Definitions For Stupid Libertarians and Right Wingers


Well-known member
The sole reason why the Republican party isn't a minor regional party at this point is because of Republican efforts at voter suppression (often illegal efforts at voter suppression).

No, the reason the Republican party is not in total control of the government is because the Democrates are shipping in voters from over the border, and they keep recounting until they come up with enough ballots to win.

There is no voter suppression of any legitimate voters.

The Horn

A fundamental tactic of the left is to project what they are doing onto the right.

If they are seeking power for power's sake, they will call those on the right "power hungry".

If they seek to hold the poor under their thumb by making them dependant on the government (say by taking money (by force) from those who have earned it and then giving to people who haven't earned it in the form of food stamps), they will accuse the right of "not caring about the poor".

If they advocate policies that are overtly based on the color of someone's skin, they will call the right "racist".

If they are lying, they call right wingers liars.

If they routinely twist the meanings of words to suit their political agenda, they post idiotic posts on web forums accusing the right of "not knowing what words mean".

See opening post for a perfect example.

Clete , this is just as true of the right . Right-wingers are always accusing liberals of the same things THEY are guilty of. Pot, meet kettle .


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete , this is just as true of the right . Right-wingers are always accusing liberals of the same things THEY are guilty of. Pot, meet kettle .

I have no doubt that you believe this but it isn't true.

Not that it doesn't happen at all, it does but not to 5% of the extent it happens on the left.

You seem to think that there is little or no difference between the left and the right, that it's nothing other than two different groups of people who are both acting in their own best interests. This is also not true. There are fundamental differences in the worldviews. The left, generally speaking, makes decisions about the here and now and on how the current circumstance makes them feel. The left also believes in government's ability to meets people's needs. This, of course, only applies to the regular leftist lay person. Those in positions of real power are fully aware that neither premise is true but push the left's agenda for the sake of political power.

The right is the opposite on all these counts. The right makes decisions based on the long term best interests of the population and is concerned about reality and the consequences thereof more than the way they emotionally feel about it. They have learned from history that government has a legitimate role but ought not be up people's butts and in their daily business; that people can take care of themselves far better than government can do it. And, when a conservative gets into power he immediately sets about divesting himself of power rather than attempting to grow it.

These fundamental differences in the way these groups think is by itself proof that your accusation cannot be true. The right has very little reason to lie, especially about what their intentions are. While the left would never win an election if they were honest about what they actually wanted to do. That, of course, doesn't mean that people on the right don't ever lie. There's idiots in every crowd but, as I said, generally speaking, when someone on the right says something, they usually mean exactly what they are saying and are using facts rather than emotions to inform their opinions.

In short, if you actually believe what you said, which I'm totally sure you do, you need to look into something called "confirmation bias" and "cognitive dissonance". If you don't think they apply to you, you're flatly wrong. They apply to everyone - everyone. The trick is to understand how to combat them and to understand the objective truth. There is only one way to do that, by the way. If you discover what it is, you won't be a leftist for long.



i used to work alongside people that peterson is describing, highly intelligent, highly driven, willing to sacrifice personal life for career, willing to work 70, 80 hour weeks and more

Is this your formula for happiness?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Is this your formula for happiness?

they seemed happy - they were doing important work that had real-world applications - they saw the lives saved in real time

keep in mind this was in a top-level hospital/medical training facility/research center


they seemed happy - they were doing important work that had real-world applications - they saw the lives saved in real time

keep in mind this was in a top-level hospital/medical training facility/research center

That's good. But were they truly happy? I say this because hard work, accolades and aquisition are what we are sold in this country...many of these individuals are truly miserable in their personal lives...though they put up a grandiose front.


New member

Because socialists would rather eat their dogs, than walk them and enjoy their company.....