Denver church welcomes sodomites


Well-known member
What other kind of salvation is there,
Eph 4:14

"You cannot have a 'come in Savior' and a 'stay out Lord' (Ro 14:9)." ~ Adrian Rogers

You tell the lost they must perform the work of making Christ the Lord of their life in order to be saved, else they're not saved. That is a false gospel.


Well-known member
Well, maybe, maybe not.

People leave one congregation for another all of the time over differences with the leadership.

I guess time will tell.

Perhaps you miss the point, perhaps I wasn't clear.

That's obviously already a liberal/leftist church. They already are very weak on preaching against homosexuality, if they preached against it at all. No one who already attends that church is likely to be offended by this move.


New member
Hall of Fame


New member


New member
Hall of Fame
Wait Wut?

There is more to be done than merely hear the word and believe?

Once saved always right?...nothing can separate right?...having already been predestined to be this more OT Levitical laws those were fulfilled...grace more abundantly...just LOVE everybody...

Anyone care for some Sunday Ham?

How can you believe if you dont agree with God on what sin is?


New member
How can you believe if you dont agree with God on what sin is?

Thing is His definition of sin goes beyond homosexuality...and leaders in the church continue in their sin and have continued for thousands of years revealed by His law...which points it out...revealing those not worshiping Him or HIS WAY...

Wycliffe was not the first nor the last to realize the church was far from what it was in the New Testament...


New member
He doesn't.

No...this I don't:

"While Hidalgo says he would personally consider performing a same-sex wedding “if the couple met the high standard I have for any couple who asks me to marry them,” there is no mandate for other DCC staff members to do likewise. Each minister has been instructed to “follow their heart” when deciding whether to perform any wedding."

I guarantee this false shephard repeatedly squeaks Romans 14 as his gateway verse...

He sounds just like some here who thinks do whatever as long as you are fully convinced in your own mind...even choose whichever day to if it's choose any of the 7 if you care to choose 1 of the 10...


New member
What does LGBT have to do with the church of God? I don't see the connection.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What does LGBT have to do with the church of God? I don't see the connection.

one promotes acceptance of disgusting sinful behavior

and the other one (in this case) accepts disgusting sinful behavior


New member
one promotes acceptance of disgusting sinful behavior

and the other one (in this case) accepts disgusting sinful behavior

Neither of which is consistent with the NT church of God.

There is only one spiritual body of which Christ is the head.

I would rule out DCC.


New member
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths...

But but its about love...the spirit of the law

Jesus and the Sabbath
Jesus himself gives us the best example of how to understand the Scriptures on this subject. For the Jews, one of the all-time most important commandments was the commandment to keep the Sabbath, which meant doing no work at all from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday. Throughout the Old Testament, God uses the Sabbath as a sort of measuring stick for determining whether God's people are living the way they should.

Then in Matthew 12, Jesus and his disciples are walking through the grainfields, and the disciples are picking grain. The religious leaders confront Jesus about this, asking, "Why are you letting your disciples break the Sabbath?" Then Jesus himself publicly heals a man on the Sabbath, and that gets the religious leaders even more upset.

Now if I were Jesus, I probably would have responded by saying, "Hey, healing isn't exactly work. So technically I'm not really violating the Sabbath." What's surprising, though, is that Jesus doesn't make that argument. He implicitly accepts the Pharisees' contention that he's violating the Sabbath law, but then he makes the argument that sometimes it's okay to violate the letter of the law!

To make his case, Jesus gives them the example of David, who ate consecrated bread when he had no food, even though only priests were allowed to eat consecrated bread (Matt. 12:3-4). He also points out that their own common sense would tell them to save a sheep that fell into a well on the Sabbath, even though that would clearly be work (Matt. 12:11-12).

In verse 7, Jesus quotes a scripture to back himself up:

If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent.
Remember that line? Notice, Jesus is building on a principle here that he expects the religious leaders to already know. This passage isn't just about the Sabbath; it's about the law in general and how Jesus expects us to read the Scriptures.

This and other myths which Christians believe...


New member
The very first instruction given to Adam was to be fruitful and multiply.

Everyone, if able, should should comply. Babies are adorable, especially to grandparents.



New member
Perhaps you miss the point, perhaps I wasn't clear.

That's obviously already a liberal/leftist church. They already are very weak on preaching against homosexuality, if they preached against it at all. No one who already attends that church is likely to be offended by this move.

Oh, ok. I see your point better now. Yeah, I misunderstood it at first.



Well-known member
We can see through nature that homosexuality is wrong before the living God, a man and a woman bring forth life, (just as God and his church do), yet a man and a man bring forth dirt and a woman and a woman are left barren, neither of them bring forth life!

Naturally, Gods way to bring life forth is through a man and woman.

To commit the act of gay sex is sinful, as seen in Leviticus 18 and 20 and also in in the new testament in Romans 1!

Any church that teaches that it is alright before God to do such things is wrong. And they are not teaching the truth!