Dear Mr. is time for more bannings.


Eeset, you are an intelligent person. Surely you understand the significance of "When in Rome do as the Romans"?
We are here of our own freewill and at the discretion of the site owner.
I started out here on the wrong foot, got banned, came back and worked to get on the right foot!
I have no quarrel with the management. I do quarrel with some of the posters some of the time. And while I do engage in some sharp truth smacking still, I stay within the boundaries as prescribed.
Also, I try to help newbies understand the ropes!
Thank you for the compliment. So, if I understand your point one can be necessarily disruptive.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Anyone with more vowels than consonants in their username should be automatically banned. :banned:


New member
Seemed like a good idea. It's hardly a death but it is an interesting experience.

Arbitrary banning is not likely to do anything positive for the forum. In fact, boards which unfairly ban tend to have fewer loyal members. I have never been banned from any board, because I am careful to follow the established rules. You screwed up and got banned a couple of times, so someone who is innocent of wrong doing should get to feel as bad as you did?

No, it is hardly a death experience, but it is also not a very good idea.


New member
I'm prepared to count G's and W's as vowels... :)

Is this you all's form of Godly Knowledge???????? - There seems to be more of this kind of trash than the "Truth"!! - Shall we consider from whence it comes??? -- OH! - That would be unfair to Jesus!!!

Paul -- 082312


New member
Is this you all's form of Godly Knowledge???????? - There seems to be more of this kind of trash than the "Truth"!! - Shall we consider from whence it comes??? -- OH! - That would be unfair to Jesus!!!

Paul -- 082312

They like to play sometimes.
Do you think that is wrong?


New member
We ban because we like. :)

And that ain't all!! - Today's (( so called ~christian~ )) would Kill, as they did before, if it was legal, and any ( Christian ) knows that very well!!!!!!! -- It's Called (( "Hate" )) of the Truth / Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 082412


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And that ain't all!! - Today's (( so called ~christian~ )) would Kill, as they did before, if it was legal, and any ( Christian ) knows that very well!!!!!!! -- It's Called (( "Hate" )) of the Truth / Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!Paul -- 082412

One too many birds on that antenna. :kook:


New member
One too many birds on that antenna. :kook:

There you go!! - The same old foolish nonsense that is nothing but lip service about nothing as usual from any of your (( Kind ))!! - That does not (( Prove me Wrong either, but that does )) (((( Prove you are ( IN ) the wrong ))))!!! -- And you call yourself a (( WHAT ))???

Paul -- 082412


New member
One too many birds on that antenna. :kook:

Are you hoarding all that (( Hate )) because I shut you down in your "Flood discussion Thread", a long time ago that you ran and hid, and couldn't ever return any sensible answer?? -- Is that it??

Paul -- 082412