Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Michael: So he decided and managed the extincition of some species of plant and animal? Just on a whim?
And if his control is so great, why cancer? why dementia?


New member
alwight said:
Well, you told me previously that a sorry genetic decline (fall) was the reason for humanity's non-perfect construction, as I recall, right?
Now when it suits you want to claim that despite this genetic deterioration new species can spring up everywhere apparently at the drop of a hat, equipped with functioning genes and traits for whatever comes along. That would seem to suggest a surprisingly intact if not perfect gene-pool indeed, ...or do I mean an impossibly intact and prepared gene-pool?
I think you are confusing a few things. Evidence from science supports the creationist model. Rapid speciation is possible because of info that already exists in the genome. For example here is an article about stickleback fish that speciated in just a few generations.


New member
Does it make you feel better that ALL of you are ganging up on one poster? gcthomas, hedshaker, stuu, noguru, alwight, jukia, all against 6days? What are the odds? Ridiculous!!


Haha... thanks Michael, but its not a problem. Their worldview is being challenged so they are trying to defend their beliefs.


New member
I think you are confusing a few things. Evidence from science supports the creationist model. Rapid speciation is possible because of info that already exists in the genome. For example here is an article about stickleback fish that speciated in just a few generations.
Chicken embryos can be induced to produce teeth by turning on ancient genes, too. Conceivably, a new bird species with teeth could emerge if the environment and ecosystem provided the selection pressure needed to regulate those teeth genes back into use.

You still have to explain how the latent variations got to be in the genome in the first place. I guess you could always cheat again and pull out the faith card. But that wouldn't be an explanation.



Well-known member
Haha... thanks Michael, but its not a problem. Their worldview is being challenged so they are trying to defend their beliefs.

No, it is just because you are blatantly incompetent. Your reply is a standard defense for people in that position though. Blame everyone else who sees your errors.


New member
MichaelCadry said:
God created everything and He saw that it was Good (Not Necessarily Perfect...
"God saw everything He had made and called it VERY good"
Michael... why would God create something less than perfect?

MichaelCadry said:
God helped the creatures to adapt as necessary as He saw fit. HE DID IT. Not natural selection. He's the creator and can change things in all of us as He sees fit.
I think you would agree that God created the processes necessary for animals to survive in our fallen world. In the post flood world, animals would have had to adapt quickly to changing environments.

MichaelCadry said:
Perhaps He got fed up with one race of men and women warring all the time and destroyed them all, and started over with a new Adam. It says that right in the book of Genesis...
The book of Genesis tells us that there was no other 'race' before Adam. Believing there were people before Adam, or that people were on other planets, seems destroys the Gospel .message.
The Bible tells us that sin and death did not exist until after Adams sin. There was not even animal death. You will notice the Bible tells us the animals were vegetarian, until sin entered our world.

We have the genealogies from Adam to Christ. Jesus is called the 2nd Adam in the Bible because He redeems the first Adams descendants.if you try insert other people into the Biblical account, the theology gets messed up and meaningless.

MichaelCadry said:
BTW, I am not a YEC!
Its OK...I have not always been yec either. But --- you should consider it. Jesus is a YEC! He did tell us that Adam and Eve existed at the beginning of creation.
(Even Darwin is now a YEC :) .)


New member
Well, you told me previously that a sorry genetic decline (fall) was the reason for humanity's non-perfect construction, as I recall, right?
Now when it suits you want to claim that despite this genetic deterioration new species can spring up everywhere apparently at the drop of a hat, equipped with functioning genes and traits for whatever comes along. That would seem to suggest a surprisingly intact if not perfect gene-pool indeed, ...or do I mean an impossibly intact and prepared gene-pool?
I think you are confusing a few things. Evidence from science supports the creationist model. Rapid speciation is possible because of info that already exists in the genome. For example here is an article about stickleback fish that speciated in just a few generations.
There is plenty of evidence that speciation is occurring all the time, e.g. Google "Ring Species", but typically in the lifetime of humans it is not observable. YECs have recently tried to force-fit a kind of "super-evolution" as their model not because the evidence suggests it, it doesn't, but because they must make the typically gradual process of speciation upon speciation fit somehow into a ludicrously short span of time, else they will have to reject the whole idea of evolution again.
YECs have already tried and failed to dismiss evolution so now they are compelled to try to incorporate it somehow in less than 10,000 years? Pull the other one.


New member
The book of Genesis tells us that there was no other 'race' before Adam. Believing there were people before Adam, or that people were on other planets, seems destroys the Gospel .message.
And yet it is a fact of natural history that there never was a time when only two humans existed.



New member
Stu said:
Chicken embryos can be induced to produce teeth by turning on ancient genes, too. Conceivably, a new bird species with teeth could emerge if the environment and ecosystem provided the selection pressure needed to regulate those teeth genes back into use.
Yes....and? :)
So... chickens may be derived from a bird that had teeth, correct? And through breeding or selection they lost the ability to produce teeth. ( other extinct birds have teeth). But in any case.... how does loss of info support evolutionary model? It certainly fits in the creation model.


Michael: So he decided and managed the extincition of some species of plant and animal? Just on a whim?
And if his control is so great, why cancer? why dementia?

Yes, extinction, but not on a whim. And why cancer, etc., you forgot AIDS. There are ways that the Lord has people die so they can rest from their works on earth and begin their works in heaven. Same reason for heart attacks, brain aneurysms, etc. You've got to go some way. I've got cancer myself and won't be around much longer. That is your answer from me.

In God's Wonderful Name,



Dear 6days,

You are wrong and I'm too tired to retype my explanation. See my Post 1 on this thread. Read it.

God's Best For You,



Dear 6days,

God created Lucifer and Satan, and they are not perfect. It does not say that "God looked and saw that everything that He had made was perfect." It is written in Genesis 1:31, "And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was 'very good.'" Not perfect. Very few things are perfect.

May God Bless You For Your Good Mind And Heart!!



Hello Hedshaker,

Wherever have you been? In lots of trouble, I suppose. Good to hear from you again, unless you're going to say something I don't agree with!! ROTFL!!

God Turn You Around,



Well-known member
Dear 6days,

God created Lucifer and Satan, and they are not perfect. It does not say that "God looked and saw that everything that He had made was perfect." It is written in Genesis 1:31, "And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was 'very good.'" Not perfect. Very few things are perfect.

May God Bless You For Your Good Mind And Heart!!


There are also penguins that are perfect for swimming, but not perfect for flying in the air or even walking on land.


New member
Hello Hedshaker,

Wherever have you been? In lots of trouble, I suppose. Good to hear from you again, unless you're going to say something I don't agree with!! ROTFL!!

Thanks. My audio production software, Cubase, as just undergone a major update so I've been really busy getting my head around all the new features. It was good before now it's even better :)

Cubase 7.5

I find the best way to learn new production sofware is to make a track with it, Drum & Bass on this occasion:

The Stuff

God Turn You Around,l

May the nonsense that's gripped your mind be replaced with reality ;)
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