light from shine, as God may have given us the clue to do so.
The physical shape of light could be an ever-changing shape due to the loss of entropy from the ever-passing energy waves that organizes the light and or from the quantum pressure that contains it. Light could be what many have coined as their belief in a “quantum foam”. I like the idea of “quantum foam”, but what if we just call it light?
If true, it brings to light new waves of thought on many queries like, the aforementioned, CMB, the double slit experiment, black holes, gravities effect on light, and gravity itself.
Taking into consideration that light and shine may be different… you might come to see things anew…. your new vision will give way to new conclusions that fit, God’s revelations and God’s creation, titer.
Questions like the ones below can be seen in the new light:
In the double slit experiment:
A projectile is shot into the ever-present light... the projectile causes the stationary light to move/shine and then light comes to rest in a new pattern or if you will it takes on a new set. The new light set effects the next projectile path. It is important to note that the changing light sets are little affected by the displacement via the mass of the projectile, it is almost entirely shaped by the loss of entropy of the projectile that moves the light into a largely new set position. Only a loss of entropy, energy wave, would move light to a new set position, or if you will... energizes the light to shine.
The loss of entropy into the light effectively steers both the light and the projectile on both sides of the slit. The light's new set affects the path of the next projectile and so on. The light switching on and off uses the passing energy wave to do that work.
The new light set determines the pattern that is seen in the results. The steering or, if you will, the guiding light determines the place of impact of each projectile.
Turn on a detector to observe the projectiles. The detector affects each new light set. It is akin to grounding an electric motor, shielding a wire or computer chip, installing a capacitor on a collapsing field of a coil or tuning a wave guide to a radio wave of your liking. The detector in this case has tuned out much of the lights shine.
The detector has a grounding/capacitance effect on the light and shine, that tends to reset and or limit the amplitude of the light sets that it is observing and tending to ground it back to a more neutral set. With no ground/capacitor/camera/detector on the oscillation of the ever-present guiding light and the light becomes much more active which changes the impact area of the projectile to a wider pattern/wave.
If true, it is likely falsifiable: By changing the location of the detector. For the detector to have much less affect on the guiding light you could shoot the projectiles directly into the detector. The energy that moves the light is in a wave, that wave will have its greatest movement perpendicular to the energy path that moves the light/projectile, if the detector is directly in front of the projectile the light set will be less attenuated. The capacitance/grounding affect will be in line with the wave/energy flow and will affect the light sets far less.
Black Holes, CMB and Lighting Bolts:
I can think of at least two places where light may not be found; in a black hole and in the center of a lighting bolt. In those two places, the flow of energy is at such a high level, in only one direction and not in a wave, that the quantum pressure forces and sustains the light away from the flow of the one-way energy flow, the light medium is completely pushed out, so, it is pitch black.
Black holes could be a quantum pump that supply their respective galaxies a constant or on demand supply of quantum pressure/pure energy to contain light, and maintain the CMB. Then Black holes are not sucking in light they are pushing it away. It might be the same in the center of a lighting bolt. The one-way flow of energy is pushing light away from its center and it would be pitch black in its center, as there is no light. Is it a coincidence that lighting and black holes have things in common? Maybe the absence of light in the center of a bolt of lighting is falsifiable?
Gravity in anew light:
Does gravity affect quantum pressure? General relativity says yes, but just how?
Mass and dense mass might crowd out/displace some large quantities of light that wants to fill in any and all space absent of light, as light slithers into any and all empty spaces in the mass, and or light is forced out due to internal heat and compression. Both of those could in a general way cause denser light to form around the exterior of that dense mass. Meaning that quantum pressure/light builds around the outside of the densest masses? Could it be that light is influencing the passing energy waves and not gravity?
Perhaps a quantum vacuum or if you will, the absence of light is gravity? Is the density of light inversely proportional to gravity?
I don’t know, but I do know that thinking about God’s creation is edifying and fun