Desperate Sean Spicer...


New member
...Brags About Employment Numbers That Really Belong to President Obama

By Sarah Jones on Fri, Mar 10th, 2017 at 11:08 am

Well brace yourselves for this bit of tap dancing. During President Obama's eight years as president, conservatives went so far over the edge to deny his economic successes that they accused the job numbers of being fake when they weren't busy saying that the economy and job numbers didn't really reflect on the president at all.

But now, when Trump hasn’t been in office long enough to have any kind of impact on job numbers, they are all about taking credit for the work Obama did.

“Great news for American workers: economy added 235,000 new jobs, unemployment rate drops to 4.7% in first report for @POTUS Trump,” Spicer shared, suggesting that suddenly conservatives believe in the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) numbers now.

In point of fact, the job numbers this February mirror the job numbers under Obama for February of 2015: 238,000 and February of 2016, 237,000.

Over the past 3 months, BLS says “job gains have averaged 209,000 per month.”

Conservatives spent eight years not wanting to be a part of the solution after the economy cratered under President Bush, but now they want to ascribe the results of the previous administration’s policies to their own side.

No reasonable person would take credit for impacting job numbers in February when they took office January 20th.

But then, we have established that “reasonable” is not the first adjective one reaches for when describing Donald Trump and his crew.

The fact remains that President Obama’s job growth numbers were historic, he left office with the longest consecutive job creation streak in 75 years.

We can only hope that Donald Trump manages not to screw up Obama’s job record when his own policies are enacted. If Trump managed to succeed on this, it would be good for the country.

It’s natural that the Trump administration would clutch this tiny bit of good news and try to spread it all over the chaotic and let’s face it, disastrous roll out of Trump’s presidency thus far. When you’re being accused of possibly colluding with a foreign government to get into office and possibly continuing to do so, taking credit for your predecessor’s good job numbers isn’t really a big deal. And it’s not like this particular bit of political showboating is a Trumpism. This is something all politicians do to some degree, although denying reality under Obama takes the hypocrisy of this to new levels.

But facts are a big deal, and the fact of the matter is this is not a Trump victory. We hope he does have job growth victories, but this job growth victory is not his.

Trump promised to fix Obama’s supposedly terrible job numbers and economy (not accurate at all). So that would presume that having the same numbers as Obama did the last two years is not a fix. We await the fix.

Donald Trump...

You're such a chump.

Your orange skin a funeral pyre.

A symbol you're a big fat liar.


New member
Trump's problem is he and his has haven't an original thought.

Even his buddy's so called original idea for the fake reality TV show: The Apprentice, was not much different from the old British classic where that crusty old woman disposes of one contestant after another with the cryptic "YOU ARE...the WEAKEST link! - Good bye..."


Well-known member

Donald Trump...

You're such a chump.

Your orange skin a funeral pyre.

A symbol you're a big fat liar.

Yay for "Liberal Nation Rising" and all it's liberal propoganda. You're a bleeding heart liberal, Danoh, and you've even take to drinking their kool aid. I'm actually quite surprised to see you've swallowed the Humanist line. :think:

The "orange skin" comment only shows how petty are your points. :chuckle:


New member
Yay for "Liberal Nation Rising" and all it's liberal propoganda. You're a bleeding heart liberal, Danoh, and you've even take to drinking their kool aid. I'm actually quite surprised to see you've swallowed the Humanist line. :think:

The "orange skin" comment only shows how petty are your points. :chuckle:
Yeah, they are racist. They don't like orange people.

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Obama bankrupted the hell out of this country in hopes of making it a socialist state- and then these liberals are worried about what we are doing with the 'budget' :freak:

They have no defense; just let them simmer in their own nonsense


New member
Yay for "Liberal Nation Rising" and all it's liberal propoganda. You're a bleeding heart liberal, Danoh, and you've even take to drinking their kool aid. I'm actually quite surprised to see you've swallowed the Humanist line. :think:

The "orange skin" comment only shows how petty are your points. :chuckle:

You follow agent orange; I'll follow the following "humanism."

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.


New member
Yeah, they are racist. They don't like orange people.

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Nope. The orange skin represents just one more aspect of the man's overblown narcissism - his profoundly extreme self-worship.

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.


New member
Yes, be good to all men. Unless they are orange.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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New member
Yes, be good to all men. Unless they are orange.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Trump's greed and its' political and financial corruption during Reagan's massive deregulations saw him buying and selling politicians and loan brokers like few real estate developers New York had ever seen.

A ravenous wolf; he was eventually so out of control in his bribery and greed that he eventually brought not only himself down to his knees; but many of the brokers who had taken his bribes in exchange for multi-million dollar loans his over hyped projects simply could not endure supporting for very long.

Down, down, down Trumpty Dumpty fell, by his own hand.

His daughter, Ivanka, tells of a time when her father, during one of those unguarded moments between man and child; once pointed to a homeless person and said "right now, he is worth more than I am..."

At the time, his corruption had so threatened to bring down with him those just as corrupt bankers Reagan's fool deregulations had let loose to do as they pleased; that they were forced to not only repeatedly float the Donald, but to somehow repeatedly step in to force him each time, to drastically cut back on his still massive, out of control spending.

The Donald's protection from the obvious?

His ever overblown narcissism - his having convinced himself that others were at fault.

Even going so far as to blame three of his most loyal employees; just after the three died in a Trump helicopter crash.

That man simply hasn't a conscience.

What do such learn from all that?

Only that others are too blame.

And that there will be another day when they can once more try to get away with things their way.

That's the Donald - one bankruptcy after another.

And many, many lawsuits after another against him; for his corruption - many of which are still pending to this very day. the ravenous wolf you fools gave the key to the biggest hen house in the U.S. to.

As a result; we're headed for the biggest scandal our country has ever seen - and on many, many levels - as he continues to put in place not only men every bit as corrupt as he, but to remove the very kinds of legislations meant to cut such individuals off just as they begin reaching that point of no return.

So, no, you fool, kindness is to be extended to such as your agent orange, from what is neccesarily the same safe distance one would extend a kindness to wild animal; especially in the case of a rabid one.



Trump is the President of this country- you ought to recognize that for what it is- neither you or your MEDIA voted for him, he is in office because you all are frankly hateful, biased people- how are you going to call me a racist sexist bigot and expect me to vote for you?

You're all retarded

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Your orange skin a funeral pyre.



like marbles on glass
"They may have been phony in the past, but they're very real now."

And then he laughs. And the reporters laugh. Because everyone knows what a pathological liar the Feckless Leader is, and all his minions and toadies lie right along with him - but now it's normal. And expected. And the beat goes on.



New member
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Trump's greed and its' political and financial corruption during Reagan's massive deregulations saw him buying and selling politicians and loan brokers like few real estate developers New York had ever seen.

A ravenous wolf; he was eventually so out of control in his bribery and greed that he eventually brought not only himself down to his knees; but many of the brokers who had taken his bribes in exchange for multi-million dollar loans his over hyped projects simply could not endure supporting for very long.

Down, down, down Trumpty Dumpty fell, by his own hand.

His daughter, Ivanka, tells of a time when her father, during one of those unguarded moments between man and child; once pointed to a homeless person and said "right now, he is worth more than I am..."

At the time, his corruption had so threatened to bring down with him those just as corrupt bankers Reagan's fool deregulations had let loose to do as they pleased; that they were forced to not only repeatedly float the Donald, but to somehow repeatedly step in to force him each time, to drastically cut back on his still massive, out of control spending.

The Donald's protection from the obvious?

His ever overblown narcissism - his having convinced himself that others were at fault.

Even going so far as to blame three of his most loyal employees; just after the three died in a Trump helicopter crash.

That man simply hasn't a conscience.

What do such learn from all that?

Only that others are too blame.

And that there will be another day when they can once more try to get away with things their way.

That's the Donald - one bankruptcy after another.

And many, many lawsuits after another against him; for his corruption - many of which are still pending to this very day. the ravenous wolf you fools gave the key to the biggest hen house in the U.S. to.

As a result; we're headed for the biggest scandal our country has ever seen - and on many, many levels - as he continues to put in place not only men every bit as corrupt as he, but to remove the very kinds of legislations meant to cut such individuals off just as they begin reaching that point of no return.

So, no, you fool, kindness is to be extended to such as your agent orange, from what is neccesarily the same safe distance one would extend a kindness to wild animal; especially in the case of a rabid one.

Romans 13:1-2 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Jesus, Himself, was subjected to the higher power of government.

John 19:10-11 KJV
Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? [11] Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

So basically you are saying, you have more power than Christ Himself to come against the higher powers of government.

If you truly believe your Bible, you understand that all government or authority comes from God for His purposes.

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New member
Romans 13:1-2 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Jesus, Himself, was subjected to the higher power of government.

John 19:10-11 KJV
Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? [11] Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

So basically you are saying, you have more power than Christ Himself to come against the higher powers of government.

If you truly believe your Bible, you understand that all government or authority comes from God for His purposes.

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How about this one from "the greatest jobs president that God ever created?"

"Don't believe those phony numbers, when you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment, the number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35, in fact I even heard recently 42%."

Nuff said.


New member
Nuff said.
Danoh, Sometimes it takes a while to understand authority. All authority is either directly or indirectly ordained by God for His purpose.

Until God gives someone a way out, like being able to move, then you are subject to that authority.

Now that doesn't mean you would do something against God for government, but you would suffer government means by disobeying.

Just like Jesus and the Jews suffered under government. It was all God ordained.

When Obama was head, that also was God ordained for a reason. The church was suffering ridicule and loosing their jobs for standing up to that government over gay marriage. There were pro life clinics standing up to that government for refusing to post abortion info and suffering the authority conditions.

It is all God ordained and as long as you stand for God's Word you will come out on top. Even if it means getting arrested for refusing to stand for abortion. Just make sure you are not arrested for something that goes against the Word of God, like the liberals out there looting and burning other people's property.

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New member
Danoh, Sometimes it takes a while to understand authority. All authority is either directly or indirectly ordained by God for His purpose.

Until God gives someone a way out, like being able to move, then you are subject to that authority.

Now that doesn't mean you would do something against God for government, but you would suffer government means by disobeying.

Just like Jesus and the Jews suffered under government. It was all God ordained.

When Obama was head, that also was God ordained for a reason. The church was suffering ridicule and loosing their jobs for standing up to that government over gay marriage. There were pro life clinics standing up to that government for refusing to post abortion info and suffering the authority conditions.

It is all God ordained and as long as you stand for God's Word you will come out on top. Even if it means getting arrested for refusing to stand for abortion. Just make sure you are not arrested for something that goes against the Word of God, like the liberals out there looting and burning other people's property.

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That is your view.

I can respect that.

But it is not mine.

The following is my understanding.


In the Scripture, God allows governments to rise up, and or brings them down, in connection with His dealings with the nation Israel.

When He is fine with Israel He protects them; when He is not; He allows Israel to end up under the tyranny of a foreign power.

That was where Israel was, when the Lord said what He said to Pilate - under the tyranny of a foreign power for their disobedience

That was where things were in the 1st Century under the mighty Roman Empire.

Israel was under Rome's tyrrany for it's disobedience, once more, and was to suck it up per their Covenant with God and until He said otherwise.

Read Daniel 2 and Daniel 9.

Anyway, that is where things were when the Apostle Paul wrote Romans 13.

By 70 AD, Israel had gone so off course against God that they rebelled against Rome and lost - big time.

God was no longer protecting them; the result being that Rome killed over a million of them; levelled Jerusalem; and enslaved the rest back in Rome where they were forced to help build the infamous Roman Colosseum using materials paid for by what Rome looted from Jerusalem.

My understanding is that God will again one day deal with Israel as He has not yet fufilled all of His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Matt. 25.

But until then; He is not raising up governments and all the rest; Rom. 11:25-29.

The world is as much on its' own outside the gospel of the grace of God as it was when He gave the world up in Genesis 11 and began to deal solely through and with Abraham and His progeny.

The only focus of the Apostles was getting people saved, Acts 17.

Not running for office; none of it.

Simple fact of the matter is that according to Scripture; unless a person not only knows the Lord; but willingly walks in Him; there is no point in attempting to legislate any kind of a morality on him or her as none of it is acceptable to the God of Scripture, 1 Cor. 1.

And I do not believe the U.S. was inspired by God - 2 Corinthians 5 makes it obvious that God was not involved in the mass genocide of the people who were here.

We're here as a nation because men pursued their lust for conquest over others.

Just as some of the people who were here would also wage war on their fellows for the same reason.

Anyway, that is my understanding of all that.

The best toward you where you are looking at things from.

Romans 5:8.


New member
That is your view.

I can respect that.

But it is not mine.

The following is my understanding.


In the Scripture, God allows governments to rise up, and or brings them down, in connection with His dealings with the nation Israel.

When He is fine with Israel He protects them; when He is not; He allows Israel to end up under the tyranny of a foreign power.

That was where Israel was, when the Lord said what He said to Pilate - under the tyranny of a foreign power for their disobedience

That was where things were in the 1st Century under the mighty Roman Empire.

Israel was under Rome's tyrrany for it's disobedience, once more, and was to suck it up per their Covenant with God and until He said otherwise.

Read Daniel 2 and Daniel 9.

Anyway, that is where things were when the Apostle Paul wrote Romans 13.

By 70 AD, Israel had gone so off course against God that they rebelled against Rome and lost - big time.

God was no longer protecting them; the result being that Rome killed over a million of them; levelled Jerusalem; and enslaved the rest back in Rome where they were forced to help build the infamous Roman Colosseum using materials paid for by what Rome looted from Jerusalem.

My understanding is that God will again one day deal with Israel as He has not yet fufilled all of His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Matt. 25.

But until then; He is not raising up governments and all the rest; Rom. 11:25-29.

The world is as much on its' own outside the gospel of the grace of God as it was when He gave the world up in Genesis 11 and began to deal solely through and with Abraham and His progeny.

The only focus of the Apostles was getting people saved, Acts 17.

Not running for office; none of it.

Simple fact of the matter is that according to Scripture; unless a person not only knows the Lord; but willingly walks in Him; there is no point in attempting to legislate any kind of a morality on him or her as none of it is acceptable to the God of Scripture, 1 Cor. 1.

And I do not believe the U.S. was inspired by God - 2 Corinthians 5 makes it obvious that God was not involved in the mass genocide of the people who were here.

We're here as a nation because men pursued their lust for conquest over others.

Just as some of the people who were here would also wage war on their fellows for the same reason.

Anyway, that is my understanding of all that.

The best toward you where you are looking at things from.

Romans 5:8.


supreme power or authority.

You either believe God is head of all principality and power, or you don't. If not, then you don't believe the Bible.

Colossians 2:8-10 KJV
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. [10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

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