
Hall of Fame
She's not going to like heaven, which is ok since God doesn't force anyone into heaven.

To the contrary, I am going to love heaven, surrounded by superiorly moral people, such as myself. :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

If you stop, we forgive you. We forgive you all the way up to your head of state President Putin inclusive.

For far smaller crimes there exists the legal defense of temporary irrationality, this we accept right now, as your valid defense.

We will 'lift' all sanctions against you and all your people, all the way up to President Putin inclusive, immediately upon you making a good faith effort to stop and withdraw.

Please, as your only penance, leave behind all armor and artillery and other materiel, only withdraw your troops, and leave everything else for Ukraine to do with them as they see fit.

We extend an olive branch to Russia and invite Russia to join us under the United States Constitution, or into NATO. If you wish to annex Ukraine then we only insist that it is done peacefully and democratically with the informed consent of Ukraine only, without force, threats and intimidation, and that you accept their answer respectfully.


We have learned from the United States Civil War that we must receive Russia back into the global community.

We have learned from WWI that we must forgive Russia immediately and cease penalizing Russia in any way.

And we have learned from WWII that expansion when it occurs must only be peaceful and never be belligerent.


Hall of Fame

Which pretty much indicates that if Russia and Putin withdraw their slate is wiped clean. That would be rewarding them for murder. Every soldier as well as Putin are not worthy of forgiveness aka a thumbs up for their intentional genocide.

When the time comes that the Russians rise up and bring down Putin, they will be on the path of redemption.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Every soldier as well as Putin are not worthy of forgiveness ...
“For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

Praying that God forgives you

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Every House Democrat Just Voted to Draw U.S. ‘Deeper Into War’ in Ukraine

On Monday, a New York Times headline blared “Biden Speeds Up Military Aid to Ukraine, Drawing U.S. Deeper Into War.”

The Times reported (emphasis added), “When President Biden signed a modern-day Lend-Lease Act on Monday, 81 years after the original version helped lead the way into World War II, he effectively thrust the United States even deeper into another war in Europe that has increasingly become an epic struggle with Russia despite his efforts to define its limits.”



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Which pretty much indicates that if Russia and Putin withdraw their slate is wiped clean. That would be rewarding them for murder. Every soldier as well as Putin are not worthy of forgiveness aka a thumbs up for their intentional genocide.
We could have done that to the South after the Civil War but we didn't. I don't think that was a mistake. We're aiming for a more perfect peace in the future, we have to pick up the pieces and make omelets out of broken eggs and lemonade out of lemons for now.
When the time comes that the Russians rise up and bring down Putin, they will be on the path of redemption.
He's got to die sometime too, that was part of the deal with the South. What we did there only applied so long as those fellows lived, and then it expired.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't think punishment/forgiveness is an issue for anyone but the Ukrainians. For the rest of the world it's a simple matter: Russia stops the aggression and we stop our counter-measures.
Your approach hasn't worked. Russia is still in Ukraine. WWIII still looms.

We need a peace deal here: what can we offer. Offer that NATO will never admit Ukraine, Finland and Sweden, if and only if Russia stops and gets out. Include in the deal that if Russia ever transgresses another sovereign state again, or if Russia in their own political way approves of it, Ukraine, Finland and Sweden automatically become members of NATO.

This is still not ideal, but will it work. WWI and WWII started the same way, one European country invaded another European country, and then alliances compelled other countries to join in; then the war commenced, but both wars began the same way. And we're right between steps one and two right now, and we need it to stop, right now.