They aren’t? Then why aren’t lower animals allowed to sleep with humans? Why are animals not allowed to marry humans?
Why was the tiger killed?
Why are animals put down when they attack humans?
Again Red, before you continue to place foot in mouth, MOM will kindly advise you to go and study the definition of moral. >>>
MORAL: adjective: 1 a :
of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL *moral judgments* b :
expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior *a moral poem* c :
conforming to a standard of right behavior d :
sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment *a moral obligation* e : capable of right and wrong action *a moral agent*
2 :
probable though not proved : VIRTUAL *a moral certainty*
3 :
perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect *a moral victory* *moral support*
MOM has heard it said once before, “Once you go black you will never want to go back. ” Maybe Billy has had a go at blacks one too many times and now he doesn’t want to go back. :rotfl:
That’s always funny to see the child trying to tell the mother how to do that which originally came from the mother. That seems to be one of our biggest problems: We have only been on the world stage for a brief period of time but we want to tell everyone who has been here for a much longer span of time, how they should live and run their lives. That seems a bit arrogant if you ask MOM.
England originated the language of English and now we want to tell them that the way that they use it is wrong. :rotfl: You gotta love it: The ignorance of arrogance.