Dems are trying to steal the election with voter fraud


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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems

More “Glitches” in Pennsylvania: Votes for Trump Drop IN THREE DIFFERENT COUNTIES SIMULTANEOUSLY — Almost As If It Was Coordinated

Ten State Attorneys General Join Suit Against Pennsylvania Where Individuals Were Allowed to Vote Three Days After the Election

Lindsey Graham: “Potentially 25,000 Nursing Home Residents in Different Nursing Homes Requested Mail-in Ballots at the Exact Same Time” (VIDEO)

Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Worker Placed on UNPAID LEAVE For Blowing Whistle on Backdating of Ballots

Stunning Sworn Affidavit From Former MI Asst. AG: Election Worker Assigned New Names To Voters When It Appeared Absentee Ballot Was From Person Who Already Voted

Surprise! Philadelphia Finds ANOTHER 2,000 Ballots a Week after Election Day — 92% Go to Joe Biden

The Statistical Case Against a Joe Biden Election Win

What These Two Men Found In The Trash After A Wedding Reception In A Closed Polling Place Is Stunning [VIDEO]

INSANE: Pennsylvania’s Allegheny County Board Of Elections Votes to Count Undated Ballots

MIT PhD Analysis Reveals 138,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden in Michigan — MUST SEE VIDEO

BREAKING: Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents Trying to Intimidate USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim

HUGE: Analysis Finds Over 10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-In Ballots in Michigan

Trump’s Director of Election Day Operations Tweets Photo of Republican Poll Watchers on ‘NO ENTRY’ List in Philly

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's amazing that Barbie holds himself to be a mighty interpreter of scripture. Ironic isn't it? The biggest liar around thinks of himself as a mighty man of valor where scripture is concerned. What is that called? Lack of self knowledge? Arrogance? A complete lack of understanding of scripture? Or a combination of all three?

When satan quotes scripture, it's called blasphemy
When satan quotes scripture, it's called blasphemy

Was thinking along the same lines. Satan quoted scripture in the Garden of Eden, mixing scripture with an evil deception, the real agenda. Satan used scripture to try and tempt Christ. Bottom line, it's obvious an unregenerate, quoting scripture, not only cannot really understand scripture, 1 Corinthians 2:14, but is merely emulating the devil. It's the picture of absurd these cheerleaders for liberal homosexuality, as well as any and all perversions, abortions, crime and criminals, removing the name of God entirely from the public domain, have the ignorant hubris to ever quote scripture, from the word of God they, in fact, reject, the word of God they are in constant rebellion against. Stunning idiocy, hypocrisy. Using scripture, to try and advance Godless, degenerate thinking, is just laughable: the unholy, appealing to the holy? You always know you're dealing with a fool, a devil, or some troll, when a reprobate tries to play the scripture card.

James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Was thinking along the same lines. Satan quoted scripture in the Garden of Eden, mixing scripture with an evil deception, the real agenda. Satan used scripture to try and tempt Christ. Bottom line, it's obvious an unregenerate, quoting scripture, not only cannot really understand scripture, 1 Corinthians 2:14, but is merely emulating the devil. It's the picture of absurd these cheerleaders for liberal homosexuality, as well as any and all perversions, abortions, crime and criminals, removing the name of God entirely from the public domain, have the ignorant hubris to ever quote scripture, from the word of God they, in fact, reject, the word of God they are in constant rebellion against. Stunning idiocy, hypocrisy. Using scripture, to try and advance Godless, degenerate thinking, is just laughable: the unholy, appealing to the holy? You always know you're dealing with a fool, a devil, or some troll, when a reprobate tries to play the scripture card.

James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Hmm, ironic. The only people who seem to obsess on homosexuality are far right wing evangelicals which is rather telling. Other traits include a whole load of pompous self righteousness (not all to be fair) along with a plethora of self importance. It's hilarious when you're reduced to likening a poster to satan simply because they have an opposing political view.

Well, sad would probably be more of an apt descriptor.


Well-known member
Hmm, ironic. The only people who seem to obsess on homosexuality are far right wing evangelicals which is rather telling. Other traits include a whole load of pompous self righteousness (not all to be fair) along with a plethora of self importance. It's hilarious when you're reduced to likening a poster to satan simply because they have an opposing political view.

Well, sad would probably be more of an apt descriptor.

Didn't President Trump include gays on his political circle?

He was not a homophobe as far as I recall.

Culture Warrior is most dissatisfied with Trump's support of gays, but members here don't mention this. Why?


Well-known member
Was thinking along the same lines. Satan quoted scripture in the Garden of Eden, mixing scripture with an evil deception, the real agenda. Satan used scripture to try and tempt Christ. Bottom line, it's obvious an unregenerate, quoting scripture, not only cannot really understand scripture, 1 Corinthians 2:14, but is merely emulating the devil. It's the picture of absurd these cheerleaders for liberal homosexuality, as well as any and all perversions, abortions, crime and criminals, removing the name of God entirely from the public domain, have the ignorant hubris to ever quote scripture, from the word of God they, in fact, reject, the word of God they are in constant rebellion against. Stunning idiocy, hypocrisy. Using scripture, to try and advance Godless, degenerate thinking, is just laughable: the unholy, appealing to the holy? You always know you're dealing with a fool, a devil, or some troll, when a reprobate tries to play the scripture card.

James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

You mentioned abortions. I have read that President Trump paid a girlfriend to have an abortion.
Did you know that?
And he supports the LGBTQ communities.

By the way, you never did answer my question about what Jesus and followers did during the first day in Jerusalem in that last week. Are you worried about such a simple thing?


Well-known member
I'm showing that none of us can show our "moral superiority." You resist that message, because you think it doesn't apply to you but to others.

And you're wrong about that, too...

The Church recognizes that in many ways she is linked with those who, being baptized, are honored with the name of Christian, though they do not profess the faith in its entirety or do not preserve unity of communion with the successor of Peter. (14*) For there are many who honor Sacred Scripture, taking it as a norm of belief and a pattern of life, and who show a sincere zeal. They lovingly believe in God the Father Almighty and in Christ, the Son of God and Saviour. (15*) They are consecrated by baptism, in which they are united with Christ. They also recognize and accept other sacraments within their own Churches or ecclesiastical communities. Many of them rejoice in the episcopate, celebrate the Holy Eucharist and cultivate devotion toward the Virgin Mother of God.(16*) They also share with us in prayer and other spiritual benefits. Likewise we can say that in some real way they are joined with us in the Holy Spirit, for to them too He gives His gifts and graces whereby He is operative among them with His sanctifying power. Some indeed He has strengthened to the extent of the shedding of their blood.

The Church acknowledges other churches and ecclesiastical bodies who are also Christian.

Again, your assumption of moral superiority trips you up, because you think that Luke 18:9 can't apply to you. As I pointed out, it applies to all of us.

From the same document the Barbarian quotes.

"Moreover, within the Church particular Churches hold a rightful place; these Churches retain their own traditions, without in any way opposing the primacy of the Chair of Peter, which presides over the whole assembly of charity (11*) and protects legitimate differences, while at the same time assuring that such differences do not hinder unity but rather contribute toward it."

If you're not a Papist, you're not a member of "the Church".

"Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved."

Ignorance is the only excuse to be saved by the Church.

"Mother Church never ceases to pray, hope and work that this may come about. She exhorts her children to purification and renewal so that the sign of Christ may shine more brightly over the face of the earth."

Non-Papists are ignorant and wayward children whom "the Church" seeks to have reunited with them.

That's his own document. I've already posted the interpretation of this from the Catholic website.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Didn't President Trump include gays on his political circle?

He was not a homophobe as far as I recall.

Culture Warrior is most dissatisfied with Trump's support of gays, but members here don't mention this. Why?

He sure did and was hardly "anti gay". Then again, those who ignorantly rant away about liberalism and morality aren't above overlooking the obvious behaviours of a man who is a thrice married adulterer, boasted about how he could grab women by their genitalia and had an affair with a porn star. Then it's all, eh, no big deal. The double standards are almost jaw dropping were it not for the fact that it happens again and again...

aCW is pretty much ignored by most people nowadays but yes, telling again.


Well-known member
He sure did and was hardly "anti gay". Then again, those who ignorantly rant away about liberalism and morality aren't above overlooking the obvious behaviours of a man who is a thrice married adulterer, boasted about how he could grab women by their genitalia and had an affair with a porn star. Then it's all, eh, no big deal. The double standards are almost jaw dropping were it not for the fact that it happens again and again...

aCW is pretty much ignored by most people nowadays but yes, telling again.

I don't agree with CW but he is consistent and honest in his beliefs .

I want to see a witness's clear allegation in the first person, copy of a sworn statement, evidence connected to same allegation and then be able to follow that through a Court case. Of course, if such testimony is found to have been deliberately deceiving, a perversion of justice, a lie and slander, then no doubt that will lead to a substantial prison sentence, it would here anyway.
Can't wait for that.

The allegations being posted just seem like junk.

Thrse threads are open for any to read. Obviously nobody here is going to suggest that people go out to cause any commotion or disturbances.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't agree with CW but he is consistent and honest in his beliefs .

I want to see a witness's clear allegation in the first person, copy of a sworn statement, evidence connected to same allegation and then be able to follow that through a Court case. Of course, if such testimony is found to have been deliberately deceiving, a perversion of justice, a lie and slander, then no doubt that will lead to a substantial prison sentence, it would here anyway.
Can't wait for that.

The allegations being posted just seem like junk.

Thrse threads are open for any to read. Obviously nobody here is going to suggest that people go out to cause any commotion or disturbances.

Well, he's consistent sure, consistently bonkers but consistent, yes. ;)

You won't get to see the second. Who would want to put their name to something that doesn't exist and have that follow them around for the rest of their life? There is no evidence and Trump and his administration know this. The reason why several Republicans are staying quiet on the election defeat is because Trump still has presidential power for the next two months and they don't want to be in his petulant firing line. He's just fired defence secretary Mark Esper by way of and now threatening action against Iran:

There's going to be a recount in Georgia. Big deal, Biden's over 14,000 votes ahead so it'll make no difference. It would seem that Trump is bent on going out as pathetically as he's handled his four years of tenure, which I suppose is kinda fitting...

Gary K

New member
If anyone voted for Biden for morality, you got suckered.

I don't know that I agree with your analysis. Here's why. Biden has the same moral code that socialists have. Anything is moral that works toward socialist ends. Judeo-Christian morality is odipus to a socialist. They hate it with a passion. Therefore they didn't get suckered they, by nature, agree with his non-Christian moral code. Just like Karl Marx's moral code their moral code is Luciferian in nature.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't know that I agree with your analysis. Here's why. Biden has the same moral code that socialists have. Anything is moral that works toward socialist ends. Judeo-Christian morality is odipus to a socialist. They hate it with a passion. Therefore they didn't get suckered they, by nature, agree with his non-Christian moral code. Just like Karl Marx's moral code their moral code is Luciferian in nature.

You do realize that Trump boasted about grabbing women by their genitalia, is a thrice married adulterer and had an affair with a porn star, right? Oh, or is that fake news?


Well-known member
Well, he's consistent sure, consistently bonkers but consistent, yes. ;)

You won't get to see the second. Who would want to put their name to something that doesn't exist and have that follow them around for the rest of their life? There is no evidence and Trump and his administration know this. The reason why several Republicans are staying quiet on the election defeat is because Trump still has presidential power for the next two months and they don't want to be in his petulant firing line. He's just fired defence secretary Mark Esper by way of and now threatening action against Iran:

There's going to be a recount in Georgia. Big deal, Biden's over 14,000 votes ahead so it'll make no difference. It would seem that Trump is bent on going out as pathetically as he's handled his four years of tenure, which I suppose is kinda fitting...

I've been reading Republican Vote Challenger's affidavits posted up on another thread.
The only people who will benefit from the junk in them is the Notaries who must receive fees for witnessing signatures and ID's of deponents.... at least they are getting dinners out of those nutty statements.

One made allegations that included the police having to attend to remove same deponent from the building!!

What is President Trump going to do in the next 7 weeks? !!! Amazing!


On the side: Boris is having difficulty with some of his cabinet..... I see...... This sickness is going to sky-rocket during the next two months. We are going to be in so much trouble, I reckon.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This sickness is going to sky-rocket during the next two months. We are going to be in so much trouble, I reckon.

How can that be?

You're in double secret semi permanent red letter lock down, you're all wearing masks 24/7, you've ceded all autonomy to your government.

What more can a population of sheeple do? :idunno:


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The evidence keeps growing.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta — Here’s What We Found…

Read The Trump Campaign’s Full Michigan Lawsuit — Including Election Fraud Witness Affidavits

Rudy Giuliani Says 650,000 Votes Were Illegally Counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

Tucker Carlson: Dead People Voted Using Mail In Ballots (VIDEO)

Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014 That Elections Are Rigged

IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

HAVE FAITH – Hundreds of Pro-Trump IT Volunteers Are Scouring Voter Data – Already Nearly 300,000 Vote Discrepancies Were Identified in Pennsylvania Alone

Arizona Rep. Points Out That the Number of Potential NON-CITIZEN Voters is Higher Than Biden’s Lead in the State

Oops! In Verbal Slip-Up De Blasio’s Street Activist Daughter Admits Joe Biden “Was Able to Steal” the Election

EXCLUSIVE: MICHIGAN WITNESS Says Many Faked Ballots in Detroit, ZERO Trump Ballots, Even Among Military!

It’s Happening: MIT Scientist Offers President Trump Proof that Computer Algorithm Likely Transferred 69,000 Votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan

Election Fraud Expert Warned About Dominion Voting Machines “It’s the Optical Scanners Where the Largest Chance of Cheating Occurs”

BREAKING: Project Veritas Releases RAW and UNEDITED Audio of 2 Hour Coercive Interrogation of USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins by Federal Agents

Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Of Elections Fraud

Former NV AG Bombshell: AI and Computer Vision Experts Reveal Signature Verification Setting For 200K Ballots Was Manually Lowered to 40% [VIDEO]

Pennsylvania Is A Mess: Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Were Returned Before They Were Sent Out

Milwaukee Trying to Cover Its Tracks After Initially Reporting Seven Wards Had More Votes than Registered Voters

BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward (VIDEO)

BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State Announces They Will Conduct HAND RECOUNT and FULL AUDIT of Every Single Legal Vote (VIDEO)

MICHIGAN WITNESS: Detroit Tabulation Machines were Illegally Connected to the Web (Video)

Pennsylvania Received 10,000 Contested Mail-In Ballots After Election Day

Sidney Powell: “There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded” (Video)

WATCH: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud