Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Alwight,

For some people, God comes down on them for their lack of worship or acknowledgement, or belief. Look at how the people are starving in Africa. If they want to believe in voodoo or whatever, that is what they get. No rain.

There are 400 million christians in Africa, and another 450 million muslims. Hardly any worship 'voodoo or whatever'.

Still think they are being punished for lack of worship?

(And I think you would be surprised to learn that there are billions of animals in the US eating other animals all the time. You can't be squeamish when considering the natural, red in tooth and claw, world)


Dear gcthomas,

Where do you get your numbers from? And God is not too thrilled with the Muslims. I don't think they believe in the immaculate conception of Mary and Jesus. Maybe I'm wrong?? And in animals are eating animals, whatever. We are humans and we eat other animals, too. No surprise to me.

If you didn't know it by now, God is not too thrilled with the Muslims wanting the destruction of Israel. And their fanaticism and their bombings by young men being promised virgins if they become suicide bombers. Don't get me wrong, I have some good Islamic friends who are Christian and some are not, but they don't act so MAD and irrational. Iran hates the U.S. citizens. To them, we are the Great Satan and Israel, the little Satan. They are the ones who listen to Satan, thus they get clobbered with earthquakes and lack of rain, and constant upheavals of their governments.

My grandparents were Muslims, but they believed that Jesus would come, not Mohammed. I am part Lebanese, so I'm not trying to bad-mouth a religion or people, but many Christians know how to worship God, and the rest just fall flat. God's love is to the Jews first and then to the Nations. The Jews are keeping His laws and holy days. Once they see Jesus returning as their Messiah, they will be just right. It is written, in that day, a man shall take hold of the skirt of a Jew and say teach us thy ways and thy precepts. No more celebrating the Sabbath on Sunday, instead of the correct day, Saturday. But the fanatical Muslims and those who believe that way are not getting any rain, much less anything else.

This is the truth, so if I get banned for telling the truth, then so be it.

gcthomas, how old are you? Are you male or female? I like to know who I am speaking to. I am 58 years old.

God Help You!



New member
Dear gcthomas,

Where do you get your numbers from?

This graph, with data from the CIA World Factbook.


Notice that much of sub-Saharan Africa has Christianity levels over 90%, more than the USA.

If you didn't know it by now, God is not too thrilled with the Muslims wanting the destruction of Israel. And their fanaticism and their bombings by young men being promised virgins if they become suicide bombers.

You can't judge the majority by the fanatics, else you would have to condemn Christianity for a similar reason. Suicide bombers seem to be driven by politics, not religion, anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I have some good Islamic friends who are Christian

Really?! How does that work?

Iran hates the U.S. citizens. To them, we are the Great Satan and Israel, the little Satan.

Iranians are quire pro-American, from their desire to listen to rock bands, watch Hollywood movies and buy iPhones. I think you are referring to the religious dictator they have. That is, of course, just one person and not representative of the whole poulation.

They are the ones who listen to Satan, thus they get clobbered with earthquakes and lack of rain, and constant upheavals of their governments.

The earthquakes are due to their country being over a large intersection of several tectonic plates, and is entirely predictable. No change of behaviour of Iran would be rewarded by the earthquakes stopping. They will carry on regardless.

Once they see Jesus returning as their Messiah

Shan't be holding my breath - it's been thousands of years already.

gcthomas, how old are you? Are you male or female? I like to know who I am speaking to. I am 58 years old.

I am male, in my forties. I live on the south coast of England, working in physics, technology and education.

God Help You!

Thanks, but I feel that is unlikely, since I believe him to be a figment of the collective imagination, mixed with an evolved desire to ascribe causes to natural things before the natural causes could be determined.


New member
Dear Alwight,

For some people, God comes down on them for their lack of worship or acknowledgement, or belief. Look at how the people are starving in Africa. If they want to believe in voodoo or whatever, that is what they get. No rain.

Thank you so much for trying to explain the Quote function, but I need a teacher to sit by my side to help me. I will ask my computer guy if he knows how this site works. He is an excellent wizard on puters.
Michael..... I can try help with the quoting... although I don't know it all either. Private message me your question or give your email address.

I always enjoy your comments, although I don't always agree with you. I think it is great when people are excited to share what they believe. Keep posting!!


Well gcthomas,

I don't know how to answer so many quotes, but will do my best. I see that much of northern Africa isn't too Christian. Isn't that where the lack of rain is?? Or no? There are way more fanatical Muslims than there are Christians. That's not even a question. And no, I think the suicide bombers do it because of Islam and their promise of virgins waiting for them. My Islamic friends that are Christian were once Muslims, but converted. It's best I worded it the way I did, but you could say Arab friends that converted to Christianity if that helps.

You're nuts, gct, because you can see all the masses shouting death to America and Israel on TV. It is not just the government. Also, I know what causes earthquakes and all about tectonic plates, but God controls the forces resulting from those plates moving, and where they are moving. The earth's center is like a pressure cooker, quite hot, and hot air waiting to escape the center of the earth. For the earth has a center and a top and everyone thinks they're on top, and that's where the bottomless pit is. In the center of the earth. Very Hot there. Would you think that Phoenix, AZ would get an earthquake larger than any know to man?? This will happen in the near future and God controls it, not just tectonic plates. God decides where each one will be and how much pressure He will release in each one. I know you don't believe me, but you're not God, thank Him.

It's only been a little over 2,000 years. Glad to meet you and I can see where you get your conclusions from - your studies. I'm so glad you live in England. I've always wanted to go there. Are you near the Isle of Wight?? Is it expensive where you live? Not so bad here. You're still young and with age comes wisdom. I can guarantee that before you are my age - 58 - Jesus will have come way before that. So this is all pointless maybe. I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see His Face. It's going to happen.

God Bless You Anyhow...Maybe It Will Help. You're Only 40ish!!



New member
Actually that he admits there is a collective consciousnesses is pretty cool..Hi Alwight,sup bro :) so has anyone looked at my vids about the half life decay and the observer affect?


Well-known member
Michael..... I can try help with the quoting... although I don't know it all either. Private message me your question or give your email address.

I always enjoy your comments, although I don't always agree with you. I think it is great when people are excited to share what they believe. Keep posting!!

Yes, but it is oh so much more rewarding if they did a little critical analysis of their own ideas first, and/or had the courage to admit when they were wrong based on real evidence.


Well-known member
You're still young and with age comes wisdom. I can guarantee that before you are my age - 58 - Jesus will have come way before that. So this is all pointless maybe. I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see His Face. It's going to happen.

God Bless You Anyhow...Maybe It Will Help. You're Only 40ish!!


Not always, Michael, not always. Some times people just replace one foolishness with another.


Dear gcthomas,

Ah, well, things will pan out like they're suppose to as God would have it. He IS the one in charge here, anyway. I'm sure He won't disappoint us.

Peace, brother!


Dear 6days,

Thanks for making me feel so welcome. If I am wrong, gc, I will admit it. That's an important aspect for anyone in their life. I love your posts too, 6days. You've helped me out quite a bit when I've needed it. I did PM you my email address, but you have not written me an email yet, and I cannot email you first, because I don't know your email address.

God Bless You Abundantly And Be There When You Need Him Always,



Dear 6days,

Thanks for making me feel so welcome. If I am wrong, gc, I will admit it. That's an important aspect for anyone in their life. I love your posts too, 6days. You've helped me out quite a bit when I've needed it. I did PM you my email address, but you have not written me an email yet, and I cannot email you first, because I don't know your email address.

God Bless You Abundantly And Be There When You Need Him Always,



New member
Michael you don't need the "[/QUOTE]" after what you say, only to close a previously opened quote if there is one.
The site software simply ignored your "[/QUOTE]" as a control sequence, just as it is doing mine here, because there isn't a currently open quote needing to be closed.

Look at what you get when you click the "quote button" (on the bottom right of the post you want to respond to). The site software has already put in the correct characters for a simple quote for you, just type your bit after the last "[/QUOTE]".


Well-known member
Michael you don't need the "[/QUOTE" after what you say, only to close a previously opened quote if there is one.
The site software simply ignored your "[/QUOTE" as a control sequence, just as it is doing mine here, because there isn't a currently open quote needing to be closed.

Look at what you get when you click the "quote button" (on the bottom right of the post you want to respond to). The site software has already put in the correct characters for a simple quote for you, just type your bit after the last "[/QUOTE".

:shocked: That Michael is not absorbing this material after about 2 weeks of trying.


Dear Alwight and noguru,

I did receive your emails and am learning about them. I hope I get it right on the quotes. I have not been feeling well for a couple days now. I think I am catching the flu or pneumonia. I'm still feeling awful, so I will get back this evening. I must get some more bed rest.

Love You All, Brethren,



Dear Alwight,

I do quiite well enough on the puter, since I've had no one teach me any of it. And my health only falters just as other people. It feels like pneumonia, but we'll see what happens. Thanks so much for your kind post!!

Much Love and Blessings Be For You!!



Dear Alwight,

So far on my health, it looks promising. Now about those quotes. You see, I'm trying to learn how to quote just one sentence and how to do a quote within a quote. Now from what I understand, a [/QUOTE] is needed only at the beginning of the quoted sentences or paragraphs and that it doesn't need to be stopped by another [/QUOTE]. Right? Now to quote it one sentence at a time, I would type [/QUOTE] at the beginning of the sentence, then [/QUOTE] at the end of the sentence I'm quoting, then [/QUOTE]to quote a second sentence? Right?

If you don't know, I will understand. Hey, did you check out my post on Pg. 3 about Jesus and the Sabbath being on a Friday? It's called 'Did Christ change the Sabbath'. You ought to check it out so eveyone will know the truth. Also, isn't gcthomas younger than both you and I. I am 58. Just wondering about it.

God Be Kind To You Also, Alwight!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

So far on my health, it looks promising. Now about those quotes. You see, I'm trying to learn how to quote just one sentence and how to do a quote within a quote. Now from what I understand, a [/QUOTE is needed only at the beginning of the quoted sentences or paragraphs and that it doesn't need to be stopped by another [/QUOTE . Right?
Not quite Michael, please note first that I've had to delete the "] (the square close bracket)" after each of your "[/QUOTE]" above else it might give me a problem formatting this post, just remember that when you do it in a post put the "]" back in or it won't work right.
Remember that "[QUOTE (with a "]")" without the backslash always begins the quote while the "[/QUOTE]" with the backslash always is for ending only the previous still open quote.

Alternatively copy a section of text from a post into your clipboard and paste it into your post, or just use your own words, then highlight it again (by left click and dragging over it), and while the selection is still highlighted simply click the sixth icon from the right in the toolbar directly above the "advanced" editing area (it looks like a speech bubble) and it will format the highlighted test properly for you as a quote. If you are using the quick reply editing area it is the icon furthest to the right of the left hand group directly above it.
Try that for now and I will try to explain more later if you want.


New member
If you don't know, I will understand.
I'm pretty good at formatting posts MC but explaining how to do it in a post while also having to keep it formatted properly isn't quite eo easy. ;)

Hey, did you check out my post on Pg. 3 about Jesus and the Sabbath being on a Friday? It's called 'Did Christ change the Sabbath'. You ought to check it out so eveyone will know the truth.
The Sabbath isn't particularly important for atheists Michael.

Also, isn't gcthomas younger than both you and I. I am 58. Just wondering about it.

God Be Kind To You Also, Alwight!!

I'm older than you MC so if I can nest quotes then so can you, right?
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