Common Core


It never makes good sense to dumb people down so others will feel better about their lack of achievement.

Educators have been "lowering the curve" for years, this just employs it as a "standard". The cream will always rise. Methinks you're much ado-ing over nothing.


New member
Hall of Fame
Educators have been "lowering the curve" for years, this just employs it as a "standard". The cream will always rise. Methinks you're much ado-ing over nothing.

The state of the education system these days, backs what i said.




Shoot them all in the leg before they could jump, a flesh wound is better than death.


Wow, that's macabre. I like it. :first:

Though I'm not sure I'd make it legal, I think people should have the liberty to take their own life. Liberty is a series of unpleasant choices - but at least they're ours.

The indoctrination thing makes it a bit more difficult, if it was Jim Jones I'd just shoot him in the legs until he told his people he's a liar. Then again they'd probably all attack you because he made them into sheep.


Would you watch a mass suicide off a bridge if a teachers union agreed with it?


Not likely...but first I'd ask exactly why/how the teacher's union was involved and the rationale behind supporting such.

Any other stupid questions A4T?



Not likely...but first I'd ask exactly why/how the teacher's union was involved and the rationale behind supporting such.

Any other stupid questions?

You're being far too biased, that wasn't a stupid question.

She's asking you if you think everything unions do is something you support? She's asking you if you recognise the bad parts?


You're being far too biased, that wasn't a stupid question.

She's asking you if you think everything unions do is something you support? She's asking you if you recognise the bad parts?

And you're not biased enough, it was quite stupid.


And you're not biased enough, it was quite stupid.

There you go again, based on your lack of answer we can both assume that you support unions absolutely.

I have one last hope and it's that you're not familiar with the phrase Angel was using:

"If they told you to jump of a bridge would you do it?"

It's quite common, she didn't mean it literally. Apart from that all I can do is assume; supra.


How is that absolute....notwithstanding your lack of ability to demonstrate an absolute?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Common Core Standards in Schools is the lefts Billion plus dollar way of teaching false history to all our kids in order to form a more receptive public to the slavery producing principles of communism. That is our battle. The fight to keep our liberty and freedom of choice. The battle against communism is at its peak in America. We honestly want less government. Big government control of anything does not produce freedom or a stable and fruitful economy for anyone, except those in government. Be honest America, work hard for what you want, it is the natural order of survival in this life. Be charitable to those that are less fortunate but, not to those that feel entitled or lazy. Fight communism( liberalism) every day, with every conversation and every deed. If not our liberty and that of our descendants will VERY SOON vanish !!!


[David Horowitz’s 'Go For The Heart' Puts Big Education in Its Crosshairs Breitbart News] "David Horowitz has a new organization called "Go For the Heart," a 501c4, which will employ Horowitz's 'turn the guns around on them strategy' toward the Democrats and their cronies who enable bad legislation and policies that have proved disastrous to those it is intended to help.

Go For the Heart’s first offering, a sixty second web spot called "Atrocity,” pulls no punches in an attempt to focus the tragedy of failing public schools on those he sees as responsible for the ongoing and dismal failures of these schools: Democrats and the Teachers Unions that support them..." Full text: David Horowitz’s 'Go For The Heart' Puts Big Education in Its Crosshairs Pr 22:6