Democrats’ Happy Memorial Weekend Tweet: No American Flag, Just Obama and Ice Cream


New member
Hall of Fame
On memorial day, you would assume that the commander in chief would be saying something in memory of all those who gave their lives in service to this country.

God Almighty, woman! He did! Did you not take two seconds to think for yourself? (Spoiler: No.)

You guys get incredibly gullible, and utterly moronic, the second you think you have a new reason to hate this guy. It's astounding, really, how quick Obama can drop the IQ in the room the second you folks sense a new rumor.

Unbelievable.:nono: :down:


New member
Read the story here:

Most of us have known for some time that Obama hates America and wants to remake it into a godless, defenseless, socialist state. This is but another example to prove the point. What is amazing, at least to me, is that so many liberals and left of center moderates don't say a word against his actions. He is the teflon president.

That tweet was from may 22nd. Memorial day was the 25th.

You are mad he got ice cream and didn't post a picture of the flag the Friday before memorial day?

Give me a break.


New member
Hall of Fame
You know why I'm really glad he's gonna be out of office soon? So we won't have to deal with this kind of stupidity anymore. It's his bat guano critics who drive me nuts, not him--not really. He's just a suit. The wackos, tinfoil hatters, the haters and the unhinged droolers? Yeah, those guys are the most exasperating.