Democrats don’t CARE about We the [“little] People

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
There is no point in obsessing about this world.

Sure there is. We are to spread the gospel. This world that Lucifer hates is a gift to us. You cannot spread the gospel under the Mahdi flag.

Can you show me how the LORD tried to change the Roman government?

I didn't think so. He was indifferent to Rome, and unconcerned with transforming them.

Only because his time was not yet. The Father would send ten legions of angels, but not at that hour.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Just to set things straight, Democrats are in fact against everybody but themselves in the Politburo. They believe there should be a lower class whose only existence is because the upper makes it possible for them while serving that upper class.

The Horn

Brewmama, there is absolutely nothing "lunatic" about my views . They're pretty much mainstream moderate liberal . They're pretty much the same as millions of other Americans .
It's true - the GOP has nothing better than Obamacare to offer .


New member
How do you know that "most Americans " are opposed to Obamacare , including the millions who have BENEFITTED from it , or are opposed to abortion etc ? YOU DON'T !!!
This post is nothing but a collection of straw men .
And what makes you think the Repugnican party (my spelling ) cares about the poor or middle class ? If you think they do, you are pathetically naive ,ignorant and deluded !!!
The only people who benefit from the Repugnican party are rich, white Christian males !!!
If your are poor or middle class, a black or Hispanic person , gay ,
not a Christian , unemployed or struggling to earn enough to make ends meet on your job , or a woman , you are an idiot if you vote Repugnican !!!! You are voting against your best interests !!!

If you live in rural america, the ACA is killing your access to healthcare.... rural clinics and hospitals are closing at record rates.