Complete border meltdown

The Barbarian

Barbarian explains why he knows about some of the things that fizzappa doesn't:
I have a son in McAllen who is a government employee who happens to be a position to know more about it. (I took the liberty of restoring the part you edited out)

... that's what I thought. Quite the set of credentials

He deals with the problems daily. Suffice to say, he's got a much better take on it than you do.

Mr. Border Expert.

Let's just say he's got a bigger and clearer picture than you do.

Your notion that ISIS is working for the CIA, notwithstanding.


Well-known member

I think this one both overstates and understates the problem. In stating that we have ceded the Northern 20 to 30 miles of our border those suggesting this are over simplifying the phenomenon. The border is not unlike the so called fence along it. The porosity varies with the state, terrain and proximity of urban areas. Our federal government ceded the public lands they had along the border long ago and many of these reach much deeper into the U.S. than 20 to 30 miles.

The amount of land owned by the U.S. varies remarkably from state to state with Texas having the largest instance of private land ownership in the U.S. much less the border. This makes for a unique situation and a variety of responses to this situation that finds some not waiting for help they know will likely not come from the state or the feds. A friend of mine just came back from a trip further up the Rio Grande to help build one land owner a bunker on his farm to deal with the regular incursions from the south. It was designed to repel an RPG. Could be a cottage industry in the making here if things continue the way they are going.

The Barbarian

A friend of mine just came back from a trip further up the Rio Grande to help build one land owner a bunker on his farm to deal with the regular incursions from the south. It was designed to repel an RPG. Could be a cottage industry in the making here if things continue the way they are going.

Given the incidence of deaths of private property owners confronting illegal immigrants, it would be only slightly less daffy than putting a meteorite shelter on your home.

But that's the price one pays for not understanding the law of large numbers.

And given the fact that we are finding ways to stop more and more people at the point of entry...


Complete border meltdown

Is the OP referring to the failure of American border guards to prevent Ted Cruz from sneaking into the US from Calgary Alberta?

It was only after the Dallas Morning News pointed out that Cruz had dual Canadian-American citizenship that he formally renounced his Canadian citizenship as of May 14, 2014.

The Barbarian

I can see the problem. With the huge increase in people being caught and turned away at the border, the number of them on the Mexican side has been rising.


I feel your concern, but I doubt if Obama is going to relax border security thereby.

The Barbarian

Border Patrol Agent and Rio Grande Valley National BP Council vice president Chris Cabrera told ABC News that there is no real medical screening and agents are encountering illegal aliens with infections: ‘We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses….

Which is a major concern, because we never had MRSA, chicken pox, or other viruses here before Obama became president.

Did we?

So there's another reason to impeach him. Chicken pox. He planned, it no doubt. Or maybe Ted Cruz brought it in from Canada. One of those.

Did Cruz finally renounce his Canadian citizenship? He's now officially an American. Nice going, Ted. So much for the rumor that Canadians are all friendly, rational people.

Edit: WFTH-I
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Well-known member
The average person doesn’t know what’s going on down here.

...and then there's Barbie

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Ignore what you can't deal with if you will but at some level even an Ostrich will learn that if you stick your head in the sand long enough you'll get hit in the keister with a truck you didn't see coming because of where you had your head ... only yours isn't in the sand.

The Barbarian

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Mocking me because I have limits and you don't... kinda rude, fizzle.

Ignore what you can't deal with

You can do that only so long as no one points stuff out to you. Like the great increase in the number of illegal entries caught at the border and sent back. Your story doesn't fit the facts. Ignore it if you like, but well, you know.

if you will but at some level even an Ostrich will learn that if you stick your head in the sand long enough you'll get hit in the keister with a truck you didn't see coming

Like your assumption that MRSA and chicken pox comes from Mexico?

because of where you had your head ... only yours isn't in the sand.

That could explain your beliefs on immigration. You won't see a lot of border stops in your lower digestive tract. At least not in the sense we're talking about it.


Well-known member
You won't see a lot of border stops in your lower digestive tract. At least not in the sense we're talking about it.

No, you don't see much of anything of merit unless you're a Proctologist ... and that's my point. Unless, of course, you're a Proctologist.


Well-known member

I think this one both overstates and understates the problem. In stating that we have ceded the Northern 20 to 30 miles of our border those suggesting this are over simplifying the phenomenon. The border is not unlike the so called fence along it. The porosity varies with the state, terrain and proximity of urban areas. Our federal government ceded the public lands they had along the border long ago and many of these reach much deeper into the U.S. than 20 to 30 miles.

The amount of land owned by the U.S. varies remarkably from state to state with Texas having the largest instance of private land ownership in the U.S. much less the border. This makes for a unique situation and a variety of responses to this situation that finds some not waiting for help they know will likely not come from the state or the feds. A friend of mine just came back from a trip further up the Rio Grande to help build one land owner a bunker on his farm to deal with the regular incursions from the south. It was designed to repel an RPG. Could be a cottage industry in the making here if things continue the way they are going.

Said friend is off to build the next bunker. Not sure where this is all going but it is interesting.


New member
De 28:43 The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.De 28:44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.
45 ¶ Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:


New member
you don't think mexico has mrsa and chicken pox?
MRSA infection rates in Mexico are no higher than the US, and the infection appears to have spread from the US to Mexico originally.

Why would you be worrying about a disease that developed in rich industrialised nations spreading from poor mexico?


New member
If you hang a sign on the door saying,“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” what do you expect?