Dems Panic Over Biden-Ukraine Scandal As MSM Hits Full Spin Cycle

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
keep dreaming :darwinsm:

so your fantasy is that trump is impeached (ignoring the fact that the Senate will never impeach him) and then Pence is impeached (ignoring the fact that the Senate will never impeach him) resulting in a President Pelosi, who then appoints Hillary as veep and steps down leaving hillary POTUS?



like marbles on glass
keep dreaming :darwinsm:

so your fantasy is that trump is impeached (ignoring the fact that the Senate will never impeach him) and then Pence is impeached (ignoring the fact that the Senate will never impeach him) resulting in a President Pelosi, who then appoints Hillary as veep and steps down leaving hillary POTUS?



You're the one fantasizing that a president Pence will criminalize homosexuals.

And Pelosi "appoints Hillary as veep?" Hillary STILL lives rent-free in your head. :rotfl:

Now that's bizarro world...

Also - the House impeaches. The Senate convicts.


like marbles on glass
I didn't catch the name of the Congresswoman who after Pelosi's speech said "This is about patriotism. This is about the Constitution."

Bingo. And the righties don't care about either.


Well-known member
Out of Pure Desperation
Butler Shaffer

Out of pure desperation, the Democrats appear prepared to start impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, apparently inspired by America’s post-World War II philosopher Pogo Possum, who declared: “Having lost sight of our objectives, we redoubled our efforts.”


Well-known member


like marbles on glass
Video of a bragging Biden trading $1 billion in Ukraine aid for official firing resurfaces amid Trump flap


In a video of his 2018 comments at a panel for the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden seemingly admitted to withholding military aid to Ukraine as a pressure tactic to force the firing of a prosecutor he did not like. Biden’s comments may see new scrutiny amid whistleblower allegations Trump improperly called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Biden.

There's no "there," there. I know you want it to be there, but it's not there.

[h=1]A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.[/h]


Well-known member
Don't be bitter. It can't be easy for a libertarian to carry the GOP water for so long, I can imagine the burden you carry.

GOP water? As someone who doesn't like the baffoon in office, shoot all of them are crooks when you get to be president, me thinks your clueless as to why I am against you and your commie friends in the democratic party...


like marbles on glass
GOP water? As someone who doesn't like the baffoon in office, shoot all of them are crooks when you get to be president, me thinks your clueless as to why I am against you and your commie friends in the democratic party...

You're too one-sided to be believable.