Denial of the deity of Jesus


Where did Jesus say He was savior?

Are you serious about this question?


Jesus was sent to be our lamb to take away our sins.

And He accomplished His mission for His Father to be our Lamb by dying on the cross.

So He is the Savior of the world.

You need to read the gospels, friend.


Why can't you show where Jesus says He is savior????

You are claiming to be true and saved Christian.

I will not baby feed you.

do your own study to learn simple gospel instead of playing this kind of game.

shame on you.


Eclectic Theosophist
Our 'versions' of Jesus

Our 'versions' of Jesus

Depends on whether or not one in fact has the right "Jesus."

And notice that anytime one's Christology or 'version' of Jesus does not match anothers,...that one often claims they have another 'Jesus',....apparently we have many 'versions' of Jesus ;)



If you don't know about Jesus, you need to read His word.

don't ask me. Jesus explains about Himself in the gospels.

He is the Teacher. You need to know that.

You are claiming to be true and saved Christian, and you have to ask others what Jesus is all about?


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You are claiming to be true and saved Christian.

I will not baby feed you.

do your own study to learn simple gospel instead of playing this kind of game.

shame on you.
I thought you claimed to be a follower of Jesus? But you don't seem to know what He said and what He didn't say.
You can't find a single verse where Jesus says He is savior? Not even one?


I thought you claimed to be a follower of Jesus? But you don't seem to know what He said and what He didn't say.
You can't find a single verse where Jesus says He is savior? Not even one?

So you are going to ask me what the whole Bible says?

Do you memorize what the whole Bible says?


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If you don't know about Jesus, you need to read His word.

don't ask me. Jesus explains about Himself in the gospels.

He is the Teacher. You need to know that.

You are claiming to be true and saved Christian, and you have to ask others what Jesus is all about?
I have read every single thing Jesus said in scripture.
But have you? Cause you can't tell me if Jesus ever said He was savior.
How come you don't know that, Meshak?
Why do you call Him savior when He never said He was savior?


Eclectic Theosophist
John 8:24 non-applicable.....

John 8:24 non-applicable.....

Nope, Just not possible.

Jesus said, "Unless you believe that I am HE you will die in your sins" John 8:24.

Notice in the context of Jesus speech here, he was not claiming to be deity. He was speaking more about his being sent by the Father, about being the 'Messiah' (with a divine testimony) as far as that term is translated. So I don't see how this supports your answer above. Notice as well, this is John's gospel,...which reflects the theological inclinations of one group of Christians near the beginning of the 2nd century (90 - 120 AD)....showing developed 'Christological' leanings, one more mystical in nature, which can often lends support for Jesus pre-existence or 'assumed' divinity. John is a spiritualized gnostic gospel IMO, even though it offers a polemic against Gnosticism,...this reflecting various redactions made to the text by different authors.

Yet even John ultimately claims that his gospel was written to testify of Jesus being the Son of God, and all that believe that have life in his name,....NOT that he is somehow 'God'. - that's a superimposed assumption. - its a fine concept as far as 'concepts' go,....but is problematic on other levels.
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what is the purpose of asking me those questions?

Did I say anything unbiblical?

If I did, show me.


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So you are going to ask me what the whole Bible says?
No. I'm asking you where Jesus said He was savior.
Simple question that you don't seem to have an answer to.

Do you memorize what the whole Bible says?
I haven't mentioned anything about memorizing the whole bible.
Are you trying to change the subject because you don't have an answer?
Have you read all of Jesus' words? Where did He say He was savior, Meshak?
Either He did say it, or He did not say it.
Which is it, Meshak?



No matter how much you memorized the scriptures, if you cannot apply into your life, it is meaningless.

You seem to be holding grudge because you cannot refute anything of my claim.

If I said anything unbiblical, just show me instead of playing despicable game.


Come on Tam,

You are making accusation without evidence like many of your friends do on a daily bases.

Show me where I said anything unbiblical about Jesus.


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what is the purpose of asking me those questions?
Because I want to see if you really know the words of Jesus. Have you have found any place at all in scripture where Jesus says He is savior? Anywhere in scripture at all?
Did He, or did He not say He was savior?


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No matter how much you memorized the scriptures, if you cannot apply into your life, it is meaningless.

You seem to be holding grudge because you cannot refute anything of my claim.

If I said anything unbiblical, just show me instead of playing despicable game.
Still can't find a single place where Jesus says He is savior, can you Meshak?


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Come on Tam,

You are making accusation without evidence like many of your friends do on a daily bases.

Show me where I said anything unbiblical about Jesus.
The only accusation I have made is that you don't know of one single verse in scripture where Jesus says He is savior.
Why don't you just admit it instead of playing games?

Did Jesus ever say He was Savior?
Simple question.