Cruz on how he stands out in R field (for '16)

Mocking You

New member
Watch your most hated liberal pundits and who they most vociferously attack. That will tell you who the best Republican candidate is. From what I've seen, that is Ted Cruz.

So by extension the best candidates in 2012 were Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann, since they were regularly attacked. Do you agree?

Neither one of those two could win a primary, much less the presidency.


Cruz on how he stands out in R field (for '16)

Cruz is the only presidental candidate that less than a year ago held dual citizenship.

If that isn't a problem, then why was Cruz so quick to renouce his Canadian citizenship?



I like other candidates, but I think Ted Cruz is the right one. I think he is right, that the reason we Rs lost last 2 elections is b/c evangelicals and others stayed home.. by the millions, apparently.

I can see w here some voters would take a

What difference does it make? attitude vis a vis those elections..

well, KIND of... As we can all see, there IS such a thing as the lesser of 2 evils.. (not saying McCain or Mitt were evil, just... not Reagan-esque enough..)

Ted Cruz is Reagan-esque


Hmm...I am not so sure. I don't believe he has the compassion Ronnie did. I also think Cruz is just plan meaner. Also a notch or two to the right on the political spectrum. Damn near a reactionary.

My guy among the GOP hopefuls is Marco Rubio from Florida. I also think he has the best chance to beat Hillary in the presidential election.

Rubio will be much better at getting the Independent votes than would Cruz, and also is almost assuredly more appealing to centrist women, some of whom would vote for Hillary if she were coming up against Cruz, even if they really don't like her that much.

The GOP better watch out. They are pretty fractured right now, what with the Tea party and all, and there is a pretty big gulf between their far right and their moderates. (Like Cruz and Rubio.) If they don't get it together and coalesce behind a solid front runner your next POTUS is going to be Hillary, who will say anything to win..just like her hubby did.


New member

Hmm...I am not so sure. I don't believe he has the compassion Ronnie did. I also think Cruz is just plan meaner. Also a notch or two to the right on the political spectrum. Damn near a reactionary.

My guy among the GOP .

why.. because he won't let the people in Congress vote themselves raises? Oh, those poor things..

b/c he doesn't mind if the behemoth gov shuts down?

oh, that poor poor monster



New member
So you're hoping Ted Cruz will add some more government agencies, raise taxes, increase the national debt, grant amnesty to illegal aliens and create nuclear treaties with regimes that are hostile to the US like Reagan?

I have a theory about Libs and the pathology that allows them to make such ridiculous statement: their synapses are all screwed up when it comes to political/critical thinking. So they believe that you can simply say your are a women and, Bam!, you are a she, or "Bush brought down the Twin Tower" when we actually watched them fall because of two planes, or "We are friends to Israel" while divulging Israel's nuclear secrets and enabling Iran to pursue its nuclear intent, or "now is the time the oceans begin to recede and the earth begins to cool" or "Hillary is a rich, Middle Class babe," or "its best to outlaw DDT and let 20 million die in Africa via malaria than fight the Greenies in this country," or "tobacco is more addictive than heroine," or, "its a good idea to turn all the drivers in Colorado into Stoners, I mean what could go wrong?" or "we will never run out of money so why a balanced budget," or "there is no God except when we choose to quote Him on the issue of welfare for the poor." Get it? And, oh, case closed !!!!!

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Chrys doesn't like being reminded that Reagan supplied the Ayatollahs in Iran with modern weapons, in a naive belief that would make them return hostages.

Appeasement never works.

Don't forget to mention that happened after Jimmy Carter forced the pro American/pro western Shah of Iran into exile.

Ah, the bratty kid defense; "I didn't want to give military aid to our enemies, but Carter made me do it by not invading Iran!"

Technically, Reagan wasn't reallly responsible for it. When questioned in the Iran/Contra investigation, he admitted that he couldn't remember whether he had authorized military aid to our enemies or not. He was probably telling the truth; by that time, his illness had made it hard for him to remember things.


New member
Yet a conservative like yourself is fine being dishonest. All drivers in CO are not stoners, nor is anyone trying to make them so.
The Left would be fine if all in Colorado were stoners . . . . but the point of my list is the silliness and nonsense that passes for "reality" when one becomes a liberal.


New member
here he is again bashing the republicans

he is a teacher
he supports unions
the democratic party supports both
the democratic party supports baby killers

it does not matter what Party gets elected as both will continue to DE-humanize with poverty and or social agendas. The wealthy will increase. But sadly they do not realize they too are a part of this.

I prayed intently about politics. Jesus revealed to me to set my heart on HIS Holy governance. Not man's. I am a Christian who lives in America. So far America is relatively safe for Christians. But this is waning. I have also realized the hatred for Jews and Israel and Christians is escalating. The escalation really picked up about 10 years ago. There are those who claim to be Christians who despise the Jews and the Nation of Israel. Thus, they cannot be of our Messiah, Jesus. As there is no hate in Jesus. Only Love.