Countdown To President Trump Re-election


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I'll be able to let you know a day early the results.


Heck, I can tell you now.



like marbles on glass
7 days to US sectarian violence...

You might find this of interest. It's so well written. He presents both sides thoughtfully and accurately, and ends with a poignant reveal that many Americans can relate to.

It's long, but well worth the time. It's behind a paywall but unless you read a lot of WaPo you should be able to see it. If not, let me know, I have a subscription.

In Search of Healing
America is facing one of the deepest divides in our history — and, no matter who wins the election, a difficult path forward

The Barbarian

Trump changes election night plans, cancels party at Trump International
President Trump has reportedly called off plans to host an election night event at Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., a person familiar with the plans told The New York Times.
The source told the Times that Trump will instead likely remain at the White House on Nov. 3.

Bunker Boy retreats to his bunker.
leading to at least seven people getting hospitalized.

Guess that just goes to show more people get hospitalized at a Trump rally, than attend a Biden or Obama rally.

Was just thinking, you liberal pervs really don't need to hide from rallies, if there's more to it than hiding Joe from himself and Hunter's laptop. If COVID-19 is part of your concern, why don't you simply tell half your audience to move back to the 4th row? Problem solved!