"Creation" the Masterpiece of the Master Creator" (Genesis, first few chapters)


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The Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the “High Holy Days” which ends on the 8th day, on the 22nd of Tishrei. It is a special day which is called “Simchat Torah” or “Joy of the Torah”. We rejoice because we have the WORD of God in our midst. It is His complete word, complete revelation comprised of 66 books, divided up into three parts; The Torah, “Genesis through Deuteronomy” the Prophets and Hebrew poetry, and the Brit HaDashah, “New Testament” or “Covenant”

Some would like to challenge the word “New” or “Renewed” since the Old Covenant does not govern us. True, we are not under the Old Covenant, based on animal sacrifices, yet the covenants are basically the same; it is a “Blood Covenant”. The way that it is “new” is that it is based on the blood of “Yeshua” our Messiah and LORD, and NOT on the blood of animals. Scripture tells us that the blood of animals had no power to atone for sins by getting rid of them, or abolishing them, or erasing them. The blood of animals only “covered” sins for one year during the time of Yom Kippur, yet through the sacrificial death of Yeshua, our sins were “atoned for” once and forever, for all time.

Let’s just talk about the word “Torah” for a moment. It has been mistranslated in Bibles as the word “law” which comes from the Latin “Legis” Something legalistic. Yet the word in the original Hebrew “Torah” means “instruction”, so, everyplace in the Bible where the word “law” is found should really be translated as “instruction” (from our LORD and God YHVH). Once we get this word in the right perspective, then, a lot of misunderstandings can be corrected.

So, how many “Torahs” are there? One? Two? Three? If we investigate way back going about six-thousand years. We come to the creation of this world. Until Moshe (Moses), YHVH spoke verbally to the patriarchs, starting from Adam and Chavah (Eve). They passed on the words of Elohim to their children, and their children to their children, and so forth. One could say that this was the first “Oral Torah”. Finally, we come to Moshe and YHVH speaks to him in person. Moshe writes down everything the Adonai tells him and thus, we have the first five books of the Bible.

The prophets wrote down the words of God, continued by a few kings, namely David and Solomon.

Then we come to the New Covenant letters and books comprised of Yeshua’s talmidim (disciples) and followers. They were all inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) as to what to write. They wrote down Adonai’s words in Hebrew and Greek since the world was dominated by the Greeks. The best way to reach the nations was to write in Greek. From Greek, the Bible was translated into Latin and then to all the languages of the world.

The WORD of God is correct in every detail, there are NO contradictions in it. If there were, that would mean that YHVH is a God of error, and this is not so. Those who say that there are contradictions, do not understand the original words and their meanings, therefore, it is a good thing to have a basic knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. Why did YHVH give us HIS complete and Holy WORD?

First, He is a perfect and Holy God, whose most holy name is Yod Hey Vav Hey (YHVH). Written with ancient paleo-Hebrew letters, the letters symbolize “Behold the hand, behold the nail”. A perfect revelation of Messiah Yeshua on Calvary’s cross, receiving in his hands, the nails that held him fast to the crucifixion stake. There he paid for all of our sins, past, present, and future.

Second, the Bible was written to humanity because, in the fallen state caused by sin, man had to be re-directed back to YHVH, through Yeshua. In this way, mankind could have a renewed covenant relationship with his creator. Yeshua described it as the “New Birth” in John 3:3.

Once man has a renewed relationship with YHVH, he is directed towards a holy, sanctified living through following the commandments which were written down by Moshe. Yeshua also fulfilled the commandments by giving a correct interpretation of them and how they applied to our lives. Even though there are 613 commandments (mitzvoth) in all. Not all apply to us today since we are not under the Levitical priesthood, nor are we under the animal sacrificial system. Still, many DO apply to us, and that is the reason for Bible/Torah study.

Today, we have “commentaries” on God’s word, or, “Midrashim”. About 400 years after Yeshua, the rabbis and sages compiled the “Talmud” which are commentaries on the Torah, written by the rabbis of old. These are books, articles, and writings, that rabbis have written, giving THEIR interpretation of what the Torah means, but, it is only “commentary”. Is it good to read and study the Talmud? I would say it is good to read ALL things related to God’s Word, BUT, we should always compare commentary to the written WORD of God. If it lines up with what the Bible teaches, it is a good thing, if not, as I said, it is just, “commentary” the opinion of someone who is not God.

As one rabbi said, “Reading commentary is like eating a bony fish. Throw away the bones and digest the meat!”

The following are “Torah Parashot” or “Portions from the Torah” which are read and studied every week for one year. A “Torah portion” is a “Parashah” and it consists of readings from the five books that Moshe penned down, readings from the Prophets, and readings from the Brit HaDashah, “The New Covenant”. The readings start on the Day of Simchat Torah. On this day, we start from the “beginning” which is a perfect place to start any reading……SO…...let’s start from….the.....BEGINNING.

Now, this thread might be pretty long, since there is a lot to cover, but if you feel it's long. Read a bit, relax and get a cup of coffee or tea, then come back later and finish. This is a new "Bible Year" of course, starting at the first book. I look at the Bible study websites such as this one, as "schools" and each author of each article, a "teacher" and the article itself like a classroom, and every reader, a "student". Some classes have quite a few students, some have hundreds, others maybe 20 or 30. It is better to have a few students who are serious about learning the WORD from a Hebraic mindset, than hundreds, many of whom are just "curiosity seekers".

PARASHAH: “B’reisheet” (In the Beginning) GENESIS 1:1-6:8

The very first line in Genesis, the very first line in the Torah has so much meaning; “B’reisheet bara Elohim ET haShamayim v’et haAretz” (In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth). One thing to point out, in many English Bibles, the word “heaven” is singular and should be “heavens” (plural), because in Hebrew, “HaShamayim” is “heavens”.

If we count the Hebrew words, we have “7” words in the first verse. “7” is the perfect number of YHVH. If we take the seven words, take the middle word “ET” and draw a vertical line from it, we can make a “Menorah” three lines from the middle line connected to “ET” to the other words in this first verse. The word “ET” has no literal translation, yet it points to a specific object which is very important. “ET” in the ancient Hebrew letters are the “Alef and the Tav” or in Greek, the “Alpha and Omega”

Or…. the “God of the Covenant”. So, every time we see “ET” in the original Hebrew, we are reminded of “YHVH, the God of the Covenant”

Why does the Bible start with the letter “Beit” or “B”? Why not with “Alef” or “A”? Isn’t the “Alef” the symbol for “God”? There is a story about the letters “Alef” and “Beit” who are arguing as to who would be first. They both came to Elohim and presented their case. Elohim-YHVH said, “Alef”, you are very important as you represent who I AM. You will be the third letter in the Bible, because “3” symbolizes “Elohim” because we are united as Father, Son, and Spirit, three entities in one “Echad” being.

“As for you, letter “Beit” you will be first because you symbolize the “house” which I will make for mankind, for the plants, trees, and flowers, and for all the beasts which I will create. This house will be called “earth”. This perfect planet will be a “B’rakhah” a “Blessing” for my creation, therefore, the Torah must start with “B”

Also, the letter “Beit” is closed on three sides, yet open on one, the left side. This means that before the “beginning” there was nothing, only Elohim, and revelation starts with “B” going towards the “left” as the Hebrew is written.”

So therefore, the Alef and the Beit left, both satisfied with the verdict from Elohim-YHVH. We also see in the first line, the creation of the three basic elements of the universe; “space” (the heavens) “time” (in the beginning), and “matter” (the earth). We have an infinite God that comes out of infinity past and speaks and creates a finite earth. Creates matter. The first law of Thermodynamics states that; “All matter has been created and that there is no more matter being created” What we do see is that “matter changes states” (from liquid to solid, = water to ice) or from liquid to gas = water vapor.

We can also see today the effects of the “2nd law of thermodynamics, which shows that everything in the material world is on a downward spiral, from order to disorder, from composition to decomposition, from perfection to imperfection, why? Because of sin! The wages of sin is death, and therefore, not only in the world of the living but also, in the material world, everything is “dying”

Elohim looked upon the earth he was forming, which was then, a lot of water and earth elements, and then spoke in verse 3 saying; “Haya haOr” (let there be light) “V’yahi or” (and there was light). And Elohim saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness” (vs 4) There are 4 levels of Torah understanding which are “Peshat” (literal), “Derash” (moral and spiritual), “Remez” (Symbolic), and “Sod” (hidden), (this is when we use gematria, or numbers with math to come to different revelations, mind you this is NOT numerology!)

There was the physical light, the light we can see, and also, the WORD of God which is looked upon as “light” YESHUA is also called the “Light of the World” Light is also “sinless perfection” and the “darkness” is also the physical darkness, which is needed, for us to rest at night, so that the flowers can close up and sleep. I can also refer to the “spiritual darkness” which is “evil” or “sin”. SO… there is a separation between what is holy and what is not holy, between sin and perfection, between evil and good. Between our “daylight” and our “nighttime” (taking it literally).

Now, if I were going to study every verse, this first parashah would be perhaps ten pages long, so, we are going to jump a bit. Elohim created all that this earth contains in 6 literal days, of 24-hour periods. Now, there are some SSs (silly scientists) that say, “The six days are considered four billion years!” really? Really? Well, if we look at verse 12 it says that Elohim created the plants, trees, grass, etc, then in verse 14 it says that Elohim created the lights in the heavens, which include the sun, moon, and stars. Well, if each “day” consisted of, let’s say 600,000,000 years, then, how would the plants, the trees, and life itself survive without sunlight for this amount of time?

Many times, we just have to take God’s word literally. “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness…and Elohim created the man and the woman in His image” (vs 26-27). What does this mean, in HIS image? What is the IMAGE of ELOHIM? The Hebrew word "Tzelem" is used, which means "Shadow". So man was made as a solid "shadow" of the "invisible God" One could say that the image of Elohim is complete holiness and perfection! Sinlessness! That was how the first couple were made. The earth was “created” without any previous existing matter, yet man and woman were “created” using “already existing matter” namely,” the dust of the earth (adamah).

The name “Elohim” shows the “plural unity (Echad)” of God, and just as Elohim consists of the Father, the Son, and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) so man and woman were also joined “Echad” with Elohim in mind, soul, and spirit. What is man? What is the woman? But a soul and spirit inhabiting a flesh and bone body. Bodies that will one day (because of sin) deteriorate and cease to function and return to the earth.

Elohim loved his creation of man and woman. He placed them in a perfect paradise home, a garden full of trees that produced fruit, nuts, flowers, clean water, and animals that were friendly. The only prohibition was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But…as we know the story, HaSatan, tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit. As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit (and nowhere does it say that it was an apple) the Word says that they “realized that they were naked” (3:7) but weren’t they already naked? I mean, they weren’t created wearing Levis! however...remember the word “light” the words “light” and “skin” are written almost the same way in Hebrew, the only difference is the first letter, “skin” is “OR” written with the letter “ayin” which symbolizes “eye” and OR (light) is written with an “aleph”

It is possible, and probable that Adam and Eve were created with a covering of “light” When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after being with God for 40 days, he was “glowing” with light, the Shekinah light, and Moses was a sinner, imagine Adam and Eve who were sinless, their light covering would have been permanent had they not sinned (and would still be alive today). When they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit, the light covering must of vanished, THEN…they saw that they were NAKED, without the light, which served, one could say, “a skin of light over the skin of flesh”

The sin of eating the forbidden fruit shows the following; the LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE. Eve was hungry, she “saw” that it looked delicious, and, she “thought” it would make her “wise” as the serpent lied to her saying the same. Sin today is the same, it is a mix of all three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life

“And YHVH Elohim made coats of skins for the man and for the woman and dressed them” (3:21) This is the very first blood sacrifice in the Bible. YHVH had to sacrifice one or two innocent animals, perhaps two lambs or goats, to “cover” Adam and Eve. This is a reminder of Yom Kippur, where the blood of animals covered the sins of Israel for one year. This would be a reminder to Adam and Eve of their sin. Their sin caused an innocent, blameless animal to lose its life.

The Word of God does not say, but we can imagine that YHVH told Adam and Eve that they would have to sacrifice a lamb, a goat, or another kosher animal every day, to remind them of their sin. We look towards the cross of Calvary and we see YESHUA the LAMB of God who offered himself up as a blood sacrifice for our sins, once and forever, not just to cover, but to erase.

In chapter 4 we see the birth of Kayin and Hevel (Cain and Abel) They were born with the sin nature, and we see in both boys, the direction of the world that would follow; some would choose holiness and all that is good and others would choose the unholy and all that is evil. There came a time when they both had to offer sacrifices (that is why I said that Adam and Eve must have taught them to do the same). Hebel chose to obey and Kayin chose to disobey. Kayin offered a sacrifice, but it was not a blood sacrifice, rather it was a “grain offering” nothing wrong with a grain offering, but a blood sacrifice was needed. Therefore, it was rejected.

Hebel however, offered the correct sacrifice, a blood sacrifice, and it was accepted. This caused anger and jealousy in Kayin and we know the story, Kayin rose up and murdered his brother Hebel. Yet YHVH Elohim still offers him an opportunity to repent and confess his sin, but Kayin does not. Then YHVH Elohim says;

“The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground” (4:10) the Hebrew word is “damei” or “bloods” it is written in the plural. But why is this? This is eluded to the idea (which is written in the Talmud) that “he who saves the life of one person is as if he has saved a whole nation, and he who takes a life of another, is as if he has murdered a whole nation.” It is as if the souls of all the “would have been” descendants of Hebel were crying out for vengeance because they would not be permitted to be born. “the voice of thy brother’s bloods cries out…” the many “bloods” cry out in “one voice” so it seems.

Hebel is slain, his blood is sacrificed, and Kayin goes away, runs away to the land of wandering (Nod), and becomes a vagabond, just wandering, living off the fruit of trees and whatever grows of itself, since now, his farming days are over, YHVH curses the land he farmed as punishment.

We can see here again a shadow of Yom Kippur. In Yom Kippur, two goats were selected, one was sacrificed and the other was “sent away” Here, Innocent and righteous Hebel is sacrificed, and Kayin “goes away” yet this “going away” is in the negative light, he “goes away” from the presence of Adonai, while Hebel goes “into the presence of Adonai”

There is a saying that goes like this; “you can mix good apples with bad apples, and the good will never correct the bad, rather the bad-rotten apples will corrupt the good ones. Well, that is the way the “world turned” way back then, as the years pass, the descendants of Kayin mixed with the descendants of Seth, (who was born after the death of Abel.

“And it came to be that when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And YHVH said ‘My Ruach will not strive with mankind forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be 120. The Nephilim (in some translations, the giants) were on the earth in those days and when the sons of Elohim came into the daughters of men, they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men of old, men of name(fame). 6:1-4

There are two schools of thought when the issue of “B’nei Elohim” comes up. Some believe that it refers to the godly line of Seth mixing with the ungodly line of Kayin. The other school of thought which is more probable is that the “sons of God” refer to the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven together with HaSatan. These “b’nei Elohim” somehow and somehow transformed themselves into flesh and blood, and the offspring of those “demon-human” relationships were born “giants”. The word “Nephilim” means “fallen ones”. It does not mean “giants” …however…those “mighty men of old” many were “giants” We have examples; Goliath of Gath, Og, king of Bashan.

There is archeological and paleontological evidence of a race of giants in the pre-diluvial world. Many fossil skeletons have been found some 20 some 30 feet tall. The Indians of the South-West claim that there was a race of red-haired giants who were cannibals, they could run after a herd of buffalo, catch one and bite off a leg, and eat it on the run.

These giants were destroyed during the flood, however, their DNA still survived. The only way the DNA could survive would have been through some of the wives of the sons of Noah. God states that the days of mankind would be 120.

What is it saying here? YHVH has decided to destroy and cleanse the earth by a universal flood, and Noah and his family were found to be the only righteous people around. Noah will receive instructions to build an ark, and it will take him 120 years, so, the people will have 120 years to repent, which they did not. This was a very short time being that thousands of years ago, people lived 800 or 900 years. 120 years would be like a week in our times. Noah was a “Tzadik” a “righteous person”. He went “against the flow”. Imagine a school of fish going in one direction, and you are going in the opposite direction.

How about you? If the world is going down the tubes, headed for destruction, will you follow the world? Or will you remain with Yeshua and go HIS way? The choice is yours. The only way we can be a true “Tzadik Ben Elohim” (a righteous child of God) is through faith in Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ, through faith in HIM trusting in HIS one-time atonement for sin.


"Study the WORD, to show thyself approved"
Study the WORD .JPG


Active member
Noah will receive instructions to build an ark, and it will take him 120 years, so, the people will have 120 years to repent, which they did not. This was a very short time being that thousands of years ago, people lived 800 or 900 years. 120 years would be like a week in our times.
No that can't be right. 120 yrs is about 1/7th of a 900yr life span. So a corresponding 1/7th of standard human life span (70yrs) would be about 10 yrs. Nothing like a week.


Well-known member
The Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the “High Holy Days” which ends on the 8th day, on the 22nd of Tishrei. It is a special day which is called “Simchat Torah” or “Joy of the Torah”. We rejoice because we have the WORD of God in our midst. It is His complete word, complete revelation comprised of 66 books, divided up into three parts; The Torah, “Genesis through Deuteronomy” the Prophets and Hebrew poetry, and the Brit HaDashah, “New Testament” or “Covenant”

Some would like to challenge the word “New” or “Renewed” since the Old Covenant does not govern us. True, we are not under the Old Covenant, based on animal sacrifices, yet the covenants are basically the same; it is a “Blood Covenant”. The way that it is “new” is that it is based on the blood of “Yeshua” our Messiah and LORD, and NOT on the blood of animals. Scripture tells us that the blood of animals had no power to atone for sins by getting rid of them, or abolishing them, or erasing them. The blood of animals only “covered” sins for one year during the time of Yom Kippur, yet through the sacrificial death of Yeshua, our sins were “atoned for” once and forever, for all time.

Let’s just talk about the word “Torah” for a moment. It has been mistranslated in Bibles as the word “law” which comes from the Latin “Legis” Something legalistic. Yet the word in the original Hebrew “Torah” means “instruction”, so, everyplace in the Bible where the word “law” is found should really be translated as “instruction” (from our LORD and God YHVH). Once we get this word in the right perspective, then, a lot of misunderstandings can be corrected.

So, how many “Torahs” are there? One? Two? Three? If we investigate way back going about six-thousand years. We come to the creation of this world. Until Moshe (Moses), YHVH spoke verbally to the patriarchs, starting from Adam and Chavah (Eve). They passed on the words of Elohim to their children, and their children to their children, and so forth. One could say that this was the first “Oral Torah”. Finally, we come to Moshe and YHVH speaks to him in person. Moshe writes down everything the Adonai tells him and thus, we have the first five books of the Bible.

The prophets wrote down the words of God, continued by a few kings, namely David and Solomon.

Then we come to the New Covenant letters and books comprised of Yeshua’s talmidim (disciples) and followers. They were all inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) as to what to write. They wrote down Adonai’s words in Hebrew and Greek since the world was dominated by the Greeks. The best way to reach the nations was to write in Greek. From Greek, the Bible was translated into Latin and then to all the languages of the world.

The WORD of God is correct in every detail, there are NO contradictions in it. If there were, that would mean that YHVH is a God of error, and this is not so. Those who say that there are contradictions, do not understand the original words and their meanings, therefore, it is a good thing to have a basic knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. Why did YHVH give us HIS complete and Holy WORD?

First, He is a perfect and Holy God, whose most holy name is Yod Hey Vav Hey (YHVH). Written with ancient paleo-Hebrew letters, the letters symbolize “Behold the hand, behold the nail”. A perfect revelation of Messiah Yeshua on Calvary’s cross, receiving in his hands, the nails that held him fast to the crucifixion stake. There he paid for all of our sins, past, present, and future.

Second, the Bible was written to humanity because, in the fallen state caused by sin, man had to be re-directed back to YHVH, through Yeshua. In this way, mankind could have a renewed covenant relationship with his creator. Yeshua described it as the “New Birth” in John 3:3.

Once man has a renewed relationship with YHVH, he is directed towards a holy, sanctified living through following the commandments which were written down by Moshe. Yeshua also fulfilled the commandments by giving a correct interpretation of them and how they applied to our lives. Even though there are 613 commandments (mitzvoth) in all. Not all apply to us today since we are not under the Levitical priesthood, nor are we under the animal sacrificial system. Still, many DO apply to us, and that is the reason for Bible/Torah study.

Today, we have “commentaries” on God’s word, or, “Midrashim”. About 400 years after Yeshua, the rabbis and sages compiled the “Talmud” which are commentaries on the Torah, written by the rabbis of old. These are books, articles, and writings, that rabbis have written, giving THEIR interpretation of what the Torah means, but, it is only “commentary”. Is it good to read and study the Talmud? I would say it is good to read ALL things related to God’s Word, BUT, we should always compare commentary to the written WORD of God. If it lines up with what the Bible teaches, it is a good thing, if not, as I said, it is just, “commentary” the opinion of someone who is not God.

As one rabbi said, “Reading commentary is like eating a bony fish. Throw away the bones and digest the meat!”

The following are “Torah Parashot” or “Portions from the Torah” which are read and studied every week for one year. A “Torah portion” is a “Parashah” and it consists of readings from the five books that Moshe penned down, readings from the Prophets, and readings from the Brit HaDashah, “The New Covenant”. The readings start on the Day of Simchat Torah. On this day, we start from the “beginning” which is a perfect place to start any reading……SO…...let’s start from….the.....BEGINNING.

Now, this thread might be pretty long, since there is a lot to cover, but if you feel it's long. Read a bit, relax and get a cup of coffee or tea, then come back later and finish. This is a new "Bible Year" of course, starting at the first book. I look at the Bible study websites such as this one, as "schools" and each author of each article, a "teacher" and the article itself like a classroom, and every reader, a "student". Some classes have quite a few students, some have hundreds, others maybe 20 or 30. It is better to have a few students who are serious about learning the WORD from a Hebraic mindset, than hundreds, many of whom are just "curiosity seekers".

PARASHAH: “B’reisheet” (In the Beginning) GENESIS 1:1-6:8

The very first line in Genesis, the very first line in the Torah has so much meaning; “B’reisheet bara Elohim ET haShamayim v’et haAretz” (In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth). One thing to point out, in many English Bibles, the word “heaven” is singular and should be “heavens” (plural), because in Hebrew, “HaShamayim” is “heavens”.

If we count the Hebrew words, we have “7” words in the first verse. “7” is the perfect number of YHVH. If we take the seven words, take the middle word “ET” and draw a vertical line from it, we can make a “Menorah” three lines from the middle line connected to “ET” to the other words in this first verse. The word “ET” has no literal translation, yet it points to a specific object which is very important. “ET” in the ancient Hebrew letters are the “Alef and the Tav” or in Greek, the “Alpha and Omega”

Or…. the “God of the Covenant”. So, every time we see “ET” in the original Hebrew, we are reminded of “YHVH, the God of the Covenant”

Why does the Bible start with the letter “Beit” or “B”? Why not with “Alef” or “A”? Isn’t the “Alef” the symbol for “God”? There is a story about the letters “Alef” and “Beit” who are arguing as to who would be first. They both came to Elohim and presented their case. Elohim-YHVH said, “Alef”, you are very important as you represent who I AM. You will be the third letter in the Bible, because “3” symbolizes “Elohim” because we are united as Father, Son, and Spirit, three entities in one “Echad” being.

“As for you, letter “Beit” you will be first because you symbolize the “house” which I will make for mankind, for the plants, trees, and flowers, and for all the beasts which I will create. This house will be called “earth”. This perfect planet will be a “B’rakhah” a “Blessing” for my creation, therefore, the Torah must start with “B”

Also, the letter “Beit” is closed on three sides, yet open on one, the left side. This means that before the “beginning” there was nothing, only Elohim, and revelation starts with “B” going towards the “left” as the Hebrew is written.”

So therefore, the Alef and the Beit left, both satisfied with the verdict from Elohim-YHVH. We also see in the first line, the creation of the three basic elements of the universe; “space” (the heavens) “time” (in the beginning), and “matter” (the earth). We have an infinite God that comes out of infinity past and speaks and creates a finite earth. Creates matter. The first law of Thermodynamics states that; “All matter has been created and that there is no more matter being created” What we do see is that “matter changes states” (from liquid to solid, = water to ice) or from liquid to gas = water vapor.

We can also see today the effects of the “2nd law of thermodynamics, which shows that everything in the material world is on a downward spiral, from order to disorder, from composition to decomposition, from perfection to imperfection, why? Because of sin! The wages of sin is death, and therefore, not only in the world of the living but also, in the material world, everything is “dying”

Elohim looked upon the earth he was forming, which was then, a lot of water and earth elements, and then spoke in verse 3 saying; “Haya haOr” (let there be light) “V’yahi or” (and there was light). And Elohim saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness” (vs 4) There are 4 levels of Torah understanding which are “Peshat” (literal), “Derash” (moral and spiritual), “Remez” (Symbolic), and “Sod” (hidden), (this is when we use gematria, or numbers with math to come to different revelations, mind you this is NOT numerology!)

There was the physical light, the light we can see, and also, the WORD of God which is looked upon as “light” YESHUA is also called the “Light of the World” Light is also “sinless perfection” and the “darkness” is also the physical darkness, which is needed, for us to rest at night, so that the flowers can close up and sleep. I can also refer to the “spiritual darkness” which is “evil” or “sin”. SO… there is a separation between what is holy and what is not holy, between sin and perfection, between evil and good. Between our “daylight” and our “nighttime” (taking it literally).

Now, if I were going to study every verse, this first parashah would be perhaps ten pages long, so, we are going to jump a bit. Elohim created all that this earth contains in 6 literal days, of 24-hour periods. Now, there are some SSs (silly scientists) that say, “The six days are considered four billion years!” really? Really? Well, if we look at verse 12 it says that Elohim created the plants, trees, grass, etc, then in verse 14 it says that Elohim created the lights in the heavens, which include the sun, moon, and stars. Well, if each “day” consisted of, let’s say 600,000,000 years, then, how would the plants, the trees, and life itself survive without sunlight for this amount of time?

Love what I have read so far. Great job explaining things. I also agree with what you have written so far... but just had to jump in with a comment of my own
Regarding Gen. 1 and the beginning of Gen. 2. There is a short transition between them. Elohim stopped his work and YHWH/YHVH began his generations of work.
What do I see as the difference?
First The I AM is the ONE unseen Spiritual God. In Gen. 1 He was working within his infinite eternal spiritual self. He was creating things that had never existed. He created laws of function ... designed sentient beings [male/female] and gave them purposes. He designed all sorts of plants and animals ... He planned a future for all the things He created. He even manifested some things such as light, stars, and heavenly spaces.

Yet, it was not until Gen. 2 that many of these designed/created things were manifested into the visible realm of Earth. Elohiym stopped his work and YHWH began his work when he entered into creation and began bringing forth the things already created. It was a time when there were no plants, animals, or mankind. There had been no rain... etc. As people can tell this was not the same works which Elohiym had already done. IOW, I'm suggesting that Gen. 1 and 2 are two separate events. One can design, create and plan, but someone else can build.

Who was this Someone Else? Elohiym stopped and YHWH began his generations of work.
Who is YHWH? He was God's visible presence whose name forever is: YHWH/LORD [Ex. 3:2,14-15]. He was the image after which mankind's body was to be formed in its likeness. He was the visible form which represented Elohiym within creation visually. He spoke the WORDS of God for He was God... in a form designed for men to see. An Emmanuel. His supernatural/angelic presence was able to dwell within dangerous glorious light.

He was/is the great eternal potentate and king of kings spoken of in I Tim. 6:14-16
That thou [believers] keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his time he shall show who is he blessed an only Potentate, the King of king, and Lord of lords; [being The God] Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see [safely]: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.

Now, students of the Bible know that God was able to manifest that body in a safer form. Exodus 24:9-11 reveals that 74 men of Israel saw the heavenly body of God and did eat food in his presence and was not harmed.

This is the ONE God who worked on the Sabbath/7th day to manifest all things which had already been designed/created. He started with mankind and then planted a Garden. Within he bought forth rivers and animals for Adam to name. If anyone would start seeing Gen. 1 and 2 as being two separate times of creation things would begin to make so much sense ... especially as to why Lord Jesus did so many works on the Sabbath and for good reason. Jesus and the Father were ONE. When you had seen Jesus you had seen Father YHWH.

Clue: John 17:1-5 In this prayer Jesus asks for the glory back.
Verse: 5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
IOW, with his being the WORD of God who was with God and was God ...who also was the likeness of the Father/YHWH had shared the glorious immortal presence with the Father before mankind was ever established on earth. He was asking the Father if he could receive that glorious presence back. Amazing. One day our eternal Lord Jesus will introduce his saints to the Father in the LIGHT and we will not be harmed because we also will be eternal beings. Praise God our Lord.

Many times, we just have to take God’s word literally. “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness…and Elohim created the man and the woman in His image” (vs 26-27). What does this mean, in HIS image? What is the IMAGE of ELOHIM? The Hebrew word "Tzelem" is used, which means "Shadow". So man was made as a solid "shadow" of the "invisible God" One could say that the image of Elohim is complete holiness and perfection! Sinlessness! That was how the first couple were made. The earth was “created” without any previous existing matter, yet man and woman were “created” using “already existing matter” namely,” the dust of the earth (adamah).

The name “Elohim” shows the “plural unity (Echad)” of God, and just as Elohim consists of the Father, the Son, and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) so man and woman were also joined “Echad” with Elohim in mind, soul, and spirit. What is man? What is the woman? But a soul and spirit inhabiting a flesh and bone body. Bodies that will one day (because of sin) deteriorate and cease to function and return to the earth.

Elohim loved his creation of man and woman. He placed them in a perfect paradise home, a garden full of trees that produced fruit, nuts, flowers, clean water, and animals that were friendly. The only prohibition was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But…as we know the story, HaSatan, tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit. As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit (and nowhere does it say that it was an apple) the Word says that they “realized that they were naked” (3:7) but weren’t they already naked? I mean, they weren’t created wearing Levis! however...remember the word “light” the words “light” and “skin” are written almost the same way in Hebrew, the only difference is the first letter, “skin” is “OR” written with the letter “ayin” which symbolizes “eye” and OR (light) is written with an “aleph”

It is possible, and probable that Adam and Eve were created with a covering of “light” When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after being with God for 40 days, he was “glowing” with light, the Shekinah light, and Moses was a sinner, imagine Adam and Eve who were sinless, their light covering would have been permanent had they not sinned (and would still be alive today). When they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit, the light covering must of vanished, THEN…they saw that they were NAKED, without the light, which served, one could say, “a skin of light over the skin of flesh”

The sin of eating the forbidden fruit shows the following; the LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE. Eve was hungry, she “saw” that it looked delicious, and, she “thought” it would make her “wise” as the serpent lied to her saying the same. Sin today is the same, it is a mix of all three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life

“And YHVH Elohim made coats of skins for the man and for the woman and dressed them” (3:21) This is the very first blood sacrifice in the Bible. YHVH had to sacrifice one or two innocent animals, perhaps two lambs or goats, to “cover” Adam and Eve. This is a reminder of Yom Kippur, where the blood of animals covered the sins of Israel for one year. This would be a reminder to Adam and Eve of their sin. Their sin caused an innocent, blameless animal to lose its life.

The Word of God does not say, but we can imagine that YHVH told Adam and Eve that they would have to sacrifice a lamb, a goat, or another kosher animal every day, to remind them of their sin. We look towards the cross of Calvary and we see YESHUA the LAMB of God who offered himself up as a blood sacrifice for our sins, once and forever, not just to cover, but to erase.

In chapter 4 we see the birth of Kayin and Hevel (Cain and Abel) They were born with the sin nature, and we see in both boys, the direction of the world that would follow; some would choose holiness and all that is good and others would choose the unholy and all that is evil. There came a time when they both had to offer sacrifices (that is why I said that Adam and Eve must have taught them to do the same). Hebel chose to obey and Kayin chose to disobey. Kayin offered a sacrifice, but it was not a blood sacrifice, rather it was a “grain offering” nothing wrong with a grain offering, but a blood sacrifice was needed. Therefore, it was rejected.

Hebel however, offered the correct sacrifice, a blood sacrifice, and it was accepted. This caused anger and jealousy in Kayin and we know the story, Kayin rose up and murdered his brother Hebel. Yet YHVH Elohim still offers him an opportunity to repent and confess his sin, but Kayin does not. Then YHVH Elohim says;

“The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground” (4:10) the Hebrew word is “damei” or “bloods” it is written in the plural. But why is this? This is eluded to the idea (which is written in the Talmud) that “he who saves the life of one person is as if he has saved a whole nation, and he who takes a life of another, is as if he has murdered a whole nation.” It is as if the souls of all the “would have been” descendants of Hebel were crying out for vengeance because they would not be permitted to be born. “the voice of thy brother’s bloods cries out…” the many “bloods” cry out in “one voice” so it seems.

Hebel is slain, his blood is sacrificed, and Kayin goes away, runs away to the land of wandering (Nod), and becomes a vagabond, just wandering, living off the fruit of trees and whatever grows of itself, since now, his farming days are over, YHVH curses the land he farmed as punishment.

We can see here again a shadow of Yom Kippur. In Yom Kippur, two goats were selected, one was sacrificed and the other was “sent away” Here, Innocent and righteous Hebel is sacrificed, and Kayin “goes away” yet this “going away” is in the negative light, he “goes away” from the presence of Adonai, while Hebel goes “into the presence of Adonai”

There is a saying that goes like this; “you can mix good apples with bad apples, and the good will never correct the bad, rather the bad-rotten apples will corrupt the good ones. Well, that is the way the “world turned” way back then, as the years pass, the descendants of Kayin mixed with the descendants of Seth, (who was born after the death of Abel.

“And it came to be that when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And YHVH said ‘My Ruach will not strive with mankind forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be 120. The Nephilim (in some translations, the giants) were on the earth in those days and when the sons of Elohim came into the daughters of men, they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men of old, men of name(fame). 6:1-4

There are two schools of thought when the issue of “B’nei Elohim” comes up. Some believe that it refers to the godly line of Seth mixing with the ungodly line of Kayin. The other school of thought which is more probable is that the “sons of God” refer to the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven together with HaSatan. These “b’nei Elohim” somehow and somehow transformed themselves into flesh and blood, and the offspring of those “demon-human” relationships were born “giants”. The word “Nephilim” means “fallen ones”. It does not mean “giants” …however…those “mighty men of old” many were “giants” We have examples; Goliath of Gath, Og, king of Bashan.

There is archeological and paleontological evidence of a race of giants in the pre-diluvial world. Many fossil skeletons have been found some 20 some 30 feet tall. The Indians of the South-West claim that there was a race of red-haired giants who were cannibals, they could run after a herd of buffalo, catch one and bite off a leg, and eat it on the run.

These giants were destroyed during the flood, however, their DNA still survived. The only way the DNA could survive would have been through some of the wives of the sons of Noah. God states that the days of mankind would be 120.

What is it saying here? YHVH has decided to destroy and cleanse the earth by a universal flood, and Noah and his family were found to be the only righteous people around. Noah will receive instructions to build an ark, and it will take him 120 years, so, the people will have 120 years to repent, which they did not. This was a very short time being that thousands of years ago, people lived 800 or 900 years. 120 years would be like a week in our times. Noah was a “Tzadik” a “righteous person”. He went “against the flow”. Imagine a school of fish going in one direction, and you are going in the opposite direction.

How about you? If the world is going down the tubes, headed for destruction, will you follow the world? Or will you remain with Yeshua and go HIS way? The choice is yours. The only way we can be a true “Tzadik Ben Elohim” (a righteous child of God) is through faith in Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ, through faith in HIM trusting in HIS one-time atonement for sin.


"Study the WORD, to show thyself approved"
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Well-known member
CONTINUED from post # 1
Benavraham wrote:
Many times, we just have to take God’s word literally. “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness…and Elohim created the man and the woman in His image” (vs 26-27). What does this mean, in HIS image? What is the IMAGE of ELOHIM? The Hebrew word "Tzelem" is used, which means "Shadow". So man was made as a solid "shadow" of the "invisible God" One could say that the image of Elohim is complete holiness and perfection! Sinlessness! That was how the first couple were made. The earth was “created” without any previous existing matter, yet man and woman were “created” using “already existing matter” namely,” the dust of the earth (adamah).

The name “Elohim” shows the “plural unity (Echad)” of God, and just as Elohim consists of the Father, the Son, and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) so man and woman were also joined “Echad” with Elohim in mind, soul, and spirit. What is man? What is the woman? But a soul and spirit inhabiting a flesh and bone body. Bodies that will one day (because of sin) deteriorate and cease to function and return to the earth.
Elohim loved his creation of man and woman. He placed them in a perfect paradise home, a garden full of trees that produced fruit, nuts, flowers, clean water, and animals that were friendly. The only prohibition was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But…as we know the story, HaSatan, tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit. As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit (and nowhere does it say that it was an apple) the Word says that they “realized that they were naked” (3:7) but weren’t they already naked? I mean, they weren’t created wearing Levis! however...remember the word “light” the words “light” and “skin” are written almost the same way in Hebrew, the only difference is the first letter, “skin” is “OR” written with the letter “ayin” which symbolizes “eye” and OR (light) is written with an “aleph”

Ps82 wrote:
I should have kept ready. I so agree with your insight above.

Benavraham wrote:
It is possible, and probable that Adam and Eve were created with a covering of “light” When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after being with God for 40 days, he was “glowing” with light, the Shekinah light, and Moses was a sinner, imagine Adam and Eve who were sinless, their light covering would have been permanent had they not sinned (and would still be alive today). When they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit, the light covering must of vanished, THEN…they saw that they were NAKED, without the light, which served, one could say, “a skin of light over the skin of flesh”

The sin of eating the forbidden fruit shows the following; the LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE. Eve was hungry, she “saw” that it looked delicious, and, she “thought” it would make her “wise” as the serpent lied to her saying the same. Sin today is the same, it is a mix of all three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life
“And YHVH Elohim made coats of skins for the man and for the woman and dressed them” (3:21) This is the very first blood sacrifice in the Bible. YHVH had to sacrifice one or two innocent animals, perhaps two lambs or goats, to “cover” Adam and Eve. This is a reminder of Yom Kippur, where the blood of animals covered the sins of Israel for one year. This would be a reminder to Adam and Eve of their sin. Their sin caused an innocent, blameless animal to lose its life.
The Word of God does not say, but we can imagine that YHVH told Adam and Eve that they would have to sacrifice a lamb, a goat, or another kosher animal every day, to remind them of their sin. We look towards the cross of Calvary and we see YESHUA the LAMB of God who offered himself up as a blood sacrifice for our sins, once and forever, not just to cover, but to erase.

Ps82 replied:
Many good ideas here. I won't take time to tweak any.

Benavraham wrote:
In chapter 4 we see the birth of Kayin and Hevel (Cain and Abel) They were born with the sin nature, and we see in both boys, the direction of the world that would follow; some would choose holiness and all that is good and others would choose the unholy and all that is evil. There came a time when they both had to offer sacrifices (that is why I said that Adam and Eve must have taught them to do the same). Hebel chose to obey and Kayin chose to disobey. Kayin offered a sacrifice, but it was not a blood sacrifice, rather it was a “grain offering” nothing wrong with a grain offering, but a blood sacrifice was needed. Therefore, it was rejected.

Hebel however, offered the correct sacrifice, a blood sacrifice, and it was accepted. This caused anger and jealousy in Kayin and we know the story, Kayin rose up and murdered his brother Hebel. Yet YHVH Elohim still offers him an opportunity to repent and confess his sin, but Kayin does not. Then YHVH Elohim says;
“The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground” (4:10) the Hebrew word is “damei” or “bloods” it is written in the plural. But why is this? This is eluded to the idea (which is written in the Talmud) that “he who saves the life of one person is as if he has saved a whole nation, and he who takes a life of another, is as if he has murdered a whole nation.” It is as if the souls of all the “would have been” descendants of Hebel were crying out for vengeance because they would not be permitted to be born. “the voice of thy brother’s bloods cries out…” the many “bloods” cry out in “one voice” so it seems.

Ps82 wrote:
This is so sad Thanks for pointing this out. I had always thought abortion robed the Child of eternal gifts in heaven by its missing its opportunity to glorify God here on earth before it died ... but I had not though of how all of its descendants were robbed from God... Never thought abortion could be seen even more tragic and EVIL. Satan is a vicious enemy!!!

Benavraham wrote:
Hebel is slain, his blood is sacrificed, and Kayin goes away, runs away to the land of wandering (Nod), and becomes a vagabond, just wandering, living off the fruit of trees and whatever grows of itself, since now, his farming days are over, YHVH curses the land he farmed as punishment.

We can see here again a shadow of Yom Kippur. In Yom Kippur, two goats were selected, one was sacrificed and the other was “sent away” Here, Innocent and righteous Hebel is sacrificed, and Kayin “goes away” yet this “going away” is in the negative light, he “goes away” from the presence of Adonai, while Hebel goes “into the presence of Adonai”
There is a saying that goes like this; “you can mix good apples with bad apples, and the good will never correct the bad, rather the bad-rotten apples will corrupt the good ones. Well, that is the way the “world turned” way back then, as the years pass, the descendants of Kayin mixed with the descendants of Seth, (who was born after the death of Abel.

Ps82 wrote: Agree.

Benavraham wrote:
“And it came to be that when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And YHVH said ‘My Ruach will not strive with mankind forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be 120. The Nephilim (in some translations, the giants) were on the earth in those days and when the sons of Elohim came into the daughters of men, they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men of old, men of name(fame). 6:1-4

There are two schools of thought when the issue of “B’nei Elohim” comes up. Some believe that it refers to the godly line of Seth mixing with the ungodly line of Kayin. The other school of thought which is more probable is that the “sons of God” refer to the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven together with HaSatan. These “b’nei Elohim” somehow and somehow transformed themselves into flesh and blood, and the offspring of those “demon-human” relationships were born “giants”. The word “Nephilim” means “fallen ones”. It does not mean “giants” …however…those “mighty men of old” many were “giants” We have examples; Goliath of Gath, Og, king of Bashan.
There is archeological and paleontological evidence of a race of giants in the pre-diluvial world. Many fossil skeletons have been found some 20 some 30 feet tall. The Indians of the South-West claim that there was a race of red-haired giants who were cannibals, they could run after a herd of buffalo, catch one and bite off a leg, and eat it on the run.
These giants were destroyed during the flood, however, their DNA still survived. The only way the DNA could survive would have been through some of the wives of the sons of Noah. God states that the days of mankind would be 120.

Ps82 says: I have written a thread I think I called Taking another look at Genesis Six - the Days of Noah??? I won't try to explain here, but I wish you would take a look at it. It gives a third out of the box theory which I have had that that actually fits scriptural clues. I'd love to hear your thoughts. You seem to have much insight.

Benavraham wrote:
What is it saying here? YHVH has decided to destroy and cleanse the earth by a universal flood, and Noah and his family were found to be the only righteous people around. Noah will receive instructions to build an ark, and it will take him 120 years, so, the people will have 120 years to repent, which they did not. This was a very short time being that thousands of years ago, people lived 800 or 900 years. 120 years would be like a week in our times. Noah was a “Tzadik” a “righteous person”. He went “against the flow”. Imagine a school of fish going in one direction, and you are going in the opposite direction.

How about you? If the world is going down the tubes, headed for destruction, will you follow the world? Or will you remain with Yeshua and go HIS way? The choice is yours. The only way we can be a true “Tzadik Ben Elohim” (a righteous child of God) is through faith in Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ, through faith in HIM trusting in HIS one-time atonement for sin.
"Study the WORD, to show thyself approved"

Ps82 replied. Amen. I pray I will don my suit of armor and fight the good fight and be strong in faith. I feel so like a weakling by myself. Temptations to lie and give in are all around me. Only God can give me what will be needed. Praise My Lord whom I worship in Spirit. You know what I will need.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
We also see in the first line, the creation of the three basic elements of the universe; “space” (the heavens) “time” (in the beginning), and “matter” (the earth). We have an infinite God that comes out of infinity past and speaks and creates a finite earth. Creates matter. The first law of Thermodynamics states that; “All matter has been created and that there is no more matter being created” What we do see is that “matter changes states” (from liquid to solid, = water to ice) or from liquid to gas = water vapor.
First of all, the first law of thermodynamics does NOT say that "All matter has been created and that there is no more matter being created". That is some thing you just decided you wanted to say, as best I can tell.

More importantly, the bible does not say that "an infinite God that comes out of infinity past and speaks and creates a finite earth", as you put it, nor does it even imply that time is created as you do in your commentary. This line of thought is very decidedly not an "Hebraic mindset" but rather a Greek one. No one believed that God existed outside of time before Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Plotinus, et al (i.e. "The Classics"). It was only with later interactions with Greek thought, particularly Neoplatonism, that theologians like Origen and Augustine began to frame God’s eternity in terms of timelessness, describing Him as existing in an "eternal now."

In contrast, the bible speaks of time in relation to God in the following ways...

is - and was - and is to come - whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting - before all things - forever and ever - the Ancient of Days - from before the ages of the ages - from ancient times - the everlasting God - He continues forever - from of old - remains forever - eternal - immortal - the Lord shall endure forever - Who lives forever - yesterday, today, and forever - God's years are without number - rock of ages/everlasting strength - manifest in His own time - waiting until - everlasting Father - alive forevermore - always lives - forever - continually - the eternal God - God’s years never end - from everlasting to everlasting - from that time forward, even forever - and of His kingdom there will be no end. (references here)​

Of course ALL THESE are verbatim phrases from Scripture, some being repeated many times. NOT ONE MEANS TIMELESSNESS. Rather, they mean unending duration. So the Bible teaches the opposite of pagan Greek philosophy. (Quoted from "Is God Outside of Time? Not according to the Bible." by Bob Enyart)

In these passages, eternity is characterized by God's constancy and faithfulness, contrasting with human finitude.. These verses repeatedly affirm that God is enduring, which conveys a continuous presence and active engagement across time rather than a detachment from it.

The concept of God existing outside of time, as in an "eternal now" detached from past, present, or future, originates with Greek philosophical thought, where eternity implies a changeless, singular state. Biblical language, by contrast, is relational and often speaks of God’s presence within history while also highlighting His everlasting nature. This suggests an unending duration that incorporates and surpasses human time, rather than negating time entirely.
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Active member
The first law of Thermodynamics states that; “All matter has been created and that there is no more matter being created” What we do see is that “matter changes states” (from liquid to solid, = water to ice) or from liquid to gas = water vapor.

As has already been pointed out this isn't quite correct. It is energy that is constant, which can neither be created nor destroyed. That energy can take endless forms, matter being one of them. The entire universe is a constantly changing and chaotic maelstrom of energy transfers, constant transformations from one form to another. No energy is lost during all of those transfers.

We can also see today the effects of the “2nd law of thermodynamics, which shows that everything in the material world is on a downward spiral, from order to disorder, from composition to decomposition, from perfection to imperfection, why? Because of sin! The wages of sin is death, and therefore, not only in the world of the living but also, in the material world, everything is “dying”

No this can't be correct especially because of the first law. The same amount of energy is always present. All that is happening is energies are changing forms. Our human bodies are a form of energy but we are fluid, constantly undertaking numerous transformations, generating heat, losing heat, taking in food and drink, transforming that into more energy and so on, but the energy loss is unstoppable without finding a way to input lots more energy. So we have entropy. We age and perish not because of any sin, but because we don't have enough energy coming in to our bodies. We are consuming more energy that we import. End result is ovious. Death. However if we believe that everything is energy in one form or another, then so is the soul and so is the spirit. So they can't be destroyed, they can't die, they can only be transformed into something else. However that transformation can be stopped if you provide a way to take in vast amounts of energy. Then teh body can/will regenerate naturally and you have immortality (of the human form).

Elohim created all that this earth contains in 6 literal days, of 24-hour periods.

Now, there are some SSs (silly scientists) that say, “The six days are considered four billion years!” really? Really? Well, if we look at verse 12 it says that Elohim created the plants, trees, grass, etc, then in verse 14 it says that Elohim created the lights in the heavens, which include the sun, moon, and stars. Well, if each “day” consisted of, let’s say 600,000,000 years, then, how would the plants, the trees, and life itself survive without sunlight for this amount of time?

What in essence is a plant or tree? It's not the trunk or stalk or leaves. For the plant grows those things and so the plant exists before we get any material growth. In fact a plant or tree or flower is a "seed" and a seed is essentially just a design, a pattern, encoded in the DNA or other code of creation.

The seeds of all these designed things would not require sunlight. They are after all just code, a pattern.

Elohim loved his creation of man and woman. He placed them in a perfect paradise home, a garden full of trees that produced fruit, nuts, flowers, clean water, and animals that were friendly. The only prohibition was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But…as we know the story, HaSatan, tricked them into eating the forbidden fruit. As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit (and nowhere does it say that it was an apple) the Word says that they “realized that they were naked” (3:7)

The snake didn't trick anyone. Now I'm really fascinated to hear your take on God's blatant lie to Adam and Eve. I'd like to know how you explain away the lie. This is the lie:

"And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.”

As we know, the serpent told Adam and Eve that in fact they would NOT die and that they would gain the knowledge of good and evil.

What actually happened? They ate from the tree and THEY DID NOT DIE!

So the serpent didn't trick anyone. The serpent told the truth.

God lied. God said they would die the same day if they ate from the tree. They ate, they didn't die. Adam in fact went on to live 930 years.

How do you explain this please?

The sin of eating the forbidden fruit shows the following; the LUST OF THE FLESH, THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE.

No it doesn't that's just religious hogwash. Eating from the tree showed that Adam and Eve were thirsty for knowledge. They wanted to know what they didn't currently know. This is a very natural human instinct. So strong was that natural instinct that they risked death for they must have been thinking at the back of their mind what God had said, that they would die. But they were brave, courageous and they had the snake's advice to help them so they took that brave step and ate from the tree knowing there was a chance it would kill them. All they wanted was more knowledge. Hardly a sin. God unfortunately wanted to keep them ignorant. Not a very nice thing.

Eve was hungry,

The Bible doesn't state this. It simply states that she:

"saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom"

However both Adam and Eve were hungry for knowledge, which is by no means a sin.

as the serpent lied to her saying the same.

The serpent did not lie It told the truth.

Sin today is the same, it is a mix of all three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life
Religious hogwash
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
As has already been pointed out this isn't quite correct. It is energy that is constant, which can neither be created nor destroyed. That energy can take endless forms, matter being one of them. The entire universe is a constantly changing and chaotic maelstrom of energy transfers, constant transformations from one form to another. No energy is lost during all of those transfers.

No this can't be correct especially because of the first law. The same amount of energy is always present. All that is happening is energies are changing forms. Our human bodies are a form of energy but we are fluid, constantly undertaking numerous transformations, generating heat, losing heat, taking in food and drink, transforming that into more energy and so on, but the energy loss is unstoppable without finding a way to input lots more energy. So we have entropy. We age and perish not because of any sin, but because we don't have enough energy coming in to our bodies. We are consuming more energy that we import. End result is ovious. Death. However if we believe that everything is energy in one form or another, then so is the soul and so is the spirit. So they can't be destroyed, they can't die, they can only be transformed into something else. However that transformation can be stopped if you provide a way to take in vast amounts of energy. Then teh body can/will regenerate naturally and you have immortality (of the human form).


What in essence is a plant or tree? It's not the trunk or stalk or leaves. For the plant grows those things and so the plant exists before we get any material growth. In fact a plant or tree or flower is a "seed" and a seed is essentially just a design, a pattern, encoded in the DNA or other code of creation.

The seeds of all these designed things would not require sunlight. They are after all just code, a pattern.

The snake didn't trick anyone. Now I'm really fascinated to hear your take on God's blatant lie to Adam and Eve. I'd like to know how you explain away the lie. This is the lie:

"And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.”

As we know, the serpent told Adam and Eve that in fact they would NOT die and that they would gain the knowledge of good and evil.

What actually happened? They ate from the tree and THEY DID NOT DIE!

So the serpent didn't trick anyone. The serpent told the truth.

God lied. God said they would die the same day if they ate from the tree. They ate, they didn't die. Adam in fact went on to live 930 years.

How do you explain this please?

No it doesn't that's just religious hogwash. Eating from the tree showed that Adam and Eve were thirsty for knowledge. They wanted to know what they didn't currently know. This is a very natural human instinct. So strong was that natural instinct that they risked death for they must have been thinking at the back of their mind what God had said, that they would die. But they were brave, courageous and they had the snake's advice to help them so they took that brave step and ate from the tree knowing there was a chance it would kill them. All they wanted was more knowledge. Hardly a sin. God unfortunately wanted to keep them ignorant. Not a very nice thing.

The Bible doesn't state this. It simply states that she:

"saw that the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eyes, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom"

However both Adam and Eve were hungry for knowledge, which is by no means a sin.

The serpent did not lie It told the truth.

Religious hogwash
No matter what you say to this lunatic that believes alchemy works (i.e. that you can change lead into gold) and that this is what the bible is actually about, he will ignore your answer and reassert his false claim that God is a liar. It is SoT who is the liar! Indeed, every time his username is posted it is another lie. He is a worthless waste of bandwidth.


Active member
No matter what you say to this lunatic that believes alchemy works (i.e. that you can change lead into gold) and that this is what the bible is actually about, he will ignore your answer and reassert his false claim that God is a liar. It is SoT who is the liar! Indeed, every time his username is posted it is another lie. He is a worthless waste of bandwidth.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
You will burn in Hell. Every single verse of scripture you ever quote is going to be read back to you on judgement day.

You stupidity has already been refuted and so there is no speculation about how you'll respond to any argument. You WILL do NOTHING but ignore whatever anyone says and repeat your idiotic claim. The proof is already here for the entire world to read.


Active member
Look how black your heart is, how full of malice and spite. These are not the traits of Christ nor of his followers. By their fruits you will know them.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Look how black your heart is, how full of malice and spite. These are not the traits of Christ nor of his followers. By their fruits you will know them.
My heart is fine. It is you I despise and I'm not the least bit afraid of letting you know it. Don't bother ever quote the bible at me. You're a foolish idiot, who wouldn't know God's word from a warm fart.

Psalms 139:21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.