Cruz on how he stands out in R field (for '16)


New member

I like other candidates, but I think Ted Cruz is the right one. I think he is right, that the reason we Rs lost last 2 elections is b/c evangelicals and others stayed home.. by the millions, apparently.

I can see w here some voters would take a

What difference does it make? attitude vis a vis those elections..

well, KIND of... As we can all see, there IS such a thing as the lesser of 2 evils.. (not saying McCain or Mitt were evil, just... not Reagan-esque enough..)

Ted Cruz is Reagan-esque



New member
I don't like that Rubio thinks gays are born that way (according to another poster here)

They are not born that way.

That is saying God made a mistake

(of course that is assuming u think being gay is at least somewhat abnormal)


patrick jane

I don't like that Rubio thinks gays are born that way (according to another poster here)

They are not born that way.

That is saying God made a mistake

(of course that is assuming u think being gay is at least somewhat abnormal)


what really matters is which R is the best looking - :think:


New member
well, KIND of... As we can all see, there IS such a thing as the lesser of 2 evils.. (not saying McCain or Mitt were evil, just... not Reagan-esque enough..)

Ted Cruz is Reagan-esque[/FONT][/B]

So you're hoping Ted Cruz will add some more government agencies, raise taxes, increase the national debt, grant amnesty to illegal aliens and create nuclear treaties with regimes that are hostile to the US like Reagan?

Mocking You

New member
Yeah, Cruz's campaign has really caught fire!

Haven't heard a peep about him since he announced in front of a mandatory assembly of college students. But, then again, I don't watch Faux News.

The Barbarian

I didn't know that stating a well known fact was 'bashing'

Chrys doesn't like being reminded that Reagan supplied the Ayatollahs in Iran with modern weapons, in a naive belief that would make them return hostages.

Appeasement never works.


New member
Hall of Fame
Cruz stands out as a slimier demagogue than most, sure, and probably the most disgusting of the bunch to me personally. He should parlay his candidacy into a sweet Fox gig.


Watch your most hated liberal pundits and who they most vociferously attack. That will tell you who the best Republican candidate is. From what I've seen, that is Ted Cruz.


Also, watch who the mainstream media puts the most attention on when it comes to who is leading the polls. This is the worst possible candidate the republicans could nominate. Prime examples are McCain and Romney.


New member
Cruz stands out as a slimier demagogue than most, sure, and probably the most disgusting of the bunch to me personally. He should parlay his candidacy into a sweet Fox gig.

this sound really bad

coming from a R

people who don't like Cruz and yet claim to be conservative.. are disingenuous

at best