A friend sent me this article, im wondering how you all here on tol would respond to the atheists concern and what you think about the response given by "abby" - thanks!
Not sure if she even noticed she did(maybe so) but the woman writing to Abby also "preached a sermon",the sermon she preached was public(to Abby,internet,papers,and also on the wwww) in her sermon she stated her beliefs,an expected way she chooses to be treated,seen ect.,,,
Not that I say this to offend any (I am Christian) but as well as she sees the christian as trying to influence/teach/preach what she believes she also(the atheist)is both trying to convey her beliefs upon the christian woman/daughter.
The children possibly have a better chance at it in that they will probably just play together and not be offended with one another. As time goes on ,,example jr high/high school things may change as the both mature. One may begin to ponder Jesus and the other my begin to doubt Christianity depending on things they hear from one another about their beliefs.
The point I'm trying to make though is that if a Christian were to write to Abby,post on the www,go to someones house ect. and preach then it would be viewed as "preaching",,,on the other hand when an atheist writes to Abby,post on the www,tries to convey their beliefs to others it is suppose to be received as "not preaching",,,in all reality they are both the same, the thing is though one is hidden.