Is it though? Countries With the Most Well-Developed Public Health Care Systems:
- Canada
- Denmark
- Sweden
- Norway
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Australia
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
I don't see the United States on that top 10 list.
Yes. Realize this isn't a research report, just the result of a vote that people 'think.' Note that these
aren't "the best medical treatment." They are simply slated as 'best care system.' What do they mean? What is the litmus test for such an intangible as 'best health system?'
Note too that
it is a poll. It means it is subjective and has no bearing in facts other than 'these are what people that we asked
think is best.'
This one gives scores based on recovery. Note the U.S. is up with the top 10.
See here too. This report is much more meaningful than a "who do you 'feel' or 'believe' has the best health care.
Health insurance certainly does play a part--to the tune of $812 billion per year in administrative costs alone, or $2,497 per person in the U.S. --
There, we'd be on the same page. Insurance companies need to be out of the health profession. I wouldn't want government involved either. Financiers always come into play when people don't want to be 'bothered with the figures' but there was a time you'd simply pay for services rendered. The good: No middleman so no outrageous middle cost. The bad: Only as good as you can afford unless your particular doctor had a big heart. So while I'm certainly for improvement, no contest, I'm fairly sure government is not the hands I want on it, to get those improvements. In my city, roads are not taken care of, yet we okay'd hundreds of millions to make those improvements. If I'd paid that to a private company, I could sue for the lack of service. What you give to the government, you'd have a VERY VERY hard time holding them accountable. They have 'excuses' and you cannot sue against 'well-meaning.' The VA is evidence of what our government will do with 'government' health service. The waiting lines are 4-hour waits simply for pharmacy! You go in for a cream, you wait for hours before it can be filled. That isn't efficient and costs vast amounts of lost time, $, other resources, and health. Bernie promises 'increased Social Security.' That money has already been stolen/mis-allocated. The only way he could increase is to
highly tax the younger generation. In the short run, a democrat may actually be better for me, than for you but I don't like what it'll cost you, in order to support me, when I retire. Democrats always tax the working middle class because we are, by group, the wealthiest in America. EVERY Democratic effort will cost house buyers about $100 more a month in taxes. I work hard and can afford some of this, but the younger generation cannot even afford a house at this time. I dread what more taxes and less money will do to your generation. It feels more and more like it will be desperate gambles of frustration with you losing more and more ability and freedom traded on empty promises that simply cannot pay off in the end.