Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame was the "leftist" Democrats who fought for, and defended slavery.
No, the Dixie Democrats were pro slavery. Not every Republican was against it either. They weren't progressive by any stretch of the imagination...well, current company and enthusiasts excepted. :eek:

Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. were Republicans.
Abe was willing to allow slavery where it existed. I don't believe MLK, Jr. would have agreed with that plan. And the Democrats that resisted MLK, Jr. are all Repub

And if you look at the Democrats who resisted and the Republicans who supported civil rights in the 60s you'll find it's less about party and more about who was pro and anti Union during the Civil War. In fact, it nearly divides perfectly down those lines.

All those Confederate statues that are being torn down, are statues of Democrats, that were built, and erected by Democrats.
Whose descendants are all Republicans resisting the Democrats making the effort.

Though to be fair, you don't have to be a Democrat to oppose tributes to rebellion and support for slavery.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
And if you look at the Democrats who resisted and the Republicans who supported civil rights in the 60s you'll find it's less about party and more about who was pro and anti Union during the Civil War. In fact, it nearly divides perfectly down those lines.

It was the Democratic Senators from the south led by LBJ who were responsible for watering down Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It was the Democratic Senators from the south led by LBJ who were responsible for watering down Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill.
Seriously, look at the votes and look back at the Civil War. That's the dividing line. But you malign LBJ and misread history on his account. LBJ was the reason we had the voting rights act. He used his considerable ability to make sure a bill that wouldn't pass did.

Here's a good article in The Atlantic you might find worthwhile: "How LBJ Saved the Civil Rights Act" (link).

A few excerpts. In 1963,

The civil-rights bill, which had been languishing in the House since June, had no hope of coming to a full vote in the near future, and faced even bleaker prospects in the Senate. In fact, Kennedy’s entire legislative program was at a standstill, with a stalled tax-cut bill, eight stranded appropriations measures, and motionless education proposals.

Days after Kennedy’s murder, Johnson displayed the type of leadership on civil rights that his predecessor lacked and that the other branches could not possibly match. He made the bold and exceedingly risky decision to champion the stalled civil-rights bill. It was a pivotal moment: without Johnson, a strong bill would not have passed. Caro writes that during a searching late-night conversation that lasted into the morning of November 27, when somebody tried to persuade Johnson not to waste his time or capital on the lost cause of civil rights, the president replied, “Well, what the hell’s the presidency for?”

He resolutely announced: “We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for 100 years or more. It is time now to write the next chapter, and to write it in the books of law.”

As Richard Russell, the South’s leader in the Senate during the 1960s, put it to a friend a few days after Kennedy’s assassination: “You know, we could have beaten John Kennedy on civil rights, but not Lyndon Johnson.”

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Here's a good article in The Atlantic you might find worthwhile: "How LBJ Saved the Civil Rights Act" (link).

Of course ole BULL**** Johnson would do everything in his power to get a Civil Rights Bill passed IF he was going to get the credit for passing it.

Here is what Obama said about LBJ:

"During his first 20 years in Congress he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."

We also read this about Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill of 1957:

"After dragging his feet on the civil rights bill throughout much of 1957, Johnson finally came to the conclusion that the tide had turned in favor of civil rights and he needed to be on the right side of the issue if he hoped to become president. . . .

"At the same time, the Senate's master tactician and principal opponent of the civil rights bill, Democrat Richard B. Russell of Georgia, saw the same handwriting on the wall but came to a different conclusion. He realized that the support was no longer there for an old-fashioned Democrat filibuster. . . . So Russell adopted a different strategy this time of trying to amend the civil rights bill so as to minimize its impact. Behind the scenes, Johnson went along with Russell's strategy of not killing the civil rights bill, but trying to neuter it as much as possible. . . .

"Eisenhower was disappointed at not being able to produce a better piece of legislation. 'I wanted a much stronger civil rights bill in '57 than I could get,' he later lamented. 'But the Democrats . . . wouldn't let me have it.'


Well-known member
The two will be joined together in the future:

"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration"

18The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.

8Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified.

The Woman riding the beast (The Anti-Christ) is Jerusalem.

When the the Jews rebuild their third temple they will select a new High Priest to rule over it. At this point Israel will once again become a fully fledged Theocracy again, just as it used to be and so the high priest will rule over Jerusalem and Israel too. By this time Israel will also be the most powerful nation on Earth just as Jesus said:

Luke 21
29He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.

The high priest will be saying the Jewish messiah is about to come (and being very Jewish he will also say that Jesus is most defiantly not the messiah) As such he will be falsely prophesying; A false prophet.

The most powerful man in the world, the Jewish high priest, falsely prophesying against Jesus.

He will be the false prophet of Revelation.

Over the 7 year tribulation he will be forced to work with the Muslim Mahdi Anti-Christ but they will hate each other:

Revelation 17:16
The beast and the ten horns you saw (The Anti-Christ) will hate the prostitute (The false prophet). They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

The tribulation begins in 2022.


And the Democrats that resisted MLK, Jr. are all Repub


The Democrats founded the KKK. The Democrats fought, and voted against every Civil Rights law.

JFK (as a senator), and 21 of the 22 senators from the south voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.

George Wallace was a Democrat.

Sen. Robert Byrd was a Democrat, and still a senator in 2010. Byrd founded a chapter of the KKK in West Virginia in the 1940's, and was elected Exalted Cyclops of the Klan.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A sentence fragment that I forgot to excise and rewrote. Look at the non-sentence fragments. They won't confuse.

The Democrats founded the KKK. The Democrats fought, and voted against every Civil Rights law.
Well, no. The Southern Democrats certainly did. And they had a little Republican help too. Again, you need to look at it from a Civil War perspective and you'll see that's a better line of demarcation for predicting votes.

JFK (as a senator), and 21 of the 22 senators from the south voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
Right. And Democrats supported the bill 46/21. The Democratic nays were joined by 6 Republicans.

The Voting Rights Act that followed found a similar response.

George Wallace was a Democrat.
Thanks. The people of Alabama were confused on that one. :chuckle:

Sen. Robert Byrd was a Democrat, and still a senator in 2010. Byrd founded a chapter of the KKK in West Virginia in the 1940's, and was elected Exalted Cyclops of the Klan.

Harry Truman was in the Klan too for a time too. Some believed it, some used it and most outgrew it, like Truman.


Well-known member
I don't necessarily believe conspiracy theories like 9-11

Experts have concluded the building was made by this guy:




Well-known member
No, money is not the problem. The problem is greed.

Greed + money is the problem:

The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

The opposite of this is/was:

Acts 4:32
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.

When the mark takes over it will force everyone to make the choice between salvation or eating/dying.

patrick jane

AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH [Part I] (2017 version)

1. Painful Mysteries
3:28 Keepers of the faith (A Zeitgeist)
7:23 The Last Man Out - Meet William Rodriguez
10:34 Un-Mysterious squibs
13:28 Demolitions by Xentris
23:31 Van with Explosives on George Washington Bridge
29:47 Witness’s in New Jersey
32:01 Meet The Dancing Israelis
39:34 Arrested by Sergeant Scott DeCarlo
43:44 King St. Mural Van
52:21 Witness's to Holland Tunnel Van
53:56 Urban Moving Systems owner bails & Kurtzberg fails
55:21 former Mossad spy Chuv Luval on UMS
57:20 Jane Harman on Israeli's arrested
59:55 Israelis w/Sears Tower video in Van + arrests in TX
1:02:23 Fabled Fox News Israeli spy ring report of Dec 2001
1:13:48 Carl Cameron + Israeli Art Students in Utah & FL
1:21:07 Zim shipping and elevator repairs
1:25:20 Denko Mechanical, The Tennessee 5 & Katherine Smith
1:31:52 intrigues of Chief Bernard Kerik + Paul Bremer
1:37:55 the tip from Odigo and the 4000
1:40:48 FBI agent John O’Neill - The Man Who Knew Too Much
1:45:01 Jerome Hauer, Kroll, OEM & Building 7
1:49:25 Airport Security / ICTS & Ellen Mariani lawsuit
1:55:32 Hijacker Introduction
2:01:32 Who Killed Dr. Graham? Man who meet 2 Hijackers
2:10:47 Living hijackers in Florida
2:15:16 Mossad Art Students lived next-door to Mohamed Atta
2:17:10 Hijacker Ziad Jarrah & Cousin Ali The Mossad Spy
2:22:57 who is Mohamed Atta?
2:26:22 Fanatical Heathens?
2:32:11 Florida Flight Schools & INS
2:37:45 Rudy Decker & Arny Krutoff - The Flying Dutchmen
2:40:45 Huffman Aviation, Boehlke & The heir Organized Crime
