Oh puh - leese, you've been banging on about definitions of anthropomorphism and technicalities of such throughout this thread, what exactly are you trying to achieve?
Of course it would seem to be quite technical to you Red. The exact definitions of words appear to be quite meaningless to many of you. MOM is not surprised at your present attitude towards her insistence at paying attention to words and their exact definitions. Only from this immoral and failing generation could you expect to see that that action would be seen as something which is bad and abhorrent. And by the way, you are not the only one. Many others have been trying to redefine the meanings to words which they do not like.
Anyway Red, being that you are currently in a state where you are low and slow of wit. And being that you have failed to study the definition of MORAL, and by that inaction have refused to take the advice which was given to you for your development and benefit, let MOM explain to you the obvious details that you are missing. Lets look at the definition of MORAL. >>>
MORAL: adjective: 1 a :
of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL *moral judgments* b :
expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior *a moral poem* c :
conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment *a moral obligation* e :
capable of right and wrong action *a moral agent*
Now, if you were able to, you would have studied the definition of MORAL. And from that moment of study and reflection, you would have eventually come to the realization that everyone or everything has MORALS. That’s right, everything has MORALS. Or we may also say, that in respects o the Tiger, if you would have examined the definitions of MORAL, you would have seen that even as a wild animal, it does five things:
First, its actions and movements are able to relate to the principles of right and wrong behavior.
Secondly, it’s actions and movements are able to express or teach a conception of right behavior.
Thirdly, its actions and movement are able to conform to a standard of right behavior.
Fourthly, its actions and movements are sanctioned by and are operated by its own ethical judgment.
Fifthly, it is capable of right and wrong behavior.
In other words, Red, the tiger is a MORAL creature. You can assign MORALS to it because it does have MORALS. The tiger is capable of right and wrong behavior. It can do “good” and it can do “evil.”
Now, in the tigers MORALS or its ability to do right and wrong, lies one of the major differences between MAN and Beast. This difference stems from the fact that the tiger’s Actions and Movements which determine its MORALS are antithetical to the Actions and Movements of highly developed beings. This can be seen in the fact that in the tiger’s world, it has been determined that it is right for it to preemptively attack and kill--without any concrete proof-- someone or something that it believes to be a threat to it’s Self-Preservation or Life. In the tigers world, it has been determined that it is right to kill someone for simply waving and yelling at it.
And so with those two determinations, two other realities also become evident:
First, it is wrong for the tiger not to preemptively attack and kill--without any concrete proof--someone or something that it believes to be a threat to it’s Self-Preservation or Life.
Secondly, it is wrong for the tiger not to kill someone for simply waving and yelling at it.
Now, Red, those are the tiger’s MORALS. And because that is how the tiger and most lower animal and beasts operate, when they are captured, they are kept in cages away from their captors. And when they escape to kill one of their captors, they themselves are put down or killed.
So Red, once again you and many of the others have blindly come into another argument. And because of that blindness, you all have managed to stick all of your feet into your big festering maws. You and many of the others were and are mistaken when you constantly and ignorantly spout that “an animal can’t be held to some set of moral values.” Or that “Morality doesn't exist for animals.” (
Red POST # 110) (
Koban Post # 143) Since they are in essence modes of conduct, an animal does have morals. The only thing is that it just doesn’t have the same morals as highly evolved human beings.
Finally, if you like we can take a look at you statement that “animals are not subject to the laws of morality that Man put in place for himself. (
Red Post #371) Just let MOM know when you are ready to start moving up instead of down.
And another thing Red, the funny thing is that without even realizing that you can’t be innocent unless you haven’t done anything WRONG, you have been screaming throughout the thread that no matter what the tiger is innocent (
Red Post # 110). RIGHT and WRONG are both aspects of morality. MOM and some of her friends thought that it was quite funny to see you running around and emphatically declaiming the innocence of the tiger while saying that it does not have morals.
PS. Now you can once again go back into stewing in your illusionary reality. And of course, later on you and one of the others can reappear to respond to what MOM has just wrote with your regular hallucinatory responses of “MOM is twisting my words out of context,” “MOM is twisting the meanings of the words in the dictionary,” and “MOM is unreasonable and irrational.” The proof of who is doing what is always is in the pudding sweety. So check the pudding.
Jude 1:18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
Jude 1:19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
And just WHY are you persisting with this third person posting rubbish?
Because you persist in your first person rubbish. At least MOM’s third person rubbish allows her to see and comprehend that lower animals and beasts have morals.
Is it supposed to be clever?
How so?
Is it accomplishing anything other than the fact that people would wish you would stop doing it?
It accomplishes a lot. Now if people are more concerned with that than they are with debating then that is on them.
Look at the rearranged title of this thread MOM, there's not many people from any side of the spectrum that would take issue with it I doubt.....
People tend to do such things when they are unable to debate. Cattyfan knows the real purpose why she tried to change the title.