Defending God's Honor


New member
I don't know much at all about open theism but I know I was really bothered by the teaching coming from this man. Are his views common among open theists, mostly this idea of a second option of salvation via seeking one's conscience?

Apparently there are 2 ways to God the Father, Christ and conscience - wow!

He came across like a politician would, going on about fighting back, I would say his view (non reformed) is by far the majority view,
it dominates bookstores, radio, tv, I would guess seminary too, if you were to press people on their theology?

Reminds me of Obama and his followers who gripe about unfair coverage by the media, 99 percent favorability apparently isn't enough.

What bothered me most is he came across as petty, over using hyperbolic language instead of Scripture to make his case.

I give him 5 nut jobs out of 5 available - he's coocoo.


The Dark Knight
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I don't know much at all about open theism but I know I was really bothered by the teaching coming from this man. Are his views common among open theists, mostly this idea of a second option of salvation via seeking one's conscience?

Apparently there are 2 ways to God the Father, Christ and conscience - wow!

He came across like a politician would, going on about fighting back, I would say his view (non reformed) is by far the majority view,
it dominates bookstores, radio, tv, I would guess seminary too, if you were to press people on their theology?

Reminds me of Obama and his followers who gripe about unfair coverage by the media, 99 percent favorability apparently isn't enough.

What bothered me most is he came across as petty, over using hyperbolic language instead of Scripture to make his case.

I give him 5 nut jobs out of 5 available - he's coocoo.
If you're talking about Bob he doesn't believe any such thing. You have gravely misunderstood here.


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Hall of Fame
A few hypercalvinists deny the offer of the gospel to all, including the people at 5Solas,, the Protestant Reformed Churches, and possibly a few others. The vast, vast majority of Calvinists do not deny that the gospel is offered to everyone.

I wonder if Bob Enyart actually understands the Calvinistic position, or if he has simply confused it for hypercalvinism like you have.

Do you adhere to Tulip?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
If you're talking about Bob he doesn't believe any such thing. You have gravely misunderstood here.

Billy Graham definitely does. Do those of you who deny this accusation of Bob agree that Billy Graham does in fact teach such a thing?

Bob Enyart is teaching that people can be saved without hearing of Christ. That is absolute blapshemy from the pit of Hell, to suggest that any person can be saved without Christ. People who believe that are not Christians and do not have the gospel.
Do you adhere to Tulip?

Yes. TULIP does not deny the free offer of the gospel to all men. The gospel is offered to all men. But most have hearts of stone, so they cannot take it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Billy Graham definitely does. Do those of you who deny this accusation of Bob agree that Billy Graham does in fact teach such a thing?

Bob Enyart is teaching that people can be saved without hearing of Christ. That is absolute blapshemy from the pit of Hell, to suggest that any person can be saved without Christ. People who believe that are not Christians and do not have the gospel.

Yes. TULIP does not deny the free offer of the gospel to all men. The gospel is offered to all men. But most have hearts of stone, so they cannot take it.

You cannot believe both that grace is irresistible, and that Christ died for the sins of the world, and that people can refuse to receive Christs grace.

They contradict.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
OK, you don't know very much about Calvinistic theology, or I'm awful at articulating it.

The gospel is offered to all men. But Christ did not die for all men. He only died for those who would accept it. Now, who will accept it? Those who Christ regenerates, taking their heart of stone and giving them a heart of flesh so they MUST accept it.

Let's look at it this way:

God offers to save all men.

All men refuse.

Christ dies on the cross for the elect.

Christ takes the heart of stone from the elect for whom he died, and gives them a heart of flesh. They now have no choice but to believe the gospel.

The reprobate, created for destruction, are still offered the gospel, but since they have hearts of stone, they will always reject it, and they are held responsible for their choice, as well as their other sins.

Those who were regenerated will persevere to the end.

Does this make more sense?

Now, there are a few quasi-hyper Calvinists who do indeed deny that the gospel is offered to all men. For some reason they get hung up on the word "offer" and so they'll only refer to a "gospel call." The Protestant Reformed Churches, Outside the Camp, and Predestinarian Network would all fall into this minority category. I've heard there are some hypers that deny even the gospel call, but I've never actually seen any so take that as you will.

But the vast majority of Calvinists will say that the gospel is offered to all, even the reprobates who will never accept it.


Well-known member
Okay, it's been 4 or 5 days now...

Okay, it's been 4 or 5 days now...

Bob E,

I'm somewhat perturbed. You have largely ignored me on TOL (no biggy), but I'm quite sure you've taken and adhered to my corrections in the past and this one is important.

For me, such a guantleted radio show demands you not 'hide' behind Jefferson's or Knight's skirts. Such effeminizes them besides yourself.

You must have realized there would be strong retort and had an inkling there'd be a need to buck up and face the music in reprecussion. You are the one claiming to be 'defending' and then rather hiding, unless your radio show was a bunch of bollix (meaningless confusions with no clear direction).

If you are going to boldly state you are "Defending God's Honor" you need to make the time to actually do so. Throwing a guantlet or slapping someone (Calvinists) with it, then running away and hiding or finding yourself too busy to actually defend His honor on the day of reckoning is worse than cowardly: It is a direct comment of your own choosing, upon your unpurposeful character, if you don't make time to actually defend God and show up when the challenge is accepted. You said you 'made Calvinists look like fools' on the air, but I rather thought you made a hasty getaway 6 years ago from this thread with AMR. It was rather disappointing and I said as much in the Grandstands. You made him wait three weeks after a monumental understaking and painstaking work, he agreed to. After such, you said you'd come back to it 3 more months later in December (Post #57).

Remember when you said this?
Dear Ask Mr. Religion,

Perhaps you read too much into my offer, but I stand by it:
... I'll reply. I imagine this would take me only a fraction of the time it takes you. I've already put hundreds of hours into that debate.

That's it AMR, you can accept that offer, or call the show (and Nang, you too).

-Bob Enyart
Here you said:
Bob Enyart said:
It is my observation, after many years of doing this (see BR X and our Bob Debates a Calvinist DVD), that Open Theists show more courage in answering questions directly"
Well, I made a post, accepting this thread's challenge 1) to defend God's honor, likewise and 2) to challenge faulty Calvinist notions and scape-goating.
Am I going to seriously have to wait until December for a reply?

I need, I think anyway, a response, over these important matters. Is it your desire to slap and run?

I think it'd be really great, if "too busy" wasn't the same excuse we've heard before, on TOL.


P.S. A few observations: Oddly enough, it seems like "Calvinism" is the September message, if I'm interpretting correctly. It seems like a rather swift departure after making comments so I think I believe you when you say you are intimidated.

It seems like saying you are intimidated and that you 'make Calvinists look like fools' from the same program, is an oxymoron.

It seems like you go around slapping people randomly and then don't have time to actually show up for the dual and are too busy to actually show up for the date (or at times even agree to a date) of those challenges.

It seems to me, I 'could' call in one day to BE Live, but do you really want me asking you before an audience, why you seem to purposefully misrepresent Calvinism (and similar) on the air?

In this case, we can appoint seconds, but I'd suggest 1) Making sure he/she is apt to represent you (most people who pick fights, fight their own) and 2) not making the same mistake in the future: Slap when you have time to show up for the fight. Another way, might be not to air the 'fight-challenge' portion of the program transcribed on TOL (you'd have to talk to Jefferson on when and when not to post those kinds of challenges). I do, understand time constraints and am trying to, in one way, help you gauge yourself with your busy schedule. Simply do not offer duals when you don't have time to show up on the field of honor.

There is mostly dishonor to you, but there is dishonor, if less, to the one who is challenged as well. It all becomes awkward if no one shows up.
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New member
Hall of Fame
OK, you don't know very much about Calvinistic theology, or I'm awful at articulating it.

The gospel is offered to all men. But Christ did not die for all men. He only died for those who would accept it. Now, who will accept it? Those who Christ regenerates, taking their heart of stone and giving them a heart of flesh so they MUST accept it.

Let's look at it this way:

God offers to save all men.

All men refuse.

Christ dies on the cross for the elect.

Christ takes the heart of stone from the elect for whom he died, and gives them a heart of flesh. They now have no choice but to believe the gospel.

The reprobate, created for destruction, are still offered the gospel, but since they have hearts of stone, they will always reject it, and they are held responsible for their choice, as well as their other sins.

Those who were regenerated will persevere to the end.

Does this make more sense?

Now, there are a few quasi-hyper Calvinists who do indeed deny that the gospel is offered to all men. For some reason they get hung up on the word "offer" and so they'll only refer to a "gospel call." The Protestant Reformed Churches, Outside the Camp, and Predestinarian Network would all fall into this minority category. I've heard there are some hypers that deny even the gospel call, but I've never actually seen any so take that as you will.

But the vast majority of Calvinists will say that the gospel is offered to all, even the reprobates who will never accept it.

No, it doesnt make sense and is not biblical. We have a choice and world doesnt mean elect.


New member
If you're talking about Bob he doesn't believe any such thing. You have gravely misunderstood here.

Listen if you haven't already and explain what was misunderstood, I listened more than once, it's pretty clear.

This is the jist:

He's held this view for more than 25 years, learned from Bob Hill, kept it quiet until recently.

The optional way of salvation for the "unsolicited person", those who have never heard the Gospel (22 year old Indian kid who doesn't know of Jesus or the Mosaic law), is not Christ, but belief in the true Creator (though they don't know His name), rejection of paganism, and have honored God through obedience to God's law written on their heart. Though they may sin, God will excuse their sin, and they will be saved.

The text to support this view, Luke 12:48 & Romans 2:15.

Main point: God is not a tyrant, he will forgive sin as long as the "unsolicited person" has a heart attitude of love and trust toward Him, God.

God apparently has a sliding scale of accountability too - it's all there in the audio clip.

I think his Calvinism rant in this particular clip is a diversion mostly, to soften the impact of his terrible theology that he's as much admitted he's kept quiet about for the most part.

Open theism IMO hyper-humanizes God to a very dangerous degree where they strip Him of the attributes that make Him God so as to agree with their notions of what they, the open theist deems an acceptable God.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Luke 12:48 is talking about severity of punishment in Hell, not Salvation.

Bob Enyart and all here who agree with him need to repent and believe the true gospel. They are not Christians.


Staff member
Super Moderator
It seems to me, I 'could' call in one day to BE Live, but do you really want me asking you before an audience, why you seem to purposefully misrepresent Calvinism (and similar) on the air?
I'm sure he wouldn't mind one bit. Call the show. 800-8ENYART. M-F 5:00-5:30 (Eastern time)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Billy Graham definitely does. Do those of you who deny this accusation of Bob agree that Billy Graham does in fact teach such a thing?
I don't know. I don't listen to Billy Graham.

Bob Enyart is teaching that people can be saved without hearing of Christ. That is absolute blapshemy from the pit of Hell, to suggest that any person can be saved without Christ. People who believe that are not Christians and do not have the gospel.
And your proof that Bob is teaching that?

Listen if you haven't already and explain what was misunderstood, I listened more than once, it's pretty clear.

This is the jist:

God apparently has a sliding scale of accountability too - it's all there in the audio clip.
It's not a "clip." Do you even know the meaning of that word? A half hour is much more than a clip.

I think his Calvinism rant in this particular clip is a diversion mostly, to soften the impact of his terrible theology that he's as much admitted he's kept quiet about for the most part.
Which section of the show [time stamps] has this information?

Open theism IMO hyper-humanizes God to a very dangerous degree where they strip Him of the attributes that make Him God so as to agree with their notions of what they, the open theist deems an acceptable God.
I'm OV and I don't believe anyone can be saved without Christ. But I do believe they can be saved without having heard of Him before death; by Him after death in which He ensures they hear the gospel.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
And your proof that Bob is teaching that?

Read the "Best Quote" (The damnable heresy that passes for a "Great Quote" around here makes me want to vomit, but oh well) in the OP.

I'm OV and I don't believe anyone can be saved without Christ. But I do believe they can be saved without having heard of Him before death; by Him after death in which He ensures they hear the gospel.

Being a radical free-will supporter, you'd have to say that. Nevermind the clear scriptural texts that it is God who chooses his children, and that ALL of them believe the gospel before they die.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Read the "Best Quote" (The damnable heresy that passes for a "Great Quote" around here makes me want to vomit, but oh well) in the OP.
Did you listen to the entire sermon? Would you be willing to call into BEL to ask Bob to clarify his statements?

Being a radical free-will supporter, you'd have to say that. Nevermind the clear scriptural texts that it is God who chooses his children, and that ALL of them believe the gospel before they die.
And those would be?


Calvinists are not Christians. They ad to and subtract from the gospel. Paul says they are outside the faith and should be cut off and tossed in the fire (accursed).

I'm not a Calvinist but I could define myself as a 4 pointer.
How are they another Gospel anathema? They are misguided on limited atonement but I think I understand why they conclude this. It's because they can't get around the divine sovereignty of God, specifically that man can exercise free will and God can still remain sovereign above man's choices. But that's a misunderstanding in my book not another gospel.
Besides there is no such thing as total free will anyway.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Nevermind the clear scriptural texts that it is God who chooses his children, and that ALL of them believe the gospel before they die.

1 Timothy 2

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Everything you say is wrong.


Luke 12:48 is talking about severity of punishment in Hell, not Salvation.

Bob Enyart and all here who agree with him need to repent and believe the true gospel. They are not Christians.

Help me out, what's Bob's problem? I really prolly will never tune in on my own, if rather hear the doctrine and deal with that.

Thx and aloha

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I'm not a Calvinist but I could define myself as a 4 pointer.
How are they another Gospel anathema? They are misguided on limited atonement but I think I understand why they conclude this. It's because they can't get around the divine sovereignty of God, specifically that man can exercise free will and God can still remain sovereign above man's choices. But that's a misunderstanding in my book not another gospel.
Besides there is no such thing as total free will anyway.

Just for curiosity, why do you think we're misguided on limited atonement?

You really need to come up with a working definition of "free will." If you mean that man does make real choices, and is really responsible for those choices, I'd agree (I am a 5-pointer, for the record). But I wouldn't really call that "free will."

My problem with the unlimited atonement position is that it logically leads to every single person being saved, or leads to an atonement that is not completely effective to save.

I know there are scriptures that say Christ died for "All men" or "the whole world" but that doesn't necessarily mean every single person. Let me show you two passages that make it clear that this presumption is not essential:

Luke 2:1 says that Caesar "Decreed that the whole world should be taxed." Does that mean every single person? of course not! It didn't apply to China, India, the Native Americans, etc. It applied to the people under Caesar's authority.

1 Corinthians 15:22 say that all men die in Adam, and all men are made alive in Christ. I presume I don't have to show you a list of scriptures that discredit universalism. Yet it says "All." This once again shows that the word "all" does not always mean "Every single person." This passage is simply saying that Christ is the only way that men are saved, nobody is justified by anyone other than Christ (Which, once again, shows Enyart is making God in his own image in the OP, as I'll explain where I quoted you asking when I get there.)

Now, I suspect this post wouldn't really be complete without defending limited atonement, so here goes.

John 10:15 says Christ lays down his life for HIS SHEEP. He later says he will not lose any of his sheep. This, to me, says that all for whom he shed his blood are saved. Thus, he did not shed his blood for the non-elect.

Romans 8:32-33 is another important passage in this regard:

32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? 33 Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.

Now, you have another reference to "All." But right after, he says he will graciously give those who he died all things. He then says that it is God, not man, who justifies. Justification is clearly linked with the atonement here, as well as graciously giving "All other things." Do you think God would promise to "give all other things" to people who a reprobate? (That is, a person who was "created for wrath" as per Romans 9:22?)

The Armenian position is closer to another gospel than Calvinism.

I presume you mean "Arminian" not "Armenian." Presuming that is the case, I wholeheartedly agree with you.

I do think there are some saved Arminians (And Amyraldans;)) who inconsistently proclaim the true gospel of Christ. They do not condition their salvation on their own works, but they don't understand how a synergistic view of salvation is logically works oriented. I have a hard time, however, believing that those who have deeply studied the issue far more than I have that still take a free will position are saved. I will not judge them to be unsaved on this alone, but I do believe that those people create a God in their own image. Dave Hunt and Michael Brown even claim that God cannot save those who are not saved, and that if he could, to not do so would be unloving! I would not call them my Christian brothers because ultimately they are not inconsistent, they take their false theology to its logical conclusion, creating a God in their own image and rejecting clear scriptural teaching regarding election and omnipotence.

In Christ,

Christian Liberty

1 Timothy 2

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Everything you say is wrong.

"all" does not mean "every single person." See above.

That said, I wouldn't deny that there is some sense in which God wants to save even the unsaved. I would separate God's will for human beings, which is for all of them to repent believe the gospel, as he commands them to do, and his will for himself, which is to save some and leave others behind. So I wouldn't completely deny that there is a sense in which Christ wants the non-elect to be saved. He does want them to come to him. But he doesn't want to regenerate them so they will.

Luke 13:34, for instance, does show Jesus in some sense wanting to save those who would not be, but this is limited to what Christ wants THEM to do. He does not wish to take supernatural action in order to save them. (Otherwise, obviously, he would do so.)

Help me out, what's Bob's problem? I really prolly will never tune in on my own, if rather hear the doctrine and deal with that.

Thx and aloha

I didn't listen either. Jefferson quotes it in the OP. Bob creates a God in his own image, one that is easier to digest, rather than the Biblical God who says that all who he saves will believe in Christ and Christ alone for salvation.