Creation vs. Evolution

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Stuu said:
Stuu said:
6days said:
Eugenie Scott "there are examples of "good" debates where a well-prepared evolution supporter got the best of a creationist, but I can tell you after many years in this business that they are few and far between. "

She went on to try say the evolutionists hadn't prepared well enough. But the real reason creationists scientists win debates is that evidence best supports the Biblical model

Do you understand what the word 'cite' means?

It's a pretty basic concept for anyone with any knowledge of scientific or historical methods.

Just checking in. You have posted in this thread since I requested that you cite a reference for the claim you made. Are you intending to do the honest thing?

Or are you just going to cut and run and confirm the parasitic relationship of creationism with real science?

Ohhhh Stuu... You sometimes seem so angry.

Lets review...

6 days

"From ICR...
evolutionists practically always lose such debates! The fact is that all genuine scientific evidence fits the creation model of origins much better than the evolution model. The fact that creationists generally win these debates is not at all because creationists are better debaters, but simply because there is no real scientific evidence for evolution. In fact, the National Center for Science Education, whose specific function is to monitor and oppose activities of creationists, recommends that evolutionists should always decline invitations to debate creationists, acknowledging that they will probably lose the debate."


"Please cite a reference for the National Centre for Science Education saying that they acknowledge they will "probably lose the debate", or have the decency to withdraw, maybe with an apology if you have any integrity."

So I quoted Eugenie Scott. Perhaps you didn't recognize the name but she is the founding executive director of the National Centre for Science Education .

"there are examples of "good" debates where a well-prepared evolution supporter got the best of a creationist, but I can tell you after many years in this business that they are few and far between. "

If you want her spin on why creationists win debates check out the atheism site Talk Origins.

Now what are you upset about? That you perhaps owe the apology?

What does cite mean? Perhaps in a scientific publication it has a different meaning but the common definition of the word means "To quote"


1 /saɪt/ Show Spelled [sahyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing.
to quote

Review of the review...

Evolutionists such as Eugenie Scott admit creationists win most debates.


Dear 6days,

If I have borne false witness, God will know of it or not. Let Him judge me and punish me according to what He wants. If I have borne false witness to you, I am very sorry indeed and ask for your forgiveness. I'm done with being a YEC or OEC. Thanks!



New member
Dear 6days,

If I have borne false witness, God will know of it or not. Let Him judge me and punish me according to what He wants. If I have borne false witness to you, I am very sorry indeed and ask for your forgiveness. I'm done with being a YEC or OEC. Thanks!

Don't worry about 6days Michael, he has no idea about honesty, just makes up stuff about what other people say to make it fit nicely with all his other made-up imaginary stuff, and when asked to cite it fails miserably.

Mark SeaSigh

The Scientific Case for Common Descent

Common descent

More Common descent

The Proof Is in the Proteins: Test Supports Universal Common Ancestor for All Life

So how does any of that apply to creationism, exactly?
But you can for creationism eh? I see :comeout: :nono:

Lalalalalalalalala.... I can't hear you.

Now, I've already wasted far too much time on this and, believe it or not, I do have a life outside this forum. So I really am done now. No really. I'm giving you last word. Fill your boots. Get original and tell us
what a wonderful time it is to be a Christian and how science supports the Biblical account. One more time can't hurt

:drum:......... It's your stage, don't hold back :)

So I got to read some of your, "Evidence for Common Descent", and it's full of A bunch of Predictions, that are supposed to be Evidence or something.

Could you possibly Supply an Idea, that Could Give Credence to Your Theory of Evolution?

They have outdated information, that has already been Discredited By Observation.

So, Hedshaker, Where is the Evidence?

Give Me a Picture of a Living Creature, or Even a Fossil. What is the Fossil Record for anyway? Why doesn't that Site have the First Evidence Being an Intermediate Fossil?

After 150 Years of Searching for Intermediate Fossils, Evolutionists have yet to find one.

If that is Really True, How can Evolution Be True?


The Order that is Observed in Nature, is Enough to Prove an All Mighty Intelligent Creator.

Expecting Bilateral symmetry to occur by chance in nature in living organisms, would be as like casting a can of gray paint at a blank canvas ultimately expecting to produce a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa.

Does that Sound Reasonable? Even With a Hundred Billion Evol Chances, and Lots of time.


Once Again, Hedshaker, If These Modern Animals Have not Changed for Tens of Millions of Years, How can you believe that Man Changed From a Three foot ape Like Being in 3.2 Million Years?

That makes no Reasonable Sense.

Living Fossils

Evolution is A Lie, Stop Teaching it to Kids!
Why should my Tax dollars get Spent Teaching Kids Nonsense?

See how I turned around the Evol's Usual Sayings?

"If we don't Teach our Kids Evolution, They wont know they Have Common Ancestry with Earth Worms; That means they Wont be Good Engineers Or Computer Scientists." "We Will fall Behind all the Other Countries, Because Our Kids Believe God Created the Earth"

- Any Modern Evol.

Notice anything Familiar in this Atheist Video!?!!!! LOL!

Ali G?

Connected to Bill Nye?

AL! Are you Seeing This???????????
Last edited:


New member
Mark, you are a complete moron, no offence :D, however your lunacy and wilful ignorance is sad but sometimes quite amusing.:sheep:


6days and Michael

6days and Michael

Dear 6days,

I still think there's more than meets the eye. But for me, I will wait for what the Lord says to me. I feel you are wrong, and have written a post for you that shows your post to me is wrong. But I'm not going to post it unless absolutely necessary. I will try to remain true to God and not bear false witness, if that's what it is.

Your Buddy In Christ,




Alwight and Michael re: OEC

Alwight and Michael re: OEC

Don't worry about 6days Michael, he has no idea about honesty, just makes up stuff about what other people say to make it fit nicely with all his other made-up imaginary stuff, and when asked to cite it fails miserably.

Dear Alwight,

Thanks for the encouragement. I still feel like an OEC, but I am not sticking my eternity of my soul on the line. Maybe I should be YEC. That might be the safest. I was YEC when I was a young kid, before I found out that man was 200,000 years old. So let's just keep it as "I don't know everything and never purported that I did. God knows all the answers, not me. You sure come through for me, Alwight, with the right heartfelt knowledge and compassion. I will pray to God and Jesus to be with you in the hereafter, for helping me. And that goes for all of the atheists and Christians who have helped me. God appreciates it, I'm sure of that. Thanks for helping me to quell my exasperation. Six days said I lied to him, but I didn't. Same old words he used on me the last time.

To A Dear Friend And Consoling Person,










Well-known member
Ohhhh Stuu... You sometimes seem so angry.

Lets review...

6 days

"From ICR...
evolutionists practically always lose such debates! The fact is that all genuine scientific evidence fits the creation model of origins much better than the evolution model. The fact that creationists generally win these debates is not at all because creationists are better debaters, but simply because there is no real scientific evidence for evolution. In fact, the National Center for Science Education, whose specific function is to monitor and oppose activities of creationists, recommends that evolutionists should always decline invitations to debate creationists, acknowledging that they will probably lose the debate."


"Please cite a reference for the National Centre for Science Education saying that they acknowledge they will "probably lose the debate", or have the decency to withdraw, maybe with an apology if you have any integrity."

So I quoted Eugenie Scott. Perhaps you didn't recognize the name but she is the founding executive director of the National Centre for Science Education .

"there are examples of "good" debates where a well-prepared evolution supporter got the best of a creationist, but I can tell you after many years in this business that they are few and far between. "

If you want her spin on why creationists win debates check out the atheism site Talk Origins.

Now what are you upset about? That you perhaps owe the apology?

What does cite mean? Perhaps in a scientific publication it has a different meaning but the common definition of the word means "To quote"


1 /saɪt/ Show Spelled [sahyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), cit·ed, cit·ing.
to quote

Review of the review...

Evolutionists such as Eugenie Scott admit creationists win most debates.

I have read that article before, and that is why I thought you claim was suspect. This is what was really written.

During the last six or eight months, I have received more calls about debates between creationists and evolutionists than I have encountered for a couple of years, it seems. I do not know what has inspired this latest outbreak, but I am not sure it is doing much to improve science education.

Why do I say this? Sure, there are examples of "good" debates where a well-prepared evolution supporter got the best of a creationist, but I can tell you after many years in this business that they are few and far between. Most of the time a well-meaning evolutionist accepts a debate challenge (usually "to defend good science" or for some other worthy goal), reads a bunch of creationist literature, makes up a lecture explaining Darwinian gradualism, and can't figure out why at the end of the debate so many individuals are clustered around his opponent, congratulating him on having done such a good job of routing evolution -- and why his friends are too busy to go out for a beer after the debate.

The worse situation is that he and his friends think he did just fine, and remain ignorant of the fact that the majority of the audience left the auditorium convinced that evolution was "a theory in crisis."

What usually happens in these debates? Usually they take place at the invitation of the other side, and usually they take place in a religious setting or minimally under religious sponsorship. That's the first problem. The audience that is most anxious to come, and that will be recruited the most heavily, is the one that supports the creationist. In the comparatively rare situation where the debate is held on a college campus, the supporters of good science and evolution are invariably in the minority in the audience, whereas the creationist supporters seem to exercise every effort to turn out their crowd. Don't be surprised to see church busses from many local communities lined up outside the debate hall. In some cases, the sponsors advertised only among the faithful, posting up only a handful of flyers on campus. Guess who came?

The second problem is that the evolutionist debater has an upstream battle from the start. Evolution is a complex set of ideas that is not easily explained in the sound-bite razzle-dazzle of the debate format. Evolution applies to astronomy, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, biology, geology -- you name the field, and evolution will relate to it, like as not. Most audiences have an abysmal understanding of basic science. How are you going to bring an audience up to par? The goal of a debate (I assume) is to teach the audience something about evolution and the nature of science. This is possible in a debate format, but it is difficult to do well, because it is not easy to do quickly.

Consider that your opponent will offer as proof that evolution did not occur that Stephen Jay Gould has said that the fossil record does not support gradual evolution. A good debating strategy: he is citing a famous evolutionist source, which gives him credibility. Plus he is confusing Gould's statement about the rate of evolutionary change with an unmade conclusion about whether evolution occurs. Plus he is operating from the creationist enthusiasm for authority ("if famous scientist X says it, it has to be true.") Gould, like any scientist, can be wrong on any point. We don't accept "famous scientist X's" conclusions just because of the fame of the maker, but because of the quality of the argument.


Hmmm, this is exactly what you do, and this is exactly why your opinion on science is highly suspect.

Mark SeaSigh

So, Anyway, AL! LOOOK!!!!!! @ THIS!!!

I Just found this Great Video;

The Truth About The Fossil Record Living Fossils Interview with Dr. Carl Werner

The Doctor Discusses the Fossil Record, and some Modern Living Organisms. Vid Date May 22, 2013;

This Guy "Made Predictions" Too, and He's A creationist. So, that could help you Atheists That Keep asking What "Predictions" Creationists can Make, With their, "Science", (Fossil Record).
Which Is Better than the Evol's "Theory", (OR, Unfounded Belief)

: ( Sad day, For Evols.


: D Hope you liked the Video, Fellow Creationists. : P

Mark SeaSigh

Now, I'm going Back to Reading, But all you Evols be sure to Leave me,

Whatever Evidence Proves To You Personally, that the Theory of Evolution has any Basis in reality.


Hi Michael!

: D


Mark, you are a complete moron, no offense :D, however your lunacy and willful ignorance is sad but sometimes quite amusing.:sheep:

Dear 6Days,

I am good friends with Mark also. I don't think he is a complete moron. He does great a lot of times. I have been with him since the last thread we were on. Fancy him showing up here. He really helps me out sometimes indeed.

Cheerio and Pip Pip!!


Did I do good with that, Al. What does pip mean??

:confused: :think:

P.S. A Big Hello To You Too, MARK!!


Well-known member
Now, I'm going Back to Reading, But all you Evols be sure to Leave me,

Whatever Evidence Proves To You Personally, that the Theory of Evolution has any Basis in reality.


Hi Michael!

: D


We have been doing that Mark. And you keep doing the Gish Gallup. It is quite obvious that you are not interested in learning anything about science and reality.


Hey noguru,

How are you?? See, I made a rhyme!! Heheehhe! It was just wonderful to see you on Yahoo Chat the other day. More, more. I will go to the site more often from now on. I hope your phone has a keyboard. I have to do my texting with an old cell phone that just has regular letters and numbers. It's the pits!! That's why I don't do it. Hey you all, including you noguru; I give you ALL special 'good rep. pts. every chance I can do it. Most of the time, they admonish me and say I have given too many to each person yet, and have to wait again. I want to see some stars below your Avatar. It is cool. Well, I signed up for the beginning of another year of being here. I had so much time figuring it out, until Knight helped me with a post on how to do it. Hope you and Delmar are doing very fine indeed!! I really am jealous of Delmar's diet working out so well. I'm proud of him, exceeedingly!!

God Be With Us As Brothers In Christ, First and Foremost!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Thanks for the encouragement. I still feel like an OEC, but I am not sticking my eternity of my soul on the line. Maybe I should be YEC. That might be the safest. I was YEC when I was a young kid, before I found out that man was 200,000 years old. So let's just keep it as "I don't know everything and never purported that I did. God knows all the answers, not me. You sure come through for me, Alwight, with the right heartfelt knowledge and compassion. I will pray to God and Jesus to be with you in the hereafter, for helping me. And that goes for all of the atheists and Christians who have helped me. God appreciates it, I'm sure of that. Thanks for helping me to quell my exasperation. Six days said I lied to him, but I didn't. Same old words he used on me the last time.

To A Dear Friend And Consoling Person,



I don't have so many answers to so many questions Michael but that really doesn't bother me.
Not having all the answers and accepting that fact seems a rather better way to go about life than trying to convince yourself that you do.

I've never tried to convince you how old the Earth is but if you want to know then why not read what reputable science has to say and make your own conclusions from real evidence?
Don't listen to YECs because a rigid adherence to a literal interpretation of Genesis is much more important to them than reality or science.
If anyone is lying here it's YECs, but it isn't you, since you can admit when you simply don't know, which imo is being completely honest. :)


Dear Mark,

Any chance you could help me with something? I know it won't be easy. How come you believe that man's been here 200,000 years. And also, are there any bones or fossils that have been found that dates Adam to prior to 6,000 years on earth?? I would love an answer, but I'm not sure there is one. The whole basis of my 'age of man' opinion is tethered by the fact that we know man has been here for 200,000 years, and is it provable.

In Christ's Loving Kindness,


To My Friends Here, "I'm Very PROUD of you all!! Yes you too, Headshaker, and gcthomas also!! You're all helped me learn SO MUCH!! God Bless YOUR HEARTS And Kiss Your Forehead For Your Knowledge!! Thanks God it is not Freelight's knowledge. Talk about going and getting nowhere fast!


Alwight and Michael re: OEC

Alwight and Michael re: OEC

Dear Alwight,

Thanks for the encouragement. I still feel like an OEC, but I am not sticking my eternity of my soul on the line. Maybe I should be YEC. That might be the safest. I was YEC when I was a young kid, before I found out that man was 200,000 years old. So let's just keep it as "I don't know everything and never purported that I did. God knows all the answers, not me. You sure come through for me, Alwight, with the right heartfelt knowledge and compassion. I will pray to God and Jesus to be with you in the hereafter, for helping me. And that goes for all of the atheists and Christians who have helped me. God appreciates it, I'm sure of that. Thanks for helping me to quell my exasperation. Six days said I lied to him, but I didn't. Same old words he used on me the last time.

To A Dear Friend And Consoling Person,





New member
So, Anyway, AL! LOOOK!!!!!! @ THIS!!!

I Just found this Great Video;

The Truth About The Fossil Record Living Fossils Interview with Dr. Carl Werner

The Doctor Discusses the Fossil Record, and some Modern Living Organisms. Vid Date May 22, 2013;

This Guy "Made Predictions" Too, and He's A creationist. So, that could help you Atheists That Keep asking What "Predictions" Creationists can Make, With their, "Science", (Fossil Record).
Which Is Better than the Evol's "Theory", (OR, Unfounded Belief)

: ( Sad day, For Evols.


: D Hope you liked the Video, Fellow Creationists. : P

You could do worse than read a list of transitional fossils, but perhaps they're just all invented to fool us with, since they don't really exist right?

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