Did God become flesh?

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Well-known member
Much more than that. Christ means anointed of God.

Ever study what he was anointed with?

I am not disagreeing with you Doc for I know that he is the Christ and I know what he was anointed with.

Stop KeyPurr, I am not going to entertain your folly after this post.

Your position is Jesus in His human form, could not save anyone..Jesus, without this "spirit son" couldn't heal, couldn't raise the dead etc.... He needed this so called "spirit son" that you conjured up to be able to save someone. And that He didn't really die, at least the part we need to call upon for salvation, as he departed before when Jesus took His last breath on the cross.

I am not interested......You go on believing what you want. If you want to incorporate some Eastern Religion into what you believe, go ahead. But count me out.

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus tells you that ONLY his father is God why do you ignore his words and listen to men instead?

He went to his God and our God. Jesus is the SON of God, our Lord, made so by his God.

Here are some notes I saved from a brother I met on TOL 15 years ago. It long but worth your time.

John 20 Thomas said
Thomas' worship of the risen Jesus as "My Lord and my God"

This is why Jesus did not rebuke Thomas when he fell at his feet and worshiped the risen Lord. Not because Jesus knew himself to be Jehovah God and this fact had finally dawned on Thomas. Rather, it was homage it proffered to Jesus as God's ordained Messiah. Jesus can be worshiped as the Lord Messiah. In fact, this is clearly what the writer John means by reporting this incident, for the very next two verses say that these things "have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31).
To say that Thomas was worshiping Jesus as Almighty God is to directly contradict John's own stated purpose for writing his whole Gospel. When Thomas fell at Jesus' feet and worshiped him, Thomas was at last recognizing that the resurrected Jesus was the long promised Lord Messiah. Thomas' language it was steeped in Old Testament concepts.

Remember when David stepped out of the cave and call to King Saul, "My Lord and my King" (1 Sam. 24:9)? In the same way King Messiah is to be worshiped and adored by his bride: "Then the King will desire your beauty; because he is your Lord, bow down to him" (Ps.45:11). Thomas' language is in the same Hebrew tradition. He means the same thing. Thomas is addressing the rightful king of Israel, the now risen and victorious Lord. We just have to think like first century Jews steeped in their Old Testament prophets! "A Savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord" (Luke 2:11). The wise men believe the infant Jesus was the King of Israel they brought their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to worship him: "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and have come to worship him They bowed down and worshiped him" (Matt. 2:2, 11). "God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified" (Acts 2:36). Worship is offered to Jesus because he is the Messiah, the Son of God, the King of Israel. We have already seen that in Jewish understanding, the word "God" can refer to one who represents the Almighty God (Exodus 7:1, etc.). The King of Israel could be called "god" because he represented God to the people. Thomas knew the Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah was to be called "god" for he was to represent Jehovah perfectly. Thomas' worship was that of a Jew deeply grounded in the Old Testament faith that God is one Jehovah and that the Messiah is also called "god" in a relative and royal rather than an absolute sense. Psalm 45:7 says of the Messiah, "You have loved righteousness, and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy above your fellows."

Evidently this anointed one has a God above him: Jehovah is he is God. Come to think of it, isn't this what Jesus himself said just a few verses before he received Thomas' worship? "Stop clinging to me: for I have not yet ascended to the father; but go to my brethren, and say to them, 'I ascend to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God'" (John 20:17).

Exalted in heaven right now Jesus still calls the Lord God Almighty "my God" and "my Father" (Rev. 3:2, 5, 12). The Lord God is still called "his God and Father" (Rev. 1:6). In the Revelation there is always "our God" and "His Christ" (Rev. 12:10; 20:6) or "the Lord God, the Almighty, and the lamb" (Rev. 6:16; 21:22; 21:1, 3). Yes, in good Hebrew understanding, Thomas' worship preserves this Biblical distinction:

Lord and Messiah = Lord and king= Lord and god

Jesus' creed is that his Father is "the only true God" and that he himself is the Messiah whom that one God has commissioned. He defines this knowledge as "eternal life." (John 17:3). In all matters because on that great and unique day in the age to come, "Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus the Messiah is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil. 2:10-11). The worship we give to our glorious Lord Jesus Christ is worship that is ultimately given to his God and our God, to his Father and our Father.
Jesus is NOT "a god"...

Your understanding of all scripture is wrong due to your many false premises.

The WORD was WITH God and the WORD WAS GOD (John 1:1).

The WORD was NOT a "creation". The WORD WAS GOD.


Well-known member
Stop KeyPurr, I am not going to entertain your folly after this post.

Your position is Jesus in His human form, could not save anyone..Jesus, without this "spirit son" couldn't heal, couldn't raise the dead etc.... He needed this so called "spirit son" that you conjured up to be able to save someone. And that He didn't really die, at least the part we need to call upon for salvation, as he departed before when Jesus took His last breath on the cross.

I am not interested......You go on believing what you want. If you want to incorporate some Eastern Religion into what you believe, go ahead. But count me out.

Not so, I believe Jesus had to be human to be the sacrifice for mankind.

I though you might be interested in a deep discussion, you chose to close you mind. Ok. I will not bother you with my questions that you can not answer.


Well-known member
Jesus is NOT "a god"...

Your understanding of all scripture is wrong due to your many false premises.

The WORD was WITH God and the WORD WAS GOD (John 1:1).

The WORD was NOT a "creation". The WORD WAS GOD.

Your Greek to English translations are not perfect. There is no perfect Bible.

The Greek was translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic. Greek would have been easier to understand if it used names not titles. EXMPLE: YHWH-God.

Why did Jesus Christ say his Father is the ONLY true God????? John 17:3

That verse should be studied by all who say they are Christians.

Right Divider

Body part
Your Greek to English translations are not perfect.
Says the guy that openly admits that his English is terrible and has no clue about Greek.

There is no perfect Bible.
Poor keypuur has no Bible.

The Greek was translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic.
A vague claim that you continually make WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

Greek would have been easier to understand if it used names not titles. EXMPLE: YHWH-God.

Why did Jesus Christ say his Father is the ONLY true God????? John 17:3

That verse should be studied by all who say they are Christians.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There is no perfect Bible.

Who taught you that? Certainly not the LORD God.

Provide your infallible source authority, that "proves" that.

Prove that "the originals" were perfect.

Come on, bible "believer."

Define "bible believer."

You won't, because you are a Christ rejecting, bible rejecting, fraud. My evidence? You. And no Christ rejector, bible correcting fool, is a "friend" of respective, forever justified members of the boc. You are an enemy of the cross of Christ, the gospel of Christ, and thus our enemy, for if the Lord Jesus Christ is not God in the flesh, He is a fake "Jesus," a fraud, deceiver, like unto yourself, in no position to save anyone.

Can you did it, enemy?


Well-known member
Fraud. There is no such thing as "the" Greek. You just read that on one of your bible correcting, Christ rejecting sites, though it sounded "real cool," making you look like some "expert."

We are on to your con.

You don't read much do you?


Stop KeyPurr, I am not going to entertain your folly after this post.

Your position is Jesus in His human form, could not save anyone..Jesus, without this "spirit son" couldn't heal, couldn't raise the dead etc.... He needed this so called "spirit son" that you conjured up to be able to save someone. And that He didn't really die, at least the part we need to call upon for salvation, as he departed before when Jesus took His last breath on the cross.

I am not interested......You go on believing what you want. If you want to incorporate some Eastern Religion into what you believe, go ahead. But count me out.
he has right to defend his conviction for His Lord, Christ Jesus, Son of living God.


Christ came to glorify his father, not himself, and I never said he did not have glory before he came from heaven.

1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

You simply do not understand what post. Jesus is Lord, not God.

Well said and it is so simple yet too many disregard Jesus' simple identity.
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