Definition of a Christian




To accept Jesus as the Christ of God and follow his teachings that include worshiping of his God and Father.

Hearing the message of God's Grace through Jesus Christ and placing
ones total faith in Christ as their Savior. After which one is indwelt,
sealed and baptized (not by water) into the Body of Christ by the
Holy Spirit. That is a "Real Christian."

Someone who, "searches for the Lord and has good will," who is, "seeking the Lord in good faith," who, "seeks God and has good will," "who searches for the Lord and has goodwill."

A Christian by definition is simply the one who believes that Jesus was Christ. (Acts 11:26)

Hmmm... seems to be a few different definitions offered, as to what or who a Christian is.

Why is that?

Is the word 'Christian' really a complex word to define? I suppose if I'd had asked for a definition of 'banana' I wouldn't have received such differing answers.

Most of you that have commented thus far are 'Christians' - so why is there quite a difference in the definitions that have been offered?

Which one is the right definition?


Hmmm... seems to be a few different definitions offered, as to what or who a Christian is.

Why is that?

Is the word 'Christian' really a complex word to define? I suppose if I'd had asked for a definition of 'banana' I wouldn't have received such differing answers.

Most of you that have commented thus far are 'Christians' - so why is there quite a difference in the definitions that have been offered?

Which one is the right definition?

For the same reason that Jews don't all think alike, the diversity of the scripture can lead to differing camps of interpretation.


Well-known member
A Christian is a follower of Christ. This means not only accepting his teachings, but actively living them, actively doing God's will.


Your opinion doesn't count. You're a devout follower of "The Urantia Book"
which is an anti-Christian UFO cult. You guys don't trust in the
truths of the Bible. You don't believe in Christ, the way the Christians
do. You believe in entities that rule the universe.

The "Urantians" are similar to the Scientologists.

We've explained time and again that the Urantia Book has no relation to UFO's but you keep lying about that and misrepresenting the revelation. This does not reflect well on your character, calling into question weather you are a real follower of Jesus or just a religious person.


Who was Jesus speaking to?

Matt. 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” 4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

What is your point if you have one? If Lucifer knew who Jesus was does that somehow disparage others who believe in Jesus? People come up with the dumbest angles. :doh:


Active member
A Christian by definition is simply the one who believes that Jesus was Christ. (Acts 11:26)

John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

Romans 8:14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

1 John 3:10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

Christians are anointed. Not everyone that calls themselves a christian is a child of God.


Nothing can include what does not exist. Satan is not literal to exist. Satan is just a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man. Where it says about the Absolute Oneness of God, it includes also not to believe that Satan exists. True that God is not responsible for the existence of evil but because man is, not Satan. (Eccles. 7:29)

If Satan wasn't real then it was the scripture that has mislead people to think he was.

With Ben, Satan wasn't real, the Messiah wasn't a real person???? Is Yahweh real in your theology or was he also just the ideal of exalted humanism on the part of the authors?

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Hmmm... seems to be a few different definitions offered, as to what or who a Christian is...
They're is only 1 definition of a Christian.
...Why is that?...
Because at the moment, the Church is splintered and divided and fibrillated.
...Is the word 'Christian' really a complex word to define? I suppose if I'd had asked for a definition of 'banana' I wouldn't have received such differing answers...
See above, about Church fibrillation.
...Most of you that have commented thus far are 'Christians' - so why is there quite a difference in the definitions that have been offered?...
See above, about seeing above. ;)
...Which one is the right definition?



New member
Hmmm... seems to be a few different definitions offered, as to what or who a Christian is.
Why is that?

Keypurr and Ben are NOT Christians, so you can eliminate those two.
GM is verbose and Dan is repetitive, but both don't really address the OP.
Technically the correct answer is "Follower of Christ", but that can ONLY be done is one has salvation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Keypurr and Ben are NOT Christians, so you can eliminate those two.
GM is verbose and Dan is repetitive, but both don't really address the OP.
Technically the correct answer is "Follower of Christ", but that can ONLY be done is one has salvation.

I haven't heard your "Testimony" on how you were given God's Grace?
So, you may not be a "True Believer" yourself? I know you're a loud
mouth Knucklehead, but, that's about it.


New member
Given GMs comment below I am pretty sure he ISN'T a Christian either....just another of many trolls on TOL, which is why he is on my ignore list.

"haven't heard your "Testimony" on how you were given God's Grace?
So, you may not be a "True Believer" yourself? I know you're a loud
mouth Knucklehead, but, that's about it."


Well-known member
What, do you think, makes someone a Christian?

Peter taught it this way, Acts 2:38

Paul stated it this way, Romans 10:9-10

Both are speaking of doing the same thing with the result of having the gift of salvation/eternal life/pneuma hagion/Christ in you.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Given GMs comment below I am pretty sure he ISN'T a Christian either....just another of many trolls on TOL, which is why he is on my ignore list.

"haven't heard your "Testimony" on how you were given God's Grace?
So, you may not be a "True Believer" yourself? I know you're a loud
mouth Knucklehead, but, that's about it."

You appear somewhat loquacious yourself. You have, no doubt, already
ascertained that I'm not too crazy about you. So, why not place me on
ignore and have done with it?
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Looks like old Stan has made himself the judge of all posters on TOL? I write
him a message and he can tell by the message that I'm not a Christian. Now,
that guy has some kind of "mysterious powers of knowledge!" Watch what you
write folks. Stan will be able to see if you're a true Christian by your posts.

We need a guy like that around here!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Keypurr and Ben are NOT Christians, so you can eliminate those two.
GM is verbose and Dan is repetitive, but both don't really address the OP.
Technically the correct answer is "Follower of Christ", but that can ONLY be done is one has salvation.

It must be the lack of oxygen up there in Canada?


One who trusts in Jesus (Matt. 12:17–21). A nominal
Christian is no Christian at all (1 Jn 2:19).
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Well-known member
Keypurr and Ben are NOT Christians, so you can eliminate those two.
GM is verbose and Dan is repetitive, but both don't really address the OP.
Technically the correct answer is "Follower of Christ", but that can ONLY be done is one has salvation.

How far do you have to follow him to earn the gift of salvation/eternal life? Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23