Creation vs. Evolution II

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Stripe doesn't like the word "stick".
But staffs and rods are potential snakes. ;)

Oh, sorry Stripey, I was hung up on whatever the inanimate object, stick or staff or rod, morphing into a recognizable animate object. Question for you---is Exodus 7 to be taken literally?


New member
Science is against some Bible Fables

Science is against some Bible Fables

I really haven’t much interest in another protracted exchange with Stripe in which he resorts to anything but simply, directly, and civilly addressing the question at hand.

I do note that 6days has been absent from this discussion that was engendered by his blanket assertion that science supports the Bible.

6days, I say a staff changing into a snake is in contravention to science.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I really haven’t much interest in another protracted exchange with Stripe in which he resorts to anything but simply, directly, and civilly addressing the question at hand.

We know why you don't want to answer the question.

Is personhood a real thing?

Science supports the Biblical account.

I say a staff changing into a snake is in contravention to science.
A statement you can only use as ammunition if you carefully avoid the personhood question.

But is it to be taken literally? Yes or no?

You read it and understand it. That's what happened. Historical narrative.


New member
Science supports the Biblical account.

That's what happened. Historical narrative.
Sorry Stripe, but since you think that a staff transforming into a snake is scientifically credible, then you have disqualified yourself from any shred of scientific credibility. You are free to leave the conversation and go have your momma change your diaper.


New member
DavisBJ said:
Sorry Stripe, but since you think that a staff transforming into a snake is scientifically credible...
It is credible but not testable. Likewise the virgin birth is credible. We also believe that Christ's physical resurrection is credible. Its credible based on evidence of a supernatural Creator, eye witness testimony, and the evidence of inerrant scripture.

Atheists however have beliefs that are not scientifically credible or testable. Some believe in Multiverse. Others believe in aliens. Some atheists think that everything came from nothing. And it's quite amazing how many believe that life can come from non-life.


New member
6days is outta gas without his magician in the sky

6days is outta gas without his magician in the sky

It is credible based on evidence of a supernatural Creator…
And in that statement, you have admitted that you are no longer doing science. Science endeavors how to understand the “natural” world, and the second you try to shoe-horn that “SUPER” in front of “natural”, you have jettisoned any pretense that you are still using science.
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Well-known member
And in that statement, you have admitted that you are no longer doing science. Science endeavors how to understand the “natural” world, and the second you try to shoe-horn that “SUPER” in front of “natural”, you have jettisoned any pretense that you still using science.
So God has to be ONLY able to do what you can physically do to be God??? :doh: :dizzy:


New member
So God has to be ONLY able to do what you can physically do to be God??? :doh: :dizzy:
Not at all. But science has naturalism as a boundary within which it operates. Since, as 6days says, God is supernatural, what He does may be outside the realm of science. Like turning sticks into snakes. That requires the “super”natural, which by definition is not under the umbrella of science.


Well-known member
Not at all. But science has naturalism as a boundary within which it operates. Since, as 6days says, God is supernatural, what He does may be outside the realm of science. Like turning sticks into snakes. That requires the “super”natural, which by definition is not under the umbrella of science.
I'm not sure observation is anti- or incompatible with science. The medical field tends to observe more of this phenomena.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Sorry Stripe, but since you think that a staff transforming into a snake is scientifically credible, then you have disqualified yourself from any shred of scientific credibility. You are free to leave the conversation and go have your momma change your diaper.

You'd love to have everything you're own way, wouldn't you?

We know why you don't want to answer the question:

Is personhood a real thing?


New member
You'd love to have everything you're own way, wouldn't you?

We know why you don't want to answer the question:

Is personhood a real thing?
Not a question I have any interest in, but maybe the kid on the teeter-totter next to you will humor you. Go ask him.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Not a question I have any interest in.

We know why.

Since you refuse to answer a question that doesn't relate to science, we can ignore your questions that do not relate to science.

However, we will not act in bigotry — as you do — refusing to believe that you can partake in a scientific discussion just because you accept the reality of things beyond what science can account for.


Well-known member
Observation is fine. How does that apply to sticks into snakes?

Sticks into snakes?
I'm not sure why this particular was the focus. We can only speak to what we currently do see God doing miraculously, if we are on the observation side of seeing. Jesus did tell Thomas, after he saw, that those who don't see are blessed as well, because they believe for other reasons that are equally or better than 'proof.' Proof removes choice. Once it is done, one might be obstinate, but I think the polarization would be quick and decisive. God is in the business of seeking and saving that which is lost, so there is a period given 'until the full number is saved.' Such might include you as well, but that ensures that some proofs can only be given on an individual basis. I love the verse that says those who seek God, will find Him. I found it to be true but only an individual can. Our stories are all different.

So, a snake-stick? It wasn't the case for me, but I think the challenge to any scientist, among all people on earth, to seek God and you'd find Him, an individual challenge and call. We can't make friends with or love one we don't know.
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