I have stated on this thread again and again that libertarians hold positions that are defiance to God for they take social positions approving of that which God condemns.
Including being defiant to God when it comes to Libertarian ideas of property rights, which I've been trying to point out.
Property rights are economic rights. If I cannot choose to use my property as I please, then the government owns it in fact.
Back to zoning laws: How exactly do the people of a community which make up goverment "own" your property if they give guidelines on how it can be used? Again, I'll use the example of opening a nightculb in a residential neighborhood.
He who controls something is the owner of it. If I pay for a car but someone else tells me when, where, and how I can use it, and I have little or no say when, where, and how I can use the car I paid for then it isn't "my car".
I've never heard of regulations telling a car owner when or where he could use the car, but most definitely "how".
"How" as you can't drive 65 MPH through a school zone. "How" as you must stop at a traffic signal.
I look forward to your answers.