Consent, Legitimacy, and Sexual Behavior


With the exception of pederasty, yes. Age of consent laws make sense (though I believe they should be dropped to 16 years old straight across the board).

Sorry, you're borrowing off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (which as shown in the link is the reason pederasty was outlawed).


I'm ok with good ideas no matter who they come from.

The topic of the thread is that as long as consent is used, then it should be morally acceptable.

One by one, tell us why legalizing (or keeping legal) the following behaviors are "good ideas".

*Incest (remember that not all incestuous affairs deal with minors, not that minors wouldn't be able to give consent, see below).
*Pederasty (attached is the history of "man boy love"; as you can see, it was westernized civilization, i.e. Judeo-Christian values that put a halt to it's acceptance).

*Group sex/group sex clubs
*Prostitution, as seen in the 1972 gay rights agenda
*Any type of pornography
*Sadomasochism/sadomasochism clubs
*Assisted suicide, i.e. murder of oneself (for any reason)
*Murder, yes I said murder. Consensual duels/gangland warfare where both parties acknowledge that death most likely will result.


New member
The topic of the thread is that as long as consent is used, then it should be morally acceptable.

One by one, tell us why legalizing (or keeping legal) the following behaviors are "good ideas".

*Incest (remember that not all incestuous affairs deal with minors, not that minors wouldn't be able to give consent, see below).
*Pederasty (attached is the history of "man boy love"; as you can see, it was westernized civilization, i.e. Judeo-Christian values that put a halt to it's acceptance).

*Group sex/group sex clubs
*Prostitution, as seen in the 1972 gay rights agenda
*Any type of pornography
*Sadomasochism/sadomasochism clubs
*Assisted suicide, i.e. murder of oneself (for any reason)
*Murder, yes I said murder. Consensual duels/gangland warfare where both parties acknowledge that death most likely will result.

You should need reasons to make something illegal, not the other way around. Show just cause as to why any of the items on your list should be made illegal.


You should need reasons to make something illegal, not the other way around. Show just cause as to why any of the items on your list should be made illegal.


Disease ridden unnatural behavior that God abhors. As seen in the past decades when it was made legal, an extremely evil agenda was put together which includes the indoctrination of children.


Tears apart the nucleus of a society: the traditional family.

*Incest (remember that not all incestuous affairs deal with minors, not that minors wouldn't be able to give consent, see below).

Impure sexual relations per the Bible.

*Pederasty (attached is the history of "man boy love"; as you can see, it was westernized civilization, i.e. Judeo-Christian values that put a halt to it's acceptance).

An inherently immoral act (homosexuality). Perverts the innocence of youth.

*Group sex/group sex clubs

Out of wedlock sex (see adultery)


Marriage is to be between one man, one woman per Genesis.

*Prostitution, as seen in the 1972 gay rights agenda

Out of wedlock sex (see adultery). Cheapens God's beautiful design for human sexuality (marriage).

*Any type of pornography

Cheapens God's design for human sexuality.

*Sadomasochism/sadomasochism clubs

Cheapens God's design for human sexuality.

*Assisted suicide, i.e. murder of oneself (for any reason)
*Murder, yes I said murder. Consensual duels/gangland warfare where both parties acknowledge that death most likely will result.

Cheapens the value of human life.


New member
The topic of the thread is that as long as consent is used, then it should be morally acceptable.

One by one, tell us why legalizing (or keeping legal) the following behaviors are "good ideas".

*Incest (remember that not all incestuous affairs deal with minors, not that minors wouldn't be able to give consent, see below).
*Pederasty (attached is the history of "man boy love"; as you can see, it was westernized civilization, i.e. Judeo-Christian values that put a halt to it's acceptance).

*Group sex/group sex clubs
*Prostitution, as seen in the 1972 gay rights agenda

you mean the gay agenda that didn't exist before an anti-gay hate group published it in 1991?


New member
I've heard a number of people here claim that as long as it (sexual behavior of all sorts) is consensual, then it is legitimate (meaning that other people should leave them alone). This sort of thinking has been applied to behaviors that have traditionally been stigmatized like pre- and extramarital sexual relationships and homosexuality. But, what about cases of polygamy/andry or incest in which all of the parties concerned are consenting? Should we de-stigmatize those sorts of relationships?

My goal (to be transparent) is to show that consent doesn't always equal legitimacy and to suggest that consent isn't the best litmus test for allowable behaviors.

You have yet to even define "legitimacy," so how are you qualified to determine what is and isn't legitimate?

Or are you defining "legitimate" as "not looked down upon by others".
Because I guarantee that the people involved in the relationships you mentioned could care less about the opinions of the general public.

Voluntary consent between adults is all that should be required for the government and everyone else to stay out.

This includes polyamory/polygamy/polyandry and any other relationship between adults, even related ones.

Notice I do not speak of any of this in moralistic terms, because I recognize that I am not qualified to judge the morality of an action between two voluntarily consenting adults.

The law judges and punishes an action involving an adult who only consented under duress, an adult who did not give consent, a minor who under the law cannot give consent of any kind, or an animal who under the law cannot give consent of any kind.

Anything else is nobody else's business.


New member
Hall of Fame
I've heard a number of people here claim that as long as it (sexual behavior of all sorts) is consensual, then it is legitimate (meaning that other people should leave them alone).

Consent between an adulterer and his tramp is not ok nor legitimate. It harms other people.

Polygamy harms other people.

Homosexuality harms other people.

No such thing as sin that doesn't harm anyone.


New member
Consent between an adulterer and his tramp is not ok nor legitimate. It harms other people.

Polygamy harms other people.

Homosexuality harms other people.

No such thing as sin that doesn't harm anyone.

Ah, the same tired old line.
Any evidence at all besides your own declaration and/or misinterpretation of a religious document?

Explain how a relationship privately and voluntarily entered into (as opposed to under duress) by two adults does ANYTHING to even slightly affect you.

And don't even try the "Well I have to see them in public" argument, because "in public" means exactly that, and you have no control nor any right to control over what others do in it, except what violates the current set of laws.

You have no right to legislate your personal tastes or inflict them upon others, and rightly so.

Son of Jack

New member
Consent between an adulterer and his tramp is not ok nor legitimate. It harms other people.

Absolutely agree with you on this point. I'd include pornography along with adultery.

Polygamy harms other people.

Okay, but how do you deal with the clear cases of polygamy in the OT?

Homosexuality harms other people.

Not saying I disagree with you, but who is harmed in this situation?

No such thing as sin that doesn't harm anyone.
