Democrats’ Happy Memorial Weekend Tweet: No American Flag, Just Obama and Ice Cream




The problem with quoting scripture without a contextual definition clearly delineated is that it could just as easily be used by Democrats or Republicans. I'm afraid whatever point you were trying to make is lost, floating away into space.

:dizzy: Apply it to Democrats or RePublicans (Pr 8:36). :cigar:
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The Horn

Oh come on, now . This is beyond ludicrous . How can anyone be naive enought to believe anything at, which is nothing but right-wing extremist propaganda ?
Obama isn't a "socialist", and anyone who thinks he's a "socialist,Marxist and communist " doesn't even know wat these things are . He can't even have ice cream without right-wing loonies using this
as an excuse to try to make him look bad .
I'm sre George W. Bush had ice cream as president, but no conservatives ever used this as an excuse to pillory him, and he was without a doubt the worst president in U.S. history !
Obama "hates" America ? Ridiculous !


New member
Oh come on, now . This is beyond ludicrous . How can anyone be naive enought to believe anything at, which is nothing but right-wing extremist propaganda ?
Obama isn't a "socialist", and anyone who thinks he's a "socialist,Marxist and communist " doesn't even know wat these things are . He can't even have ice cream without right-wing loonies using this
as an excuse to try to make him look bad .
I'm sre George W. Bush had ice cream as president, but no conservatives ever used this as an excuse to pillory him, and he was without a doubt the worst president in U.S. history !
Obama "hates" America ? Ridiculous !
Come on, you know an image of the American flag is THE only symbol acceptable as patriotic. Symbols ARE more important than actions ya know.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh come on, now . This is beyond ludicrous . How can anyone be naive enought to believe anything at, which is nothing but right-wing extremist propaganda ?
Obama isn't a "socialist", and anyone who thinks he's a "socialist,Marxist and communist " doesn't even know wat these things are . He can't even have ice cream without right-wing loonies using this
as an excuse to try to make him look bad .
I'm sre George W. Bush had ice cream as president, but no conservatives ever used this as an excuse to pillory him, and he was without a doubt the worst president in U.S. history !
Obama "hates" America ? Ridiculous !

Like I said before, if Obama died right now they'd be angry with him for not doing it sooner. There's no pleasing these lunatics. None.


New member
Like I said before, if Obama died right now they'd be angry with him for not doing it sooner. There's no pleasing these lunatics. None.

If Obama died right now, you could expect people to be claiming that his death certificate is as much of a forgery as his birth certificate.



Active member
Meanwhile, outside of the right-wing echo chamber of cherry picked propaganda that the easily deluded lap up:

Barack ObamaVerified account

Watch President Obama pay tribute to the United States Armed Forces in the weekly address: #MemorialDayWeekend

The Democrats Verified account

Forever thankful for every American who made the ultimate sacrifice.


The DemocratsVerified account

"Thank you" doesn't begin to cover it.


President ObamaVerified account
Spent the morning at Arlington. Take time today to honor our fallen heroes. We're forever indebted to their families.


New member
Again, the easily fooled have fallen silent as their narrow world of information is (once again) countered by reality.