Definitions For Stupid Libertarians and Right Wingers


Because libertarians and right wingers, on average, don't know what words mean, I thought that the following definitions might be useful:

1. Socialism means that the means of production are publicly, not privately, owned. Socialists believe that workers (whether or not through the intermediacy of the State) should seize the means of production. If the means of production either have not been seized, or else, are not in the process of being seized, we are simply not talking about socialism. It should be further be noted that limited areas of socialization (e.g., the UK's NHS) are compatible with a general market economy.

2. Fascism signifies the authoritarianism of the State, and should best be understood, as Benito Mussolini sums it up, as "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." This should be distinguished from communism (the authoritarianism of the proletariat) and Nazism (the authoritarianism of the race). What unites all three of these things is that they are authoritarian, and, thus, collectivist. The individual is completely subordinated to some greater whole; the individual doesn't matter; the collective, and only the collective, matters.

Authoritarianism is NOT simply having a State, laws, social spending, etc. State authority/action/intervention is compatible with individual civil liberties.

Indeed, the fact that these things are not authoritarian can be displayed clearly by asking a single question: "To what end, and to whose benefit, do we have, say, food stamps? Is it for the good of the collective? Of the State?"

And the answer is no. It's for the benefit of the individual.

But, of course, this thread is pointless, because libertarians and right wingers likely already know this. The reason that they prefer to use these terms is, not because they feel it is an accurate description of views opposed to theirs, but because of the strong negative connotations that these words have.

Libertarians and right wingers are fundamentally dishonest actors/liars.


One further point that should be noted:

As I've defined "authoritarianism" above, it should be noted that intersectional feminism is authoritarian by definition.


And to be clear, why are right wingers and libertarians such liars? Why do they insist on misrepresenting the views of others?

Because if they were honest actors, their objection would simply amount to: "You think that the State should EXIST and DO THINGS, especially things that HELP average people?"

Yes. Yes I do. Most people think that.

I'm not crazy and extreme for thinking that.

You're crazy and extreme for not thinking that.


Well-known member
And to be clear, why are right wingers and libertarians such liars? Why do they insist on misrepresenting the views of others?

Because if they were honest actors, their objection would simply amount to: "You think that the State should EXIST and DO THINGS, especially things that HELP average people?"

Yes. Yes I do. Most people think that.

I'm not crazy and extreme for thinking that.

You're crazy and extreme for not thinking that.

You seem to have it all figured out except for who the crazy ones are. :chuckle:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
A fundamental tactic of the left is to project what they are doing onto the right.

If they are seeking power for power's sake, they will call those on the right "power hungry".

If they seek to hold the poor under their thumb by making them dependant on the government (say by taking money (by force) from those who have earned it and then giving to people who haven't earned it in the form of food stamps), they will accuse the right of "not caring about the poor".

If they advocate policies that are overtly based on the color of someone's skin, they will call the right "racist".

If they are lying, they call right wingers liars.

If they routinely twist the meanings of words to suit their political agenda, they post idiotic posts on web forums accusing the right of "not knowing what words mean".

See opening post for a perfect example.


A fundamental tactic of the left is to project what they are doing onto the right.

Quite the opposite, in fact. A clear case of this is the right's constant complaint about "voter fraud."

If they are lying, they call right wingers liars.

I call right wingers liars because right wingers are either incredibly stupid/ill-informed, or else, outright liars. In the case of the politicians and media hosts/pundits, I think that they are paid to lie. In the case of the average right winger, I think it's both, depending upon the individuals.

Clear example of this: When a left winger says that he's in favor of MEDICARE for all, a right winger will start talking about the VA. When a left winger says that he is in favor of the kinds of social democratic policies that they have in DENMARK, SWEDEN AND NORWAY, a right winger will start screaming about VENEZUELA, CUBA and the SOVIET UNION. When a left winger says that he is in favor of higher taxes on the rich, tighter market regulations and social programs (but still leaving the market economy intact), the right winger will start screaming about SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM And MARXISM.

Right wingers are either incredibly stupid, outright liars, or both.

If they routinely twist the meanings of words to suit their political agenda, they post idiotic posts on web forums accusing the right of "not knowing what words mean".

I certainly don't deny that many left wingers twist the meaning of words to suit their political agenda, and this usually happens on what we might call the "social justice" left. Terms like "sexism," "racism," "islamophobia," etc. come to mind.

But the right also does this, and they do it when it comes to economic issues.

See opening post for a perfect example.

The definitions I gave of socialism and fascism are what socialism and fascism actually are. Do you know why right wingers scream about "SOCIALISM" when it comes to government spending? It's a Milton Friedman meme. Milton Friedman argued that if the government spends x percent of the GDP, then the government is centrally planning that x percent. Therefore, if the government spends X percent of the GDP, then the society is x percent socialist.

But that's not what socialism means. Socialism is a matter of who owns the means of production. If workers don't own the factories, it's not socialism.


Also, does anybody else find it ridiculous that I quote Mussolini on what fascism is, and a stupid right winger responds with: "HE'S TWISTING WHAT WORDS MEAN"?

Because apparently, Mussolini doesn't know what fascism is, just like Marx doesn't know what socialism and communism are.

Right wingers are complete idiots.


is anything stopping workers from buying stock in the companies for which they work?

You misunderstand my point. Definitionally speaking, socialism/communism/Marxism = seize the means of production.

If we're not talking about seizing the means of production, we're not talking about socialism.

If we're not talking about overthrowing the bourgeoisie and stripping them of their capital, we're not talking about Marxism.


So the people who own the factories don't work?
I wonder where factories come from?
If we could only figure out where factories come from we could intercept them before the factory owners get them.

Again, you are missing the point. I'm not making any claims about the merits or demerits of socialism. I'm only pointing out that right wingers fundamentally misuse the term, and they do this either out of ignorance, or else, to be intentionally deceptive.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

But, of course, this thread is pointless, because libertarians and right wingers likely already know this. The reason that they prefer to use these terms is, not because they feel it is an accurate description of views opposed to theirs, but because of the strong negative connotations that these words have.


Libertarians and right wingers are fundamentally dishonest actors/liars.

Translated: Libertarians and right wingers are fundamentally dishonest actors/liars, even though I admit this thread is pointless, but I will post it anyway, because I am either bored, as not many are listening to me on the circuit, or I am a fundamentally dishonest actor.

Got it. Thanks for checkin' in, comrade.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So the people who own the factories don't work?
I wonder where factories come from?
If we could only figure out where factories come from we could intercept them before the factory owners get them.

there's a great part of the jordan peterson/cathy newman interview where newman asks why more women aren't ceo's and peterson responds - well, go to 12:10

i used to work alongside people that peterson is describing, highly intelligent, highly driven, willing to sacrifice personal life for career, willing to work 70, 80 hour weeks and more