Of course your health and well being is not the central concern. Your negligence and recklessness could be. Now, it appears that Omicron and its carriers do not carry the severity that would warrant strong freedom-reducing mandates that another variant could.
If there existed an airborne communicable disease that was devastating to the immune system similar to AIDS, you would doubtlessly agree that citizens should be compelled to take their status seriously. Failure to test ones self or consider symptoms carefully then would warrant civil and criminal liability.
If society is so depraved (a majority of individuals in that society) as to be reckless and negligent about their own health to the point of knowingly killing other people on a mass scale, then it's too late for that society and it would be wise for said government to let itself die. Although you might find a handful of evil people that ignore their infections and actively try and spread them in order to hurt and kill people - like the homos did (I think it's still a thing with them but it hasn't been in the news lately) - the general population should never have a government policy against an infectious disease.
The reason for this is because there is no general line about when an infectious disease is deadly enough to do something about. Even a common cold can kill some people. So unless you can show me the line the government cannot cross, even if it isn't a perfect line with black on one side and white on the other, the government will have to just sit back and let it play out.
Now, I think you are not a Christian, and correct me if I'm wrong, but since Christians are the only possible source of truth to run society including governmental policy I'll answer some of the Christian objections here and Skeeter can ignore this: God had the government quarantine people forcefully if they showed signs of active infection with certain infectious diseases. This is a great point and I would be OK if the government reduced their roll to acting only on symptomatic infections if a disease is "bad enough". However, the government has not done this in modern society against those diseases listed in the bible because those diseases are severe enough that people remove themselves from society in order to heal. The diseases specifically mentioned in the bible just don't spread fast enough for the government to have a roll.
The second objection is that the government can curb freedom (speech, assembly, self defense, etc.), up to and including complete control of every kind of movement of the entire population if there is an existential threat to the nation. The problem of course is that the common cold, even asymptomatically, is an existential threat to society not knowing the future. Arbitrary law is usually bad law.